What is collage and how to make it? Basic types and styles of collages Types of collages.

Collage technique is perfect for lessons with children. Since this is not only creativity, but also a kind of game. And there is no shortage of the necessary materials. You can always find on hand old magazines or colorful advertising books from hypermarkets with promotional goods. It will be fun and easy to cut and glue everything in a row, creating a kind of chaotic mosaic. But it is still better to somewhat streamline this creativity, subordinating it to a specific topic.

You can easily find many worthy examples of this in the materials of this section. And you will not only find it, but hopefully use it in your classes with your wards.

Collage is a wonderful game creation for children!

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 514.
All sections | Collage. Workshops for children's collages, examples of work

Over teamwork"Swallows" all children of the senior group of different ages from 4 to 7 years worked. While there was a creative job my children and I learned a beautiful spring poem by Alexei Pleshcheev "The grass turns green, the sun shines" and guessing riddles about spring. Grass...

Fairy tales about "Shrovetide" in the second younger group. Prepared; teacher GBDOU No. 372 of the Moscow region "MIRACLE-CITY" gr. "Teremok" Tyurikova Olga Viktorovna Working with parents... The joint interaction of children and parents in the creative process contributes to spiritual rapprochement ...

Collage. Master classes for children's collages, examples of work - Collage "Winter birds - bullfinches and titmouses"

Publication "Collage" Winter birds - bullfinches and ... " Winter birds - bullfinches and titmouses. On a visit on the first day of the week Tits have arrived to us. And on Tuesday, look, Bullfinches arrived. A rowan tree grows under the window of our group. In winter, different birds flock here to feast on delicious berries. Bullfinches were rare guests. And suddenly...

Library of images "MAAM-pictures"

Master class "Collage as a way of creative development of preschool children" Topic: "Development of the spiritual and creative potential of younger preschoolers through the system of work on artistic and aesthetic education." Form of presentation: master class Title of the presentation: "Collage as a way of creative development of children of primary preschool age" Course ...

Abstract of GCD "Collage" Summary of the GCD class on the topic of self-education: "Collage as a way of creative development of preschool children" Educational area: artistic and aesthetic development Purpose: To teach children to compose a multi-element composition from separate parts in the form of a collage Objectives: -...

Purpose: The exhibition is held with the aim of organizing joint activities of children and parents, development of creative and aesthetic taste. Objectives: to involve parents in joint activities with children; expanding children's understanding of Space, the history of cosmonautics of the USSR. In before ...

Collage. Workshops for children's collages, examples of work - Application of collage techniques for the development of goal-setting in the preparatory group

The purpose of the lesson: improving the ability to set goals. Tasks: Development of fine motor skills of hands; Development of imagination and creative thinking; Improving aesthetic feelings; Development of the ability to navigate on a piece of paper. Materials needed: magazine clippings ...

February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day, which has become a truly national men's day. Our history is complex and confusing. With the passage of time, any event is interpreted differently, and seen differently. But this holiday has long and firmly enjoyed popular love and recognition - Defender's Day ...

The art of photography is a long-established field. But you always want something new. The perfect solution was to create a new direction. Today we will find out, This is a rather fashionable trend in design now. It allows you to combine those details that cannot be obtained by photography.

What is a photo collage?

The term "photo collage" is usually understood as the combination into one whole of a certain number of photographs, which create one complete composition.

How to make a photo collage? This is perhaps the most exciting question for many. If there is a desire for yourself, then there is nothing difficult. You need to show maximum imagination, patience and follow the rules.

Necessary things to create a collage

As many know, a photo collage is one that does not require special artistic knowledge and skills.

To correctly compose a collage, you should think about small details, such as:

  • The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe future work.
  • Materials for manufacturing.
  • The basis of the work.

Everyone should understand why he actually makes a photo collage from photographs himself and what he wants to emphasize with his work. Every detail should reflect the main essence and complement the whole composition.

It must convey the main idea of \u200b\u200bits creator and present it from some completely different and unfamiliar side to the human eye.

Manufacturing materials may vary. In addition to standard photographs, you can use clippings from newspapers and magazines, various objects, notebooks, and even perfume bottles.

As a basis for work, the advantage should be given to a strong and reliable material so that the glued objects are held firmly. Sheets of thick cardboard, chipboard and fiberboard are excellent for such work.

Collage making

Having drawn up the ideological line itself, it is worth starting to perform the work itself and create a photo collage. This can be done using programs, as well as independently, manually.

Before actually applying objects to the base, it is better to first apply a sketch with a pencil in order to correctly arrange all the necessary elements in the picture.

After drawing a sketch, you should prepare a future base on which the objects themselves will be located. Particular attention should be paid to the strength of the fastening of the parts, since only well-strengthened elements look perfect on the canvas.

You can make a great photo collage without using scissors and glue. This requires a computer or laptop.

Manufacturing with programs

The main step in this procedure will be to move photos to the hard drive of a computer or laptop.

You will also need to install a photo editor on your PC. Another option is to use the on-line service to create the necessary sketch of the future collage.

Let's consider the main stages of working with standard photo editing programs.

After downloading and installing the program, we need to create a new project. In the list that appears, you need to select a template for work (the presented options are usually sufficient). After that, you need to go to the settings and set the necessary parameters.

After creating a project template, you can customize the sketch background, insert a frame, an additional photo collage with effects, write text, tilt or resize the picture, remove unnecessary template elements and add your own.

The resulting finished work must be scaled to the required size so that later it can be printed on photographic paper of the required dimensions.

Summing up

How to make a photo collage at home can be seen from the description. But to create a personal unique masterpiece, it is enough to show your talent, imagination and diligence. Of the currently available options, there are two ways: independent and software.

The first requires a lot of time, preparation of parts, accurate calculation of each of them on the very basis. In addition, you should carefully consider the choice of glue for fastening the elements.

The second way is simpler. It allows you to get quite quickly an interesting and unique composition that has an integral structure. It can be placed in a picture frame or placed as a separate element in the interior.

A collage made in one of the ways will perfectly complement almost any interior, add new colors, sophistication and uniqueness to the design. The variety of materials used allows you to combine completely different objects, which further expands the possibilities of creating such a creation. Photo collage is a convenient and irreplaceable thing when creating photo albums and ideological composition.

Collage is a creative art technique that combines a wide variety of materials in one piece, including paper, newspaper clippings, photographs, textiles and other objects. Many modern collages are made up of digital images using computer technology. Also for collages, you can collect clippings with images and text, so that you can then stick them on paper. A more unique approach is to use natural materials for collages, such as sand, shells and plant parts, which are glued to cardboard. Collages are only limited by your imagination, so try to work with all kinds of materials to create a stunning piece of art.


Making a paper collage

    Select the main collage element or theme. A collage can talk about anything. Paper doesn't limit your options in any way, so it all comes down to your creative intent. You might want to piece together photographs of your favorite actor, or write a whole quote from magazine clippings. You can also organize old photos in a certain way to prepare, say, a collage about your family.

    • There are practically no restrictions on what you can do. For example, no one bothers you to cut into small pieces of paper and assemble a larger image from them.
    • One approach is to choose an image that really matters to you and build the rest of the collage around it.
  1. Collect photos and other images to create a collage. There are many inexpensive and readily available sources of images. Flip through old magazines, newspapers, and even picture books to find out what inspires you. Try to put all the images you like in a separate cardboard box until you are ready to use them.

    • Browse magazines and newspapers for clippings. Newspaper clippings give collages a special texture, but sometimes the ink from them can stain your fingers.
    • Apply photos to create a retro effect, but be careful what you use. Be sure to make copies of your favorite photos so that you can cut them out rather than the originals.
    • For something unique, try looking for wallpaper scraps. They often remain after renovation.
  2. Choose thick paper as the basis for your collage. The base of the collage should be thick enough. Thick paper is less prone to creep after glue has been applied. Stay on white paper to avoid color contrast with the clippings you are going to use.

    • Among the materials that can be used as a basis for a collage, we should mention thin and thick cardboard, construction paper and canvas. Typically, any dense and flat material works well for this purpose. You can even use a photo frame as a basis.
    • Avoid glossy watercolor paper. This material is expensive and does not hold up very well with glue.
  3. Cut out images to fit into your collage. The way you cut out the images will affect how they look in the collage. In most cases, the entire image is cropped out without any margins around it. Some images with borders can be trimmed for additional effects, or the image can be cut in a special way to emphasize certain parts of it.

    • For example, you can cut a hole in an image through which paper or other image placed underneath can be seen.
  4. Spread out the images on the paper, not gluing them yet. Try to center the main image and then fill the rest of the space with other materials. Keep building a collage around each additional element you add to develop your chosen theme. Decide on the final design of the collage, since then you will not be able to delete the already pasted images!

    • Achieve a satisfying collage result and wait a while before you start gluing anything to the sheet. This will give you time to find additional materials in case you suddenly change your mind.
  5. Include decorative elements (such as ribbons) in the collage to make it more colorful. Despite the fact that jewelry is not a critical element, if desired, a lot of unique objects can be included in the collage. Feathers, ribbons and scraps of fabric are just a small list of potential materials. Arrange them around the images in a manner consistent with the theme of the collage, or simply use them as additional decor.

    • Look for suitable materials at home or visit your local craft store. You're sure to find tons of cool things to include in your collage!
    • For example, you can draw the outline of an animal on paper and fill it with clippings or stamps. Another option is to create a mosaic of finely chopped paper.
  6. Stick the materials onto the paper using PVA glue. Start at the far end and gradually work your way closer to yourself. Apply a thin layer of stationery PVA (or glue stick) to the back of each individual image before pressing it to the paper. These types of adhesives do not leave visible traces with moderate use. Heavier decorations may also require craft glue to hold them securely to the paper.

    • Use a thick craft glue to secure decorations such as heavy beads and buttons. Look for craft glue or polyurethane glue at craft stores.
    • Remember that you don't have to glue all collage elements flat. Try wrinkling or folding decorative elements to add a touch of style to your collage.
  7. Leave the collage alone overnight to allow the glue to dry. Since your collage probably contains several layers of glue, it will take a long time to dry. Come back to it the next day to look at the results of your work. If by this time the paper is dry and the decor remains in place, then the collage is ready and can be displayed.

    • A small collage usually takes only an hour to dry. If after this time it seems to you that the glue is still damp, give the collage a little more time so that it is guaranteed to dry.
    • If you've made a large collage, try aiming a hair dryer at it. A flow of air with minimal heat will allow the adhesive to dry a little faster.

    Digital collage creation

    1. Choose a central theme for your collage. Photo collages are usually funny or memorable. For the collage, you can choose themes such as family, pets, travel, or whatever you like. Many photo collages are based on personal experience using your own photographs, but you don't have to go that route. Collage can also be composed of random images taken from the web.

      • Let's say you decide to make a photo collage about puppies. Everyone loves looking at pictures of puppies. You just need to find images that you like and combine them.
    2. Choose an easy-to-use program with image processing capabilities such as Word . Edit and combine photos with one of the widely available imaging software. When creating a collage on your computer, for best results, opt for a basic program like Word. You can also try uploading your photos online to create collages on websites like Canva or Fotor. In addition, there are applications that can be downloaded to your smartphone to quickly create your own collages.

      • You can work with an image-editing program like Photoshop if you have one and know how to use it.
    3. Prepare photos and images for use in collage. Search the web for awesome footage to include in your collage. You can also scan your old photos, scraps of fabric, magazine clippings, and other items that you would use to create a collage on paper. Use your personal collection of materials as a source of imagination to create your own piece of art.

      • Go to your favorite social networks to search for posts that can be used in your project. Also, look for photos of your favorite subjects, be it cupcakes, computer games, cars, or anything else that inspires you.
      • Save the images to your computer by right-clicking on them and selecting "Save as ..." in the context menu.
    4. Select 5-7 images to reveal the theme of the collage. If you haven't decided on a theme yet, think about what you want to say with your collage. Perhaps you have a specific idea, image or template that inspires you. Take this as a basis to give your collage some meaning. Find images with similar colors, shapes or textures to make the collage coherent.

      • Although more photographs can be used in the work, their excess can make the collage overwhelmed. And too few photos will make your artwork blank.
      • For example, you might take a series of photos you took on a recent trip. Choose among them those images that describe this journey, show what places you have seen, what people live there.
    5. Edit images with crop and color replacement tools. Open your pictures folder on your computer. Click on the image with the right mouse button to open the desired file using an image editing program, or simply drag it into the open program window. It is likely that your images need a bit of work to work well with each other. After opening the image in the program, you will be able to change its size and color until you are happy with the final result.

      • For example, use the resize and crop tool to reduce the image to a size that is easy to work with.
      • Change the colors of the photos to make the collage unique. For example, make your photos fade or black and white to contrast with bright colored text or other color photos.
    6. Change the resolution of the photos so that they all match. All images may look different due to the difference in resolution. To change the resolution of a photo, look for this option in the file properties menu of your image editing program. In Word, the Compress Pictures option is located on the Format menu tab in the Modify button group. It allows you to change the resolution of any image you choose.

      • Lower resolution photos tend to get blurry, but it all depends on the size of the image itself and where you will use it.
      • If you plan to publish your collage online, consider 72 pixels per inch (ppi). If you are going to print a collage, set the resolution to 300 ppi.
    7. Include a test and other elements in the collage if you want to further modify it. This step is optional, but if you have room to express additional design intent, play a little more with the image editor. In Word, the Insert menu tab allows you to insert text boxes into your document, the Format menu tab in the Picture Styles group of buttons allows you to select different frame styles for pictures, and the Edit button group allows you to remove and replace the background of an image and etc. Take advantage of these opportunities to create an unforgettable collage from your images.

      • For example, add a title to your collage. Sure, you can let the photos speak for themselves, but the title can give your piece a little more style. For example, you can add a title to a travel collage to tell viewers where you went and when exactly the photos were taken.
    8. Save the collage for later web publication or print. Press the "Save" button in the program more often so as not to accidentally lose the results of your work if your computer crashes! When you're done editing the collage, present the results of your work to the public (optional). Go online, such as one of the social networks, and post the collage there for others to look at. Otherwise, print the collage on a printer to hang it at home.

      • The paper you choose for printing affects the final appearance of the collage. Use glossy photo paper to add shine to your collage. Or use matte photo paper to make the collage look less bright and more relaxed.
    9. Creating a collage from natural materials

      1. Use a natural theme for your collage. Since you will be using natural materials in your work, make the collage theme related to nature. You can try to portray a landscape or seascape by incorporating a wide variety of materials that you can find in your artwork, from sand to shells with leaves. This is the easiest way to incorporate natural materials into your collage, yet it does not limit your personal creativity.

        • You don't even need to choose a theme, so don't do it if you don't want to. You can simply arrange the materials nicely on the sheet. Themed collages, however, tend to look more complete.
      2. Choose cardboard or thick paper as the basis for your collage. The base of the collage, which will become its background, must be strong to support the weight of the materials you are using, such as sand. Choose something thick and sturdy at a craft store for this. For example, you can use cardboard or heavy construction paper.

        • Plain printer paper is a poor choice if you plan on sticking heavy materials to it. If the base is thin, then the collage will turn out to be flimsy.
      3. Sketch your collage using a pencil. Draw the picture you want to show in the collage. In particular, outline the contours of the areas you wish to cover with certain materials. This will help you distribute them before you start using the glue.

        • For example, if you decide to create an underwater seascape, draw a line of the sandy bottom below. Then mark where you plan to place the fish or add details such as shells.
        • Simple designs are best for small children. And if you don't have any specific ideas, let the children just have fun and draw what they like best.
      4. Gather shells and other natural materials that you intend to use. The sand is very pleasant to the touch, but it is not necessary to stop only on it. Fill your collage with a wide variety of materials. For example, shells and plants, along with many other things, can make your artwork unique. Try to make sure that the materials used match the theme of the collage, which will make it stand out in a special way.

        • Here are just a few examples of possible materials: seashells, insect cocoons, flowers, leaves, grains.
        • Many suitable materials can be purchased at craft stores, but it is a good idea to simply walk around in search of them. You can find something unique that will give your collage a special twist.
      5. Wipe dry and dry materials before use. If materials are not dry, they can rot or mold. Protect the collage by wiping all items dry with a paper towel and then oven drying items such as flowers, which are usually subject to a natural wilting process. For example, spread the harvested plants on a paper towel and heat them in the microwave for 1-5 minutes. Alternatively, you can put them on the wire rack in the oven, set the oven to 65 ° C and leave there for about 2 hours.

The text of the work is placed without images and formulas.
The full version of the work is available in the "Work files" tab in PDF format


Introduction ………………………………………………………… ..

Chapter 1. General information on the development of collage art

1.1. What is collage ……………………………………………

1.3. It all started with ………………………………………………

1.4. The development of collage art in Russia …………………… ..

Chapter 2. General principles of creating a collage

2.1. Collage types ………………………………………………

2.2. Collage styles ………………………………………………

2.3. Collage techniques ……………………………………………

2.4. Collage construction schemes ……………………………… ..

Chapter 3. Description of the technological process of making a composition using the "collage" technique

3.1. Justification for the choice of the type, theme, style and scheme of the composition ……………………………………………………….

3.2. The choice of materials for the composition ……………………….

3.3. Selecting a computer program …………………………

3.4. Technological map of production of a product using the "collage" technique ………………………………………………………….

3.5. Calculation of the cost of the product and time costs ………………………………………………………… ..

3.6. Self-assessment and product assessment ………………………………

Conclusion ……………………………………………………….

Sources of information


Technological map of production of a product using the "collage" technique ………………………………………………………….

Collage "My dreams and desires" Option 1, Option 2


The collage technique gives a wide scope for creativity, by creating works using a variety of materials.

Is it possible to combine the creation of a collage with modern information technologies and will such work be in demand by modern teenagers?

To solve the problem, the goal was determined: the development and implementation of compositions in the "collage" technique using modern computer technologies.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were identified:

    Explore special literature and other sources of information on the project topic;

    Consider the "collage" technique as a direction of fine arts and decorative creativity;

    Describe the technological process of creating compositions using the "collage" technique;

    Assess the quality of the finished compositions;

    Conduct a presentation of the compositions and analyze the results.

The practical significance of the project lies in the possibility of using theoretical and practical material in teaching the "collage" technique on the subjects "technology", "fine arts" and "computer science".



Collage(fr. collage - gluing, sticker), the technique of creating a picture or graphic work by using various stickers from flat (photographs, tickets, fabric, newspaper and colored paper clippings, etc.) or volumetric (wire, wood, ropes, metal) materials.

Collage is also called a piece made entirely in this technique. Collage is used mainly to get the effect of surprise from the combination of dissimilar materials, as well as for the emotional intensity and poignancy of the work. Collage can be finished by any other means - ink, watercolors, etc.

Collage was introduced into art as an experiment by the Cubists, Futurists and Dadaists.

Cubism (fr.t Cubisme) is a modernist trend in the visual arts, primarily in painting, which originated at the beginning of the 20th century in France and is characterized by the use of geometrized conventional forms, the desire to "split" real objects into stereometric primitives. Representatives of this trend are Paul Cezanne, Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque.

Futurism (lat. futurum future) - the general name of the artistic avant-garde movements of the 1910s and early 1920s, primarily in Italy and Russia. The Futurists were interested not so much in the content as in the form of versification.

Dadaism - the avant-garde trend in literature, fine arts, theater and cinema. It existed from 1916 to 1922. The founder of the movement, the poet Tristan Tzara, found the word "dada" in the dictionary.

At the beginning of the 20th century, at the stage of development of collage technology, scraps of newspapers, photographs, wallpaper were used for graphic purposes, pieces of fabric, chips, etc. were glued to the canvas. It is believed that Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso were the first to use the collage technique in art in 1910-1912.


In 1908, Pablo Picasso first created a painting into which pieces of paper were pasted. They reminded the audience that life can invade art. This seemed very strange to contemporaries, and yet it was from this moment that the history of collage began - a "composite" work of art, involving the gluing of a picture from heterogeneous fragments. The generally accepted date for the origin of collage in European and Russian art is 1912, the year of birth of "Still Life with a Wicker Chair".


In Russian art, the first collages are considered to be the works of Aristarch Vasilyevich Lentulov (1882 - 1943), a Russian and Soviet painter, theater artist, one of the founders of the Russian Avant-garde. In his work "Moscow" (1913), the artist used paper stickers, in his work "Basil the Blessed" (1913) - foil stickers. In the 60s, the famous artist Ilya Glazunov turned to the collage technique. So he created the painting "The Old Man", and many other works of historical themes.



In contemporary art, the following types of collage are distinguished:

Decoupage is the art of decorating objects by gluing clippings of colored paper, combined with special effects such as coloring, cutting, gold leafing and others.

Assembly is a technique that uses volumetric elements or whole objects. In other words, this is a volumetric collage.

Application - creation of artistic images by sticking, sewing on fabric or paper colored pieces of any material. An image, a pattern created in this way.

Film collage - a film that organically combines fragments of fiction, documentary and animated films

Montage or computer collage - the technique of creating a whole image from a number of separate fragments of other images, using computer programs, for example: PhotoShop. Photo collage or photo collage, as a form of fine art, appeared after the emergence of photography in the 19th century. At that time, in order to create a photo collage, certain areas of photographs were cut out and pasted onto some kind of base.


At the moment, there are four main styles used to make collages: vegetative, decorative, landscape, form-linear. Collages are usually designed using a mat and a frame.


Collage techniques are very diverse: traditional applique, mosaic, mixed media.


There are many schemes for constructing a collage, they are based on the principles of psychological perception of reality by a person.

    "Loneliness" - is solved through the presentation of one object and a huge empty surrounding space.

    "Small value" - transmitted through contrast comparisons of a small object with a large object.

    "Suppression" - is transmitted through the placement of the object in the lower part of the plane and a heavy upper part overloaded with elements and colors.



When choosing a theme for the composition, the following criteria were determined:

    the collage should carry information about its creator;

    a collage should reflect the dreams, desires and life goals of its creator.

From the planned options “Me and my interests”, “My goals and desires”, “Me and my friends”, a choice was made and the topic was determined - “Collage of my desires”. The computer collage is based on personal photos and thematic pictures, so the main elements of the background of the collage will be geometric shapes - rhombuses, squares, circles, etc. This feature determines the choice of the form-linear style of the collage.

The choice of the collage scheme is based on contrasting comparisons of a large object (main goal) and small objects (personal growth, family, beauty, health, travel, success, career, material values).


Personal photographs and thematic pictures in electronic form are used as materials, since in one version of the composition it is supposed to use the technique of combining various materials, then we can use:

    Outdated magazine issues with bright headlines;

    PVA glue or silicate glue stick;

    Frames for collage decoration in A4 and A3 format.


The Internet contains a lot of information about programs in which it is possible to create a collage. When choosing a computer program, the following criteria were taken into account: free program, easy mastering of the program by a novice user, protection from computer viruses and a large selection of tools (capabilities) of the program. And thus, we have determined the choice of a computer program for further work - Picture Collage Maker Pro


The technological map of making a product using the "collage" technique is presented in Appendix No. 1


The prime cost of 3 products (two - in A4 format and one - in A3 format) is 523.0 rubles. The production time of the product is 20 to 90 minutes. On average, the manufacture of a product can take no more than 50 minutes.


Self-assessment of the products, I found out that my compositions correspond to the presented criteria: they are made with the help of computer technology, are simple, modern and popular among young people, and most importantly, they are informative, i.e. reflect my dreams, desires, aspirations and life goals.

Having asked friends and acquaintances, I learned that my friend likes creativity and modernity, the class teacher - easy execution and originality, classmates - minimal time expenditure and individuality. Thus, the goal and objectives that were defined in the creative project have been achieved.


Once Pablo Picasso was one of the first to use collage in his works, making a real revolution in art, and today the use of collage in computer, book, magazine and Web design is a common practice of using this technique.

The laws of artistic thinking, artistic assimilation of the world around us and its image are the same for a writer, poet, artist, sculptor, composer. The material into which they embody their visions, thoughts, feelings, experiences is different: these are words, paints and canvases, marble and bronze, sounds and, due to technological progress, computer technologies. The tools they use are also different. But the basic artistic means are the same for everyone: both those who embody their artistic intention with a brush, and for those who prefer computer technologies to express their inner creative world.


1. Universal popular science online encyclopedia ww.krugosvet.ru


2.https: //ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collage

3.http: //www.coll.spb.ru/public/250.php

4.https: //ru.wikipedia.org



7.http: //galamosaic.ru/ru/mediateka/detail.php?id\u003d471

8 / http://kladis.ru/chto-takoe-dekupazh/

9.http: //do-by-hands.ru/category/assamblyazh/

10 / http://slovorus.ru/

11 http://enc-dic.com/

12 http://vrukodelii.com/

13.http: //www.trozo.ru/



Technological operation

Description of the technological operation

Choosing a collage project

Select a clean project in the program

Choosing a general collage background

Selecting photos, placing photos, thematic pictures on a general background

Open folders with photos and thematic pictures on your computer and drag them to the selected background

Collage commentary design

Design the title (comments) for the collage, adjusting as desired (font, color, size)

Registration of photos and thematic pictures

Collage frame design

Saving the collage to your computer

For ease of viewing and printing, the format (JPG) is suitable

Appendix No. 2



Appendix No. 2


Trying to make our home more comfortable and original, we resort to various methods of decorating the space around us, and one of them is a photo collage. A single canvas, creatively woven from several photos - a photo collage collects bit by bit the bright moments of a past birthday, New Year's holiday, wedding or other memorable event - becomes a kind of portal to the happy moments of every family.

What is collage?

According to the dictionary definition, "collage" or "papier collee", translated from French means "glued paper" - this is one of the techniques of fine art, based on the creation of a single style composition of elements pasted on paper or canvas, different from the background in color and texture. Similar to applique, this technique is original in that volumetric figures can also act as a source material.

In particular, Pablo Picasso took a chair as a basis in his famous work. The line between collage and inlay is the composition factor of the work. If the elements in a collage make up a single whole, then in the case of inlay, one element acts as a "tool" for decorating the surface of another (for example, inlaid jewelry with precious stones).

The history of collage popularization is very ambiguous. This technique has been used since paper was invented in China, but it received public recognition and terminological expression much later in France thanks to the work of the masters of art painting Georges Braque, Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse.

Georges Braque used newspaper clippings as the basis for his collage. Covering them with paint, he strove to achieve the effect of painting.

Georges Braque. Fruit platter and glass. Fruit dish and Glass, 1912. Source: Wikipedia

As for Henri Matisse, his technique was somewhat different - he tore pieces of colored paper and created an integral composition from them.

Henri Matisse. Snail. The Snail. 1953. Source: Wikipedia

Since all three famous artists were friends, today it is difficult to say for sure who is the author of this popular term. Nevertheless, his appearance alone was the beginning of a new stage in the development of this amazing creative technique.

Later in Europe, collage became the impetus for the development of pop art (the painting by Richard Hamilton is considered to be a transitional link from collage to pop art "What exactly makes our homes so special, so attractive?").

Richard Hamilton. What exactly makes our homes so special, so attractive? Just what is it that makes today "s homes so different, so appealing? 1956. Source: Wikipedia

In Russia, one of the pioneers of this technique was Aristarkh Vasilyevich Lentulov and his painting "Basil the Blessed." He colorfully saturated his work with a splash of pieces of gilded and silver foil.

A.V. Lentulov. Basil the Blessed. 1913. Source: Wikipedia

Speaking about the Soviet school, it should be noted that collage and photomontage were widely used in posters of that era.

What is a photo collage?

From time immemorial, it is generally accepted that art photography is a separate type of fine art. In 1843, the scope of this concept was somewhat expanded, D. Hill and R. Adamson came up with the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a composition - a photomontage of 500 photographs. The world's first photo collage and photomontage was born, which was named the "Meeting of the Free Church in Scotland."

D. Hill and R. Adamson. Meeting of the Free Church in Scotland. 1843. Source: Wikimedia

Today the interpretation of the definition "Photo collage" has several variations.
In this article, we will start from the definition of a photo collage as a work that combines several photographs that are similar in meaning and subject matter.

So how can you make a photo collage from a photo? Consider the following options:

Traditional photo collage

Traditional photo collage. Example.

The ideal "model", assuming the focus of attention on each image equally. An excellent choice regardless of the topic. A kind of tribute to tradition, in which the center of the design composition is the image, not the layout.

Themed photo collage

Thematic photo collage. Example.

All collage elements are connected by one common plot. That is why this option is preferred when the ultimate goal of the creative process is to create a composition that reflects the dynamics: travel, birthday or wedding. The highlight of this genre is a photo collage with captions, illustrations or drawings.

Fashion photo collage

Fashionable photo collage. Example.

Here the emphasis is on the layout. The photo collage template subtly emphasizes the theme of the collected photos, easily animates static images and creates the effect of surprise and delight.

Silhouette photo collage

Silhouette photo collage. Example.

An original composition of photographs, representing a silhouette. Such a composition has a double effect on the viewer - both by the photographs themselves and by the silhouette in which they are enclosed. Wedding, New Year, anniversary photo collage, children's photo collage - any festive event, illuminated in such a creative way, will become a pleasant memory for years to come.

Rules for selecting photos for a collage

Theme and mood

Before you plunge headlong into creating a photo collage, you need to decide on the topic. If a wedding is taken as a basis, then in principle there can be no photographs from the grandmother's birthday. You need to choose only those photos that would maximally reflect that memorable day.


In addition to the subject matter, the overall composition of the work of art must be carefully thought out. It can be a photo collage from a photo, or you can add various inscriptions, mirrors or clipart, the main thing is that everything looks harmonious, and their integration into the general plot is justified.

Photo resolution

The pictures that will be taken as the basis for a photo collage must certainly be of high quality. Especially if your future creation will have a large format. The quality may suffer with an increase in the size of the original photo, so all possible risks should be eliminated in advance.

Size matching

Making a collage geometrically smooth is easier when choosing photos of the same format. In the case of an irregularly shaped layout or an unusual photo collage, the choice of photo is less demanding. However, in this case, you must initially select the main image (the center of the collage), which will later set the main tone of the composition.

Light and shadow

Pay attention to the angle of light and shadow on the subjects and faces in your photos. If you manage to pick up memorable pictures with the same characteristics, the composition will definitely turn out to be effective and attractive.

Brightness and contrast

Modern photo editors work wonders. If you want to make a photo collage of photos “even” and consistent in the same colors, just use the latest software solutions. In general, it is advisable to exclude dull photographs from the collage. However, if they are especially dear to you, try placing them in the upper left corner, and you will see that they will not stand out so much.

General interior of the room

The interior plays an important role. Think in advance about the place for the photo collage on the wall, and then the chances of success will be much greater. As a tool for uniting the background and the interior solution, you can use a background for a photo collage.

Artists and children - true connoisseurs of the versatility of modern life - love to create amazing compositions woven from many different elements.

Try it, and you!

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