Self-esteem affirmations louise hey. Effective Confidence Affirmations for Women

Self-confidence and self-confidence always brings excellent results. It is important no matter what area of \u200b\u200bself-realization you choose: to be a mistress, wife and mother, to engage in self-development, aim at career growth or combine. To achieve success in your endeavors and make sure that any business is argued in your hands, you will be helped by affirmations for self-confidence for women, examples of which are from detailed instructions for the most important areas of life and instructions on how to draw up individual formulations that work just for you, you will find in this article.

How and why affirmations work

The right attitude is so important for women precisely because they often underestimate their capabilities, an example is the following tendency:

In work, a man will sooner agree to perform an unusual task, even if he still lacks competence. He usually does not doubt that he will be able to find the necessary information along the way, even if he does not have the necessary knowledge initially. A woman in such a situation is often subject to doubts and agrees to try something new only when she is already fully qualified for this. This approach can lead to the fact that you miss a profitable opportunity, slows down your career growth and makes it difficult to feel fulfilled and in demand as a professional.

Self-confidence will help to avoid such situations. Its formation requires not only correct active actions, but also birth aetcorrect motivation (and without it no activity will be effective) to work with your subconscious. Affirmations are short, positive affirmations that you use to set yourself up for success:

  • As you formulate the appropriate wording, you ponder your desires and conduct self-examination to reveal your true motives. This promotes a better understanding of oneself and helps to get rid of dissatisfaction with life.
  • The regular repetition of these formulations becomes a kind of ritual. You can set yourself a good mood and give yourself strength for the whole day, or use them in your free minutes to relax and pleasantly encourage yourself for the next step towards your goal.
  • The realization that you are in control of your life, and the noticed effect of this work on yourself, become even more effective, summing up: the more accurately and successfully you apply affirmations, the more they affect you. Each successful step will make you happier, helping to find complete harmony with yourself.

Let's take a closer look at what affirmations can be used to achieve confidence in the most significant areas of life.

Positive Affirmations for Women: Examples for Different Areas of Life

This technique works best when it is individualized. No one can think of positive affirmations that work for you better than yourself. However, the general information that the phrases used should be expressed in an affirmative form and indicate in which direction you wish to move and develop may not be enough to fully understand. To understand how the technique works, general examples are best suited to build your own formulations.

Affirmations to boost self-esteem and self-confidence

It is these qualities that are often lacking in order to take a decisive step and bring qualitative changes to life. Such affirmations are especially helpful for women whose self-confidence and healthy self-esteem have been shaken by stress, traumatic parenting situations and negative attitudes in society.

Options to build on for creating your own formulas:

  • I deserve to be successful.
  • I choose my own course in life.
  • I love me.
  • My talents and skills are developing every day.
  • I only talk about myself in a positive way.
  • My personality traits are wonderful.
  • I am brave and determined.
  • I am confident from the inside.
  • I love others, and it is mutual.
  • I am successful in learning and growing.

Good health affirmations for women

Diseases interfere with the realization of our plans and take away strength. This makes health promotion a universal goal of affirmations.

  • My body is functioning perfectly.
  • Illness bypasses me.
  • I am full of strength and vigor.
  • I am not subject to stress.
  • (A diseased organ or system) works great.
  • My vision is improving.

Affirmations to Improve Appearance and Slimness

Healthy self-esteem is very important for realization in all areas of life, and attitude towards your appearance is one of the most important parts of it. Hating your body, not treating it positively and upset from looking in the mirror, it is impossible to maintain yourself in good or at least acceptable physical shape - the mental state invariably affects the state of the body, and the achievement of the desired result from training and a proper diet is delayed or becomes unattainable. Weight loss affirmations for women will help to avoid such phenomena:

  • I am proud of my body.
  • My weight is perfect.
  • I radiate beauty with all my appearance.
  • I am beautiful and sexy.
  • I am proud of my unique appearance.
  • My body is beautiful and full of strength.
  • Men are attracted to my feminine curves.

Affirmations that improve your personal life and attract a man's love

Love and reciprocity in her is one of the most important areas of life. To build new harmonious relationships or improve understanding in existing ones, the following affirmations will help:

  • I have enough strength to love and be loved.
  • I am worthy of love.
  • Our passion grows stronger day by day.
  • We have a long-term relationship.
  • I like! That's wonderful!
  • I enjoy moments of intimacy.
  • I'm next to the right person.
  • I push conflicts away from myself.
  • I express my feelings without hindrance.

Daily Affirmations for Women: How to Use Effectively

The technique works with regular and conscious use. Listen to yourself, record the results, be sure to reward yourself for every success along the way, even if it seems petty and unworthy of attention.

The form in which you apply the affirmations does not really matter, it only matters how well it works for you personally. The following options may suit you individually or in combination:

  1. Repetition of formulas to yourself or out loud - loudly and with expression.
  2. Text beautifully designed on a computer: splash screen, desktop wallpaper or start page in the browser, where your eyes will regularly stop. This will remind you to apply the affirmation, and you can resort to it at a convenient moment when nothing will bother you.
  3. The handwritten list of wording also works well. Take a sheet of paper, decorative or plain white, and write the affirmations you plan to use in neat, legible handwriting. Get it in the right time or simply clip in a visible place.
  4. If you are an auditor, look for recordings of suitable affirmations for women. The selection criterion can be the authorship of a psychologist (they have special techniques pronouncing words aimed at a more accurate impact) or a voice whose timbre is pleasant to you.

Self-confidence affirmations for women are part of an enjoyable daily self-improvement and self-improvement ritual that engages the mechanisms of your psyche to achieve success and gain self-confidence.

Self-confidence is a state of mind, being in which a person can move mountains. Without this feeling, you can hardly achieve success. However, confidence is rarely an innate feeling for anyone. It is acquired with the development of a way of thinking and attitude towards life. Every person can be confident in himself and in his abilities. To do this, it is enough to adhere to a number of life laws:

  • if you think that you do not have enough strength to perform a certain action, you will never do it;
  • if you think that victory will be given to you with difficulty, then you will not win at all;
  • if you think that your opponents are stronger than you, then you surrendered before the onset of the battle;
  • free your thoughts from fears and all kinds of doubts. Imagine which of the great things you wish you could accomplish if you had all the qualities and resources you need, and boldly undertake to carry out your plans without fear of anything;
  • immediately start fighting your beliefs. Ask someone you trust to tell me if they see qualities in you that are holding you back from success and confidence. Be attentive to constructive criticism.

The truth of life is that you are no worse than others. And if there are people in front of you who have reached greater heights in life than you, do not rush to envy them. It is much better to ask such people how they have achieved success. Remember, if you want to be more confident in yourself, communicate with confident people.

And finally, the best way to acquire the qualities of a business person is self-hypnosis of self-confidence. Every day affirmations are called upon to help in this matter.

Instilling confidence. Affirmations

Affirmations are designed to replace negative emotions with positive beliefs every day. The longer a person repeats their affirmations, the sooner they will achieve the desired results. Every day your consciousness will absorb affirmations and you will imperceptibly change your behavior and attitude towards life.

Don't be afraid to talk to yourself. You do this every day, but instead of positive reviews about yourself, you most often think negatively about your abilities, your inability to do anything, or, more simply, every day you make your self-doubt flourish and develop. Affirmations can help you replace negativity with daily positive affirmations and set up your self-talk to feel positive about your qualities.

Confidence affirmations only work under certain conditions. At the very least, you must believe in what you are saying. To make sure your positive statements really work, don't use templates. Affirmations must be written by you personally and individually. There are several ways to write your own life statements:

  1. Your affirmation must be true and you must believe what you are saying. Make it easy for yourself and add the word "solving" to the statement.
  2. For example - you did not really believe in the phrase - "I am attractive." Now replace it with the phrase - "from tomorrow I will do a series of procedures every day (gymnastics, swimming, running) so that others will notice how attractive I am."
  3. Your affirmation must be real to be embodied. The phrase - "I get a lot of money" you will not achieve anything. The best option is to say to yourself - "I decided that I will earn 80,000 rubles a month." That way you will at least know how much money you need to make.
  4. Never use “not” and the words “never” and “no” in your self-confidence affirmations. A negative attitude will play a bad role against you.
  5. Affirmations must be personal. Your statements should only help solve the problems of your life.
  6. Invest emotions in self-hypnosis of self-confidence. The brighter the feelings and emotions from your new life attitudes, the sooner these statements will bring real results.

Before you compose your affirmations for self-confidence, analyze your entire life and try to understand what specifically, i.e. what qualities do you lack. Then start writing your own affirmations for each day.

Examples of instilling confidence include the following affirmations:

The way of reading affirmations is also highly individual. You can recite them in the morning or evening, in front of the mirror, or before going to bed in bed. The main thing is to believe in the truthfulness of your own words, then you will gradually gain confidence in yourself, and some of the affirmations will become your credo.

Affirmations are positive affirmations that help change our way of thinking and shape the future we aspire to.

Affirmations are statements that describe a desired state. For greater efficiency, affirmations are repeated several times, in order to convince the subconscious of something and cause positive results.
Repeated repetition of words focuses your attention on the goal and automatically builds corresponding images in the mind, which, in turn, affects the subconscious. Thus, at first the statement is perceived consciously, and then the subconscious mind takes on its responsibility. Using this conscious process, you can influence the subconscious part of the mind, and thereby transform your habits, behavior, attitudes, reactions, and even change your outer life.

Unfortunately, much more often, people repeat negative words and statements about events in their lives, and accordingly this attracts undesirable situations.

Words and affirmations can work in two directions, for creation and destruction, so we use them, attracting positive or negative results.

Sometimes, people repeat negative words and statements unconsciously, following their negative thinking, they tell themselves that they cannot do something, that they are too lazy, that they do not have inner strength, and that the business they have started is necessarily doomed to failure. And the subconscious mind accepts this as truth, which ultimately leads to the corresponding events and results in their lives. The subconscious mind does not know if this is good or bad for you, it absorbs everything that gets into it like a sponge, so isn't it better to change this and convince yourself only in a positive context?
Here are a few affirmations that can help you build your confidence. You just need to choose a few of the positive statements that you think you need today and start your day with them.

  • From now on, I want to see my own beauty and splendor.
  • I have a wonderful balance of feminine energy.
  • I am a young, slim, beautiful and sexy woman!
  • I am a wise and beautiful woman.
  • I firmly decided to love myself and please myself.
  • I am the one and only for myself.
  • I am a strong woman.
  • I don't belong to anyone; I am free.
  • I am aware of my strength and use it.
  • It's good for me to be alone.
  • I like other women, I love and support them.
  • I like being a woman.
  • I feel my own integrity and perfection.
  • I am a very strong woman, worthy of love and respect.
  • I know how to take care of myself.
  • I like the way I look.
  • I accept myself for who I am.
  • I love me!
  • I am a wonderful woman!
  • I am delighted with myself!
  • I'm happy with myself!
  • I appreciate myself! I take care of myself! I am worthy of care and attention!
  • I am self-sufficient!
  • I make all the decisions myself!
  • I get pleasure from self-realization and reaching new heights!
  • I easily take the first steps to my happiness! I deserve a lot!
  • I allow men to show their intelligence, gallantry and generosity in their relationship with me!
  • I am the mistress of my life!
  • I am a divine creature and I have limitless possibilities!
  • I am worthy of love and easily meet a man worthy of me!
  • I thank the Creator for creating such a beautiful and perfect being like me!
  • I allow myself to build any relationship with men!
  • Every man brings me joy and pleasure!
  • My relationship with all men gives me joy and pleasure!
  • Men love me!
  • Men see me as a charming woman!
  • I am in awe of my body!
  • I am delighted with my femininity!
  • I am delighted with my sexuality!
  • I am delighted with my sensuality!
  • I admire my appearance and my actions!
  • I easily find agreement with my body!
  • I am a perfect woman!
  • I love myself and I am loved by myself!
  • I am delighted with myself!
  • I am happy, confident, successful - Here and Now!
  • I love and I am loved - Here and Now!
  • I am whole, wise, effective and successful - Here and Now!
  • I'm feminine and sexy.

The speed at which an affirmation produces results varies widely. Depending on the size of your goal, results may appear immediately, in a few days, weeks, months, or even longer. The speed of results is influenced by factors such as time, attention, faith, the feelings with which you repeat the statements, the strength of your desire, and how large or small your goal is.

The main thing to remember is that if you repeat the affirmations for a few minutes and then start thinking negatively for the rest of the day, the effect of the affirmations will be neutralized. If you want to achieve positive results, you need to give up negative thinking.
Based on materials from

In order to achieve success in any area of \u200b\u200blife, it is important to have confidence in yourself and in your capabilities. A lot depends on this, because according to the law of attraction, you attract what you twist in your thoughts and what you feel. If your attitude towards yourself goes through the prism of uncertainty and doubt, you destroy opportunities, and form a negative reality that reflects what you thought earlier. Instead of success, you face failure and program further negative scenarios for your future instead of positive.

In addition, lack of confidence deprives a person of the opportunity to act, go forward, towards their desires. A person who does not believe in himself has low self-esteem and believes that everything is doomed anyway. He considers himself unworthy of happiness and therefore does nothing, or worsens what is already there.

One way to build confidence is by using affirmations in conjunction with a meditative technique. That is, throughout the day you use the formulas of self-hypnosis, which will be given below, or your own, as well as work with the sensory component for at least 30 minutes a day, presenting and feeling yourself as a confident person now.

Top 10 Confidence Affirmations - these are "I allow myself to be myself" and "I love myself." Use them constantly, they have great power.

You do not need to somehow change yourself so that you are loved and so that you achieve success. You need to accept your soul and body, allowing them to show their individuality. And learn to attract happiness into your life, using the power of reason in combination with active action.

You should respect and develop your strengths, rather than focus on weaknesses and weaknesses.

Examples of affirmations to boost self-confidence

I accept my individuality.

I love everything about myself. I love every part of my body and my soul.

I allow myself to go my own way, fulfilling my dreams.

I deserve the best and I allow myself to have the best.

I notice and reinforce my good points.

I feel confident.

I am confident and can easily choose the right decision.

I am free in my decisions. I know that I will achieve everything that I intend.

I have the right to live my life and fulfill my destiny.

I like to expand my comfort zone and go new.

I accept and enjoy change with flexibility, seeing the grain of success in everything.

I appreciate my ability.

I believe in you! I know I can make myself happy.

I am the master of my future!

I feel confident in any society.

I am responsible for my world.

I am confident in my goals and intend to achieve them.

I know the universe takes care of me.

I feel calm confidence in any situation.

I express my opinion with confidence.

I develop confidence and vitality.

I think positively about my body.

My confidence is at an adequate level.

I have love and other positive feelings towards myself.

I grow my confidence constantly.

How to read affirmations

1. Select the desired setting. Better to compose it yourself. Pay attention to the fact that your subconscious mind accepts what you are saying. When creating new thoughts, keep in mind that they should be in the present tense.

2. Read beliefs in a confident voice while keeping focus on words and images. By visualizing what you want, you increase the effectiveness of magic sentences. For example, as you say affirmations, you can keep in mind how you are confidently communicating with someone who is important to you. Or you speak in public and you are applauded. It is important to choose pictures that evoke a positive.

3. Work with formulas regularly. From 1 month. All develop individually. And to change subconscious programs someone needs a month, someone half a year.

4. Do the practice correctly. No mechanics. Concentration and awareness are important. If you have trouble focusing, develop it with exercise.

5. Get out of the comfort zone. Expand it constantly. Act. Go on your fears.

6. You can use affirmations in writing. To do this, write them in a notebook with your left hand. Be sure to relax before practice.

7. The best way to apply formulas is to read them in alpha state. In order to enter it, one should relax the body, calm the mind and count from 100 to 1, looking at one point. For the experienced, you can cut the bill.

Then we rhythmically recite any mantra, preferably out loud. For example Free Den. After counting from 100 to 1, close your eyes and speak your beliefs.

8. If you are good at perceiving audio information, then write down the settings on a disc and listen to them during meditative walks.

9. Create a wish map for a topic with positive pictures and beliefs.

Mindfulness always

It makes no sense to read the settings for 10 minutes a day, and the rest of the time to have a destructive attitude. Don't be fooled. In order for the work to be successful, you should control your thought programs. And when they are black, stop and tell yourself:

"What are you again cultivating lack of confidence? In fact, I am the way it should be! I will succeed."

Examples of

1. I radiate inner strength. I am a winner. I know I can do a lot. I believe in you.

2. I develop my talents and focus on strengths.

3. I am beautiful.

4. I am accepted by others.

5. If I act, I can do anything.

6. I am confident.

7. I'm safe. The world wishes me well.

8. I make decisions easily.

9. I am always successful.

10. I love myself. My appearance and character are right for a happy life.

11. I am the creator of my life. I act towards my dreams.

12. I have high self-esteem.

13. I am worthy of all the blessings of the world.

14. I can be happy and I am happy!

15. I realize myself and my abilities.

16. I value myself highly.

17. My work is worthy of reward.

18. I accept my age. He's right for me.

19. I radiate confidence.

20. I am a magnet for happiness and positive change.

21. I am as it should be.

22. People like me.

23. I am a man of my word. He said he did. Set a goal, completed it. IM proud of myself.

24. I finish what I started.

25. I focus on success. And I see them every day.

26. I am a self-sufficient person.

27. I believe in myself.

28. I believe in limitless possibilities.

29. I am lucky.

30. I forgive myself for my mistakes. I take only good things from my past. I learn from mistakes and move on.

31. I see goodness in everything.

32. I realize my purpose in life.

33. I respect myself.

34. I am the wonderful expression of the universe itself. I am the miracle of life.

35. I have the power of God, and I use it for good.

36. I concentrate on what I can. And I do it.

37. My actions are productive.

Additional practices

To make the effect faster, always use an integrated approach.

And remember, in order to change something in life, it is not the theory that is important, but the pactic. If you act, you will come to what you want.

1.Exercise with a mirror.

Look in the mirror every day in a comfortable position and say words of love to your reflection.

2. Diary of success.

Learn to focus on the positive. See your victories and achievements. Write them down and reread them occasionally.

3. Visualization.

In a relaxed state, draw images of confidence in your mind. Feel them. Feel like a complete person, worthy of the best.

If you can't handle your problem on your own, find a good coach. Attend training sessions with professional psychologists.

It is possible to increase confidence with the help of affirmations, the main thing is to follow the rules of their application, be sure to read them in a trance state clearly and consciously. And remember about regularity.



  • The source of all troubles

  • Signs of low self-esteem

  • How to improve self-esteem?

Self-esteem affects absolutely all actions and actions of a person. You may not even know about it, but over and over again fail with it. Usually, the most commonplace low self-esteem underlies a variety of problems. How to define it? What are the reasons for this personality trait? And what to do with it?

The source of all troubles
Like all other components of personality, self-esteem does not arise out of nowhere. It is formed on the basis of childhood memories, relationships with people, personal experience and character traits. All these things in the aggregate make up our perception of ourselves - "I am good" or "I am bad." And if a person is doing well in one area and problems in another, this can leave a certain imprint on his life.

Most of the problems are known to come from childhood. A person grows and develops due to the fact that he freely “absorbs” all the information that parents and the environment give him. Self-attitude is formed in the same way: a small child still does not know how to evaluate his behavior, and his self-perception is based on suggestions from the immediate environment, as well as on their reactions. That is why, if parents constantly scold a child, he gets used to the feeling of his own worthlessness.

It is clear that the father and mother always wish their child well. And in some cases, these wishes are transformed into a system of high requirements for the child. He must behave well, get some A's, be clean and tidy - on the one hand, these things sound quite normal, and, on the other, can cause the child to develop a feeling of hyperresponsibility, which will subsequently lead to a feeling of emotional constraint. If he fails to meet these requirements, then he feels like a failure. But even if it works out, the child develops a stereotype that he is good only when he obeys his parents, and in all other cases he is bad.

Often the cause of low self-esteem is any appearance defects or disease. In this case, the child feels different from everyone else, and the environment confirms his guess. It is especially difficult if peers are constantly laughing at him, because then the difficult task of finding and providing such a resource for the child, relying on which he will see his own merits and uniqueness, falls on the shoulders of the parents.

Low self-esteem does not necessarily have its roots in deep childhood. Sometimes one major professional failure or traumatic relationship is enough. This usually happens in cases where excessive significance is attributed to a negative event. A person begins to engage in self-flagellation instead of thinking about how to fix the current situation. Naturally, this leads to a loss of self-esteem, as a result of which a person ceases to be successful on all fronts, which causes an even greater decrease in self-esteem.

In some cases, a significant person, for example, a husband or boss, takes on the role of a traumatic factor. If for a long time he will only do what to criticize you and emphasize your shortcomings, then it is not surprising that sooner or later you will agree with him. Some unique people even manage to give a negative assessment of your intended future actions. That is why you should not take everything that is said about you for granted: consider constructive criticism, and just shut yourself off from the rest of the negative.

The comparison mechanism is very popular among people who consider themselves to be losers. By observing the success of those who have accomplished more in life, you can motivate yourself to achieve new goals. However, for some people this mechanism becomes excessive, and the opposite effect is obtained: instead of being inspired, a person begins to feel worthless and stops taking on any new beginnings. Remember that there is always someone who does something better than you, but that does not mean that you are bad. You just need to take a closer look at him and think about what he does so special and whether it suits you personally. And, of course, you should set yourself adequate situations and realistic goals, since constant disappointment in yourself has not yet inspired anyone.

Signs of low self-esteem

  • Lack of respect from the people around you. The world is so arranged that the person with whom you communicate intuitively feels and perceives you in accordance with your self-attitude. And if you love and respect yourself, then he will do the same - as in the opposite case. In addition, a person with low self-esteem is inclined to choose such partners for communication who will confirm this opinion. It turns out a vicious circle, from which only you can pull yourself out.

  • Inclination to self-flagellation. This is both a cause and a consequence of low self-esteem. The habit of complaining about life, bad circumstances, their own helplessness - this is what insecure people do around the clock. The constant feeling of self-pity and the position of the victim indicate an unwillingness to take responsibility for their own life, because it is much easier to blame it on the environment.

  • Constant nervousness and anxiety. It is very difficult for an insecure girl to go through life: it seems to her that dangers and everyday troubles lie in wait for her everywhere. This is very exhausting, and the person's hands are even more lowered.

  • Suspiciousness towards others. A person with low self-esteem is inclined to blame not only himself, but everyone around him. He is full of claims to the whole world, because he transfers his own negative perception outside.

  • Constant thoughts about how unhappy you are, unlucky, ugly, sick, etc. ... You don't like absolutely everything about yourself, from the shape of the eyebrows to the literary tastes. At the same time, subconsciously, you do not seek to hide your flaws, but, on the contrary, emphasize them - with a strange manner of dressing or stupid statements, for example.

  • Loneliness and lack of close friends. Due to the features listed above, it becomes impossible for a girl with low self-esteem to establish close trusting relationships. She is thrown from depression and despondency to periodic attempts to become someone else, wearing a fake mask. Naturally, there is no sense in this, and as a result, such a girl turns more and more into an embittered shrew.

How to improve self-esteem?
Everything that we wrote above does not mean the end of the world - you can still fix the current situation. Thinking about the question of how to raise a woman's self-esteem, we must not forget that magic wands do not exist. This means that the efforts that you have to make must be regular and sincere.

First of all, stop scolding and blaming yourself, because this is how your mind is constantly being programmed for negative self-perception. At first, it will be difficult to fulfill this prescription, and you will probably just have to stop your own flow of thoughts at these moments and switch to something else.

Another step in the right direction is to find alternative reasons for your failure. If earlier you blamed yourself for all misadventures, then it's time to stop it! Every time something bad happens and it seems to you that the reason for this is in your shortcomings, try to find alternative explanations. For example, your boss criticized your report. You can, of course, endlessly “chew” the thought of how unlucky you are, or you can look for other explanations: you wrote the report “with one left foot”, because there was no time (this is different from banal self-flagellation - here you admit your responsibility and try to correct the mistake), the boss is in a bad mood, etc. ... This exercise may be difficult at first, but soon it will become a habit and your brain will automatically start thinking in a constructive way.

You also need to stop comparing yourself to other people - at least for a while. There will always be those in the world who turn out to be smarter, more beautiful, stronger and better than you in any other way. This does not mean that you should accept it - rather, stop being upset about this. Comparisons take too much time and mental strength, which is better to devote to self-improvement. And when someone compliments you, just say “thank you” instead of “nothing special”. Thus, you will stop internally underestimating your merits and agree with them.

In conclusion, I would like to say that in order to increase self-esteem, a girl needs to be in her place and do what she really likes. In this case, invisible and light wings seem to grow behind your back, which help you to be active and joyful. As your self-esteem improves, you will forget about your failures and gain peace of mind. And your whole life will confirm the fact that you are a bright and unique person.

How to improve self-esteem and self-confidence?
Here are 12 tips to help you do this:

1. Stop comparing yourself to other people. There will always be people who have more of something than you, and there are people who have less of that than you. If you make comparisons, you will always have too many opponents or opponents in front of you that you cannot beat.

2. Stop berating and blaming yourself. You cannot develop high level self-esteem if you repeat negative statements about yourself and your abilities. Do you talk about your appearance, your career, your relationship, financial situation or any other aspect of your life, avoid self-deprecating comments. Self-esteem correction is directly related to your statements about yourself.

3. Accept all compliments and congratulations in return "thanks". When you respond to a compliment with something like, “Nothing special,” you reject the compliment and simultaneously send yourself a message that you are not praiseworthy, creating low self-esteem. Therefore, take the praise without belittling yourself.

4. Use affirmations (statements) to build self-esteem. Place a statement on a commonly used item, such as a plastic card or wallet, such as “I love and accept myself” or “I am an attractive woman and deserve the best in life.” May this statement always be with you. Repeat the statement several times throughout the day, especially before you go to bed and after you wake up. Whenever you repeat an affirmation, feel a positive emotion about the affirmation. Thus, the effect of the impact will be significantly enhanced.

5. Use seminars, books, audio and video recordings to improve self-esteem. Any information you allow into your mind takes root there and affects your behavior. Dominant information influences your actions in a dominant way. If you watch negative television programs or read crime stories in the newspapers, chances are your mood will tend to be cynical and pessimistic. Likewise, if you read books or listen to programs that are positive in nature and can increase your self-esteem, you will gain qualities from them.

6. Try to connect with positive and confident people who are willing to support you. When you are surrounded by negative people who constantly suppress you and your ideas, your self-esteem goes down. On the other hand, when you are accepted and encouraged, you feel better and your self-esteem increases.

7. Make a list of your past accomplishments. It doesn't have to be monumental. The list could include small wins, such as learning how to snowboard, getting a driver's license, starting to go to the gym regularly, etc. Review this list regularly. As you read your accomplishments, try to close your eyes and re-experience the satisfaction and joy that you once experienced.

8. Form a list of your positive qualities. Are you being honest? Selfless? Helpful for others? Are you creative? Be supportive of yourself and write down at least 20 of your positive qualities. As with the previous list, it is important to review this list frequently. Many people focus on their shortcomings, reinforcing their own low self-esteem, and then wonder why things in their life are not as good as they would like. Start focusing on your merits and you are much more likely to achieve what you want.

9. Start giving more to others. I'm not talking about money. It means giving yourself up in the form of actions that you can use to help others or positively rewarding others. When you do something for others, you begin to feel like a more valuable individual, and your self-esteem and mood increase.

10. Try to do what you enjoy. It is difficult to feel positive about yourself if your days are spent at work that you despise. Self-esteem thrives when you are busy with work or any other vigorous activity that brings you pleasure and makes you feel more valuable. Even if your job does not suit you completely, you can devote your free time to some of your hobbies that bring you joy.

11. Be true to yourself. Live your own life. You will never respect yourself if you don’t spend your life the way you want it to. If you make decisions based on the approval of your friends and family, you are not being true to yourself and you will have low self-esteem.

12. Take action! You cannot develop a high level of self-esteem if you sit still and not accept the challenges that arise in front of you. When you act, regardless of the result you get, your sense of self-esteem grows, you feel more pleasant feelings about yourself. When you hesitate to act out of fear or some other anxiety, you will only feel upset and sad feelings, which, of course, will lead to a decrease in self-esteem.

You are a unique person, with tremendous opportunities, with tremendous potential. As your self-esteem grows, your true abilities will unfold. You will begin to take more risks and not be afraid of rejection; you will not be guided by the approval of other people; your relationship will be much more useful both for you and for others; you will do what brings you joy and satisfaction. Most importantly, high self-esteem will bring you peace of mind and you will truly truly value yourself.

Affirmations - positive statements aimed at increasing self-confidence cope with the task very well. They are actively used by people for self-improvement in various spheres of life: femininity, health, success, achieving goals, etc. … Say the affirmations several times every day. To enhance the effect, write down the most important statements on small pieces of paper and post them around the house. Each time your gaze falls on them, you will believe in yourself more and more.

Write down a list of your personal accomplishments. These do not have to be global and serious matters - include everything that you personally think is important and brings joy and self-satisfaction. For example, a cross-stitched picture or a regular visit to the gym. Review this list regularly. It is best to do this with your eyes closed, bringing back pictures of your accomplishments. The same goes for the list of your positive qualities, which should consist of at least twenty lines. You will be surprised at how wonderful you are!

Try to cut back on people who constantly criticize you. Instead, date positive and confident individuals who will energize you with their own vitality. It's amazing how easy and enjoyable it is to live surrounded by people who support you and don't feed on your energy.
Affirmations "I love myself!"
1. I love myself!
2. I am a wonderful woman!
3. I am delighted with myself!
4. I am full of energy! I am energetic and healthy!
5. I am pleased with myself!
6. I feel great! I enjoy myself!
7. I appreciate myself! I take care of myself! I am worthy of care and attention!
8. I am self-sufficient!
9. I approve of all my actions!
10. I forgive myself for all past fears, doubts, mistakes. I am open to new, joyful changes!
11. I'm happy with myself!
12. I always have my opinion! I let people think what they want about me.
13. I love myself regardless of external circumstances!
14. I'm already an adult! I make all the decisions myself!
15. I get pleasure from self-realization and reaching new heights!
16. I make decisions on my own!
17. I am filled with energy! With every breath my body is filled with vital energy!
18. I can feel my body filling with fresh, powerful positive energy!
19. I am the source of energy!
20. I radiate energy! I am power!
21. Everything I do is right and wonderful, I rejoice in it.
22. I am a divine creature!
23. God directs my actions, so I do everything right.
24. I love myself and am happy in everything I do!
25. I am the most wonderful creature in the world!
26. I am a particle of God and rejoice at my limitless possibilities!
27. Everything I do is wonderful!
28. Everything I say is wonderful, no matter what words I say.
29. I enjoy myself all the time.
30. I am worthy of love!
31. I easily take the first steps to my happiness! I deserve a lot!
32. I allow men to show their intelligence, gallantry and generosity in their relationship with me!
33. I'm happy with everything I say,<делаю или собираюсь сделать!
34. I let Life take care of me and my family!
35. Everything will be great for me!
36. I am learning to trust Life. I am under the protection of the Higher Forces!
37. My future is in my hands!
38. I attract only good events to me!
39. I only do what I really need!
40. I take care of myself!
41. I deserve all the best!
42. Everything that happens to me is for the best!
43. I am the mistress of my life!
44. I am a divine creature and I have unlimited possibilities!
45. I enjoy life every moment!
46. \u200b\u200bI am worthy of love and easily meet a man worthy of me!
47. I am full of life!
48. I am worthy of love!
49. I am the source of love! I give love to people! I am the source of love!
50. Everything I do is great initially!

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