Should the janitor have to mow the grass at school. Cleaning standard for a janitor by law

General provisions regarding the job of a janitor include:

  1. Assigned and dismissed from the post directly.
  2. Submitsthe head of the production department, or the head of the department for work with service objects.

Must know:

  • rules for sanitary and hygienic services;
  • the size of the terrain assigned to it;
  • instructions for the work carried out by him;
  • rules and safe ways of using materials, detergents and cleaning agents;
  • phones and addresses of emergency services;
  • safety requirements for cleaning;
  • rules of labor discipline, labor protection;
  • requirements for the use of fire protection.

Read on our website about such procedures as: at the choice of a management company, its own management company, it on the GIS of housing and communal services and receiving, maintaining, transferring from the developer to the management company, as well. Samples of such documents as: a management company with owners for service, with service providers and contractors, as well as, you can download on our website for free.

Job description responsibilities

The main duties of a janitor in a management company:

About how it should be good janitor UK, you can learn from this video:

Find out from our articles about the management company in front of the owners, about its main, as well as about other forms of management of MKD. You can also learn from us about whether the Criminal Code has the right to residents and whether it can be at home.

Employee rights

The management company janitor has his own rights:

The janitor has no right to be a representative of the Criminal Code.


What is the janitor responsible for? Responsible for:

  1. Failure to comply with labor duties, within the framework of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. Material damage caused in the course of activities.
  3. Offenses within the laws of the Russian Federation.
  4. Deviation from rules and regulations.
  5. Violation of safety precautions.
  6. Misuse, storage or theft of property.
  7. Inappropriate communication behavior, lack of special clothes.
  8. Dissemination of confidential data about a company or customers.

The janitor's activity regulates Charter of the Criminal Code, rules and decrees of the management.

Features of work in a management company

What are the features of working as a janitor in the UK:

Janitor salary fluctuates depending on what size of territory it serves. And also in management companies they keep a certain amount of money for management expenses.

The job of a janitor is a very difficult job, especially in winter.

ABOUT problems at work you can find out the wipers from the video:

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Cleanliness, neatness, order of the local area is provided by the janitor. Each homeowners association should prepare a job description for the HOA janitor. To do this, you need to know the rights, functions, tasks, characteristic features of the janitor's work in order to reflect them in the document.

Registration of an employment contract

The owners' partnership is a separate entitywho has the right to hire the appropriate personnel. In such cases, the duties of the homeowner's janitor are prescribed in the instructions, approved by the general council or the board of the partnership.

The HOA concludes an employment contract with the employee, which takes into account the benefits of both parties. The document describes the responsibilities of the management and the employee, is the basis for litigation.

Important! The contract can be concluded for a certain period, valid for 1 year - 2 years.

Main sections:

  • general working conditions;
  • list of job responsibilities;
  • operating mode;
  • wage;
  • vacation, sick leave;
  • requisites, addresses, telephones, signatures of the parties.

Changes to the terms of the contract are fixed by an additional agreement, which is also signed by both parties.

The performer must have the following qualities:

  • diligence;
  • accuracy;
  • politeness;
  • self-discipline;
  • benevolence.

The janitor is assigned a special working room, it can be a closet in a residential building. The premises store tools, inventory, materials necessary for work. It is also a place of rest for the employee, since the work is connected with physical activity.

In case of violation or improper performance of duties by a cleaner, residents of the house have the right to write a complaint to the management organization.

Duties and rights

The duties of a cleaner are also listed in the employment contract, but the instructions list them in much more detail.

The job description of the janitor of housing and communal services usually has several sections:

  • general provisions: indicate the staff unit to which the performer belongs, describe the procedure for hiring, dismissing, replacing during illness. The necessary characteristics of the employee are also indicated here.
  • main tasks, functions, a specific list of work performed;
  • duties;
  • rights;
  • liability and fines;
  • awards and bonuses.

The document is endorsed by both parties, the date of signing must be indicated.

Responsibility of the HOA janitor

First of all, the janitor is responsible for the property provided, working materials. He is obliged to clean it, keep it in good condition. It is customary to give the performer a special uniform, which consists of basic things and protective equipment.

The employee is responsible for the inventory given to him: a record of the used brushes, tools, paints, cleaning chemicals is kept.

The employee should follow the actions prescribed in the job description, orders of the manager, safety rules, labor protection.

Important! Job responsibilities janitor of housing and communal services include the reporting of correct information to the management, responsibility for violation of this rule.

The janitor is also liable for intentional damage to the management company.

Compliance with the rules prescribed in the contract reduces the number of penalties, fines, accidents and conflicts.

Specific features of work

In the event of an emergency, the janitor, along with other municipal workers, will have to eliminate the consequences outside of working hours. This clause is often included in the contract between the employee and the management company.

Important! Also, the janitor should be sufficiently stress-resistant. Often there are conflicts with local residents who are outraged by the work of the management company. Despite the possible dissatisfaction of the inhabitants of the home, the employee should maintain a friendly attitude.

A janitor who has worked in this position for a long time begins to recognize the residents of the yard. For this reason, he can regularly collaborate with representatives internal organs, assist the district police officer, perform the duties of an attesting witness.

Territory cleaning standards

Due to the increased physical activity inherent in this position, the area of \u200b\u200bthe controlled area is limited and regulated by the following state legislative acts:

  1. Order of the RF Gosstroy dated 09.12.1999 No. 139.
  2. Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation No. 170 of September 27, 2003.
  3. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of June 24, 1996 No. 38.

In rare cases, the local authorities revise the established standards, reflecting them in employment contract with an employee.

The division by the level of workload is taken into account:

  • the first class includes permeability up to 50 people per hour;
  • the second level - 50-100 pedestrians every hour;
  • more than a hundred people pass.

A large number of people make cleaning difficult, so the area is cleaned in the early morning or late evening. The frequency of cleaning depends on the intensity of the foot stream.

Important! An area of \u200b\u200b500 sq.m. is usually taken as the norm.


The profession of a janitor requires a readiness for physical activity, responsibility, because the condition of the yard should triple the inhabitants of the house. Before employment for such a job, you should carefully study the contract, job descriptions.

Many of us moms and dads in childhood were frightened by the fact that if we study poorly, then the only profession that will be available to us will be the profession of a janitor. Looking at Uncle Vasya, who has been sweeping the yard since the very morning, or at Aunt Masha, who was washing the porches, we were horrified at the upcoming prospect, and tried to "pull ourselves together." Time passed, and we, as adults, understand that there was nothing to be afraid of, and the profession of a janitor is no worse than others.

Many of us moms and dads in childhood were scared by the fact that if we study badly, then the only profession that will be available to us will become janitor's profession... Looking at the tipsy Uncle Vasya, who has been sweeping the yard since early morning, or at the janitor's aunt Masha, who was washing the entrances, we were inwardly quietly horrified at the upcoming prospect, and tried to "pull ourselves together." Time passed, and we, as adults, understand that, in principle, there was nothing to be afraid of, and the profession of a janitor is no better and no worse than others. And those who said: "all professions are needed, all professions are important" were right.

Today, children are no longer frightened by the profession of a janitor, and the janitor himself is no longer looked down upon. What changed? Never mind! It just came to the understanding that without these humble tamers, brooms and shovels, our yards would have long since turned into dumps. And many more realized that the profession of a janitor has not only disadvantages, but also advantages. What kind? Find out from our article.

Who is a janitor?

Housing and communal services worker responsible for the cleanliness of the adjacent territory of multi-apartment residential buildings and the surrounding area. Such a staff unit as a janitor (cleaner) is also present in the staffing table of each industrial or municipal enterprise.

The need for janitors arose simultaneously with the class division of society and the development of cities. Note that in tsarist Russia this profession was quite prestigious, since the janitor (from the word "yard" - that is, a person who cleans in the yard) was a kind of head of simple cleaners who actually cleaned the streets. In addition, the duties of the janitor included maintaining public order (in other words, to some extent, he performed the functions that are now entrusted to the district militiamen).

If in pre-revolutionary times, janitors were responsible for the cleanliness of both the adjoining territories and the roadway, then the area of \u200b\u200bactivity of modern janitors is limited exclusively to the adjoining territories. The order on the roadway is ensured by the municipal services of the city with the help of mechanized means (special vehicles).

The duties of the janitor today include: cleaning the streets and sidewalks located at the facility entrusted to him (including removing snow and ice, as well as sanding pedestrian roads in the winter season), loading garbage into specialized vehicles for its removal outside the local area , maintenance of lawns and flower beds (watering, mowing the grass, etc.), ensuring order around garbage containers and bins, maintaining cleanliness and order of the local infrastructure (curbs, benches, children's swings, etc.).

What personal qualities should a janitor have?

Maintaining any adjoining territory (regardless of its size) clean and tidy is hard work that requires responsibility and dedication from the janitor (which is only worth cleaning the leaves in the fall, when they fall from the trees most intensively). Besides, janitor's work - this is a whole science that allows you not only to "drive" dust and debris from one area to another, but to do the cleaning efficiently, and if you want, even beautifully. Therefore, the janitor must necessarily have such personal qualities, as:

  • punctuality;
  • accuracy;
  • rationality;
  • logical thinking;
  • creativity;
  • hard work;
  • agility;
  • patience;
  • endurance;
  • benevolence;
  • sociability.

It is also very important that the janitor is not squeamish, as he has to clean up not only natural waste, but also animal waste (unfortunately, our compatriots are not used to cleaning up after their pets on the street, and stray dogs and cats all the time " doing their job "in the most inappropriate places) and irresponsible citizens who allow themselves to do things that contradict the generally accepted rules of behavior in public places.

The benefits of being a janitor

As it may seem strange, but advantages of the janitorial profession lots of. We will not list all of them, since for the majority of representatives of this profession they are determined on an individual basis. We will focus only on such "general" benefits as:

  • demand - modern cities are constantly developing and expanding, which means new territories appear that need to be cleaned;
  • the ability to combine this work with other activities - as a rule, the janitors work either early in the morning or late in the evening, thanks to which they have free almost all day;
  • creative self-realization - the janitors who are passionate about their work not only keep the territory clean, but also make it as attractive and beautiful as possible: they break up flower beds, implement some ideas for landscape design, create cozy recreation areas, etc.

Disadvantages of the janitorial profession

The most important lack of profession as a janitor this, of course, is not prestigious for such a job. Despite the obvious importance and significance of this profession, there is still an opinion in society that only losers or people who find themselves in the most deplorable situation go to work as a janitor. Also among the disadvantages of this profession are:

  • a low level of salary - however, if we take into account the fact that the janitor does not work full time, then the remuneration of his labor may seem quite competitive to someone;
  • work outdoors in all weather conditions - as a result, many wipers often suffer from colds, as well as osteochondrosis and joint diseases.

Where can you get the profession of a janitor?

Since the cleaning of the local area refers to unskilled labor, in order to become a janitor you do not need to obtain any education or qualifications. In other words, absolutely everyone can get a job as a janitor, even a person without secondary education. All professional skills and knowledge of organizing the most effective cleaning are acquired directly in the process of work through experience.

However, if a janitor has ambitions, and he wants to move up the career ladder (yes, yes, do not be surprised, the janitor also has such an opportunity), he needs to get at least a secondary specialized education. And the best choice in this case may be technical schools or colleges, on the basis of which specialists in the field of housing and communal services are trained. For example, it can be such medium-special educational establishments, as:

  • Petrozavodsk College of Municipal Economy;
  • Starooskolsk College of Construction, Transport and Housing and Communal Services;
  • Kamensk-Uralsky College of Construction and Housing and Communal Services;
  • College of Public Utilities and Service (Abakan);
  • Tomsk Municipal Construction College.

One or more houses are usually adjoined by a certain area, which contains parking lots, playgrounds, flower beds, garages, and so on. This area is called the adjoining area, and every tenant can use it. But it's no secret that often this territory is not maintained in the proper form, residents have to take up the tools themselves and put it in order.

Sometimes out of knowledge, and sometimes because organizations, whose sphere of activity includes cleaning the adjacent territory of an apartment building, is not involved in it. Let's figure out who is cleaning this area, who is responsible for the maintenance of the tenants in the association and what is generally included in the cleaning activities.

Whose duty

A certain piece of land is assigned to one or several multi-storey buildings, on which children's or sports grounds, garages can be located. The rules for calculating the boundaries of courtyard territories state that their sizes are determined based on the established area norms for each specific region, the number of floors in an apartment building and some others and are indicated in the public cadastral map. But the site allocated for these purposes must meet the needs of all homeowners.

If we talk about private houses, then it is not legally specified how many meters from the fence are considered a local area. Fencing is a way to land a private territory in this case. Provided that the house and the plot are owned by the tenants, everything that is located before the fence is a private adjoining territory. The land outside is usually municipal.

A frequent question of the owners of high-rise buildings is who should clean the adjacent territory of an apartment building? Let's answer it:

  • with which the tenants have an agreement;
  • people living in houses independently including;
  • staff ;
  • third-party firms and contractors with whom the HOA members, the management company or the tenants themselves had an agreement.

The rules for maintaining a multi-storey building state that management organizations are required to conclude an agreement with workers so that they are engaged in regular garbage collection in the local area. Firms with which the owners of the apartments have entered into an agreement must strictly comply with its conditions, otherwise the tenants have the right to sue them for failure to fulfill their obligations.

The choice of the best way to organize cleaning of the local area is decided by voting at a general meeting of residents. After that, an agreement is concluded with the selected harvesting contractor in the existing form, in which the following points are prescribed:

  • house address;
  • details of the UK or HOA;
  • rights and obligations, responsibility of both parties;
  • cleaning schedule;
  • terms and reasons for terminating the agreement;
  • a description of the services provided, on what conditions are provided;
  • tariffs for cleaning and other services of the local area;
  • the likelihood of contract extension, grounds;
  • cost.

The contract is signed by both parties indicating the full name and positions, the current date is set. It is also necessary for the HOA to conclude an agreement with the janitor according to the established pattern. The list of works performed by him depends on the current season.

At whose expense

Several years ago in Housing Code of the Russian Federation there have been changes, according to which each of the homeowners undertakes not only to comply with the rules for the operation of the property, but also to transfer funds for its maintenance. The amount to be paid depends on the size of the premises that the tenant occupies, in relation to the total area of \u200b\u200ba multi-storey building: the larger it is, the higher the cost.

At the same time, the fact whether the apartment is privatized or not does not matter in this situation. The territory adjacent to the high-rise building is considered the property of each of those living in the building. This means that the obligation to comply with the above rule falls on everyone. After all, each of the tenants in one way or another uses this territory. And according to article 158 JC has to pay the bills for her care.

There are situations when tenants regularly pay their bills, but over and over again cleaning and maintenance is carried out in insufficient volume and quality, or is absent at all. Then you should apply to the Criminal Code with a statement to reduce tariffs for payment of cleaning services. Be sure to indicate a list of outstanding work.

Cleaning standards for the local area

There are general standards and a list of mandatory works and services for the maintenance of areas adjacent to the house on the basis of an agreement concluded with the management company. Depending on the region, the list may be supplemented with a number of additional documents.

At the general meeting, at which the optimal way of maintaining the local area was determined, a list of common and additional services to agree on the cost and consent of at least half of the owners.

To service the local area, in addition to cleaning, measures are taken for it, landscaping, decoration and space optimization for use for residents of different ages, for example, installing benches or playgrounds.

Generally established norms for cleaning adjoining territories:

  • the maintenance of sidewalks, roads, gardens and courtyards is carried out by the service organizations whose sphere of activity includes these duties. In some exceptions, cleaning is done by special services that have been contracted at the request of the tenants;
  • if the area that needs to be removed does not allow the use of special equipment, the corresponding measures are performed manually;
  • snow removal from the local area is carried out with snow removal equipment;
  • it is necessary to equip the places used by the harvesting equipment for ramps with ramps, which will expand the area where it can be used, improve and speed up the quality of cleaning;
  • provision of travel and free access to hatches, engineering units and water supply points used in the event of a fire rests with the companies that serve the housing stock;
  • a place should be allocated for storing materials and equipment used for servicing the territory;
  • for sidewalks and roadways in yards that are more than 3 meters wide, you should use equipment that is used to clean public roads.

The relevant legal act regulates the implementation of standards from:

  • federal law;
  • housing law and housing estate;
  • instructions on technical operation residential building.

ATTENTION! Cleaning and maintenance work depends on the season. It also depends on the area and type of coverage of the territory itself.


List of seasonal cleaning activities for the warm season:

  • sweeping, sidewalk washing, which are carried out early in the morning or late in the evening, so as not to disturb the tenants. Washing is performed only on open sidewalk areas;
  • watering the planted plants as needed, depending on the climate and air temperature, but at least twice a day;
  • regular cleaning of the territory, sometimes up to three times a day, if there are conditions for increased debris.

The duties of the janitors in the HOA or UK include:

  • cleaning of adjoining territories from small debris and pollution;
  • mowing lawns and bushes;
  • sweeping sidewalks;
  • cleaning of garbage from playgrounds and sports grounds, especially waste scattered near bins and garbage containers in accordance with the norms SanPiN;
  • watering flower beds, plants and paths (in particularly hot weather).

The janitor may also be responsible for painting benches and other structures in the local area.

In winter

For the cold season, snowfall is a frequent occurrence, and therefore the adjacent territory is cleaned in a special way:

  • snow drift removal is carried out by transferring snow from the sidewalk to the outer edge of the ditch or at a distance of up to 2 meters from the edge of the carriageway (near-dam area);
  • collected snow is stored in piles or ramparts in the near-dam area;
  • it is necessary to quickly remove snow with cleavers and rippers in trampled areas;
  • sidewalks and driveways inside the block must be completely cleared of snow;
  • pedestrian paths, as well as children's and sports grounds, should be covered with sand or salt on ice;
  • the area around the sewer hatches is cleared of ice;
  • snow near lawns and in places of planting is loose.

Depending on how heavy the snowfall is, snow drifts can be cleaned twice a day.

Among other things, sanitary cleaning is required at the local area. In the area adjacent to the house, there must be waste bins with a capacity of at least 100 liters. Twice a year, they must be painted, installed on a special concrete site with fences, observing sanitary standards. It is necessary to provide a well-lit entrance and a place for turning around the equipment that must take out the garbage.

The frequency of cleaning the local area is determined by the governing bodies or by the residents themselves. Also, the local administration or, as a last resort, Rospotrebnadzor can act as. The participation of the latter may be required when the apartment owners are dissatisfied with the quality of the services provided, the cleaning standards regulated by legislative acts are not complied with and a check by higher authorities is necessary.

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