The use of ICT in the educational process (from the experience of using remote forms of participation in competitions). Competition "ICT in the work of a teacher Competition using ICT

Elena Popova
The use of ICT in the educational process (from the experience of using remote forms of participation in competitions)

It is now impossible to imagine the development modern society and production without informational-communication technologies.

Back in 2001 information letter of the RF Ministry of Education"About informatization of preschool education in Russia"indicates the need informatization preschool institutions.

However, the letter noted that in general informatization process in preschool institutions develops slowly. It is constrained by an insufficiently equipped material base, a lack of multimedia materials corresponding to the state educational preschool standards education.

According to research by leading experts in the field of computerization education(E. I. Mashbitsa, A. I. Yakovleva, S. V. Gurieva, etc.) to a set of significant advantages use computers in teaching before traditional classes must be attributed following:

1. Information technologies significantly expand the possibilities of presenting educational information. Applying color, graphics, sound allows you to recreate a real object or phenomenon.

2. Using computer can significantly increase the motivation of children to learn.

3. ICTs involve children in educational educational process, contributing to the widest possible disclosure of their abilities, activation of mental activity.

4. Learning with application computer contributes formation of reflection in children... Training programs provide an opportunity to visually present the result of their actions, the ability to correct a mistake if it is made.

Today, ICTs are beginning to occupy their niche in educational educational space of preschool educational institutions... it allows:

Submit information on the monitor screen in the game form, what

arouses great interest in children, since this corresponds to the main activity of a preschooler - play.

Brightly, figuratively, available for preschoolers form present new material that corresponds to the visual figurative thinking of preschool children;

Attract the attention of children with movement, sound, animation;

Encourage children to solve a problematic problem, using the opportunities

the curriculum, which is an incentive for the development of their cognitive activity;

Develop exploratory behavior in preschoolers;

Expand the creative possibilities of the teacher himself.

One way use of information-communication technologies in preschool educational institution is participation pupils and their parents in international and all-Russian distance competitions.

Participation in distance competitions carried out at MKDOU kindergarten 8 centrally:

At the first stage, the teacher information technology acts as a curator. The curator analyzes the content of the provisions distance competitionsposted on the Internet.

Second phase - work curator with kindergarten teachers. The curator discusses the possibilities with the teachers participation in a particular competition, introduces the conditions contestsdescribed in the provision.

The third stage is work teachers with the parents of the pupils (as usually participation in such events - paid). Having formed a group of participants, the educator organizes work with pupils and their parents on implementation competition tasks... Depending on the direction competitionare performed work.

Completed work(drawings, crafts, creative projects, etc.)photographed and uploaded by the curator to the organizers website competition.

Results and awards materials by the organizer competition are uploaded to the site in electronic form. Where the curator loads them from and brings them information to the DOE team.

In the period from 2011 to 2013 in MKDOU kindergarten 8 of Krasnoufimsk city 135 pupils, together with teachers of preschool educational institutions and parents, accepted participation in 22 competitions of various types:

All-Russian distance competitions arts and crafts - 27 prizes places:"Faster, higher, stronger!", "This street is familiar to me ...", "Ears, paws and tails", "My family", "Voiced spring drops", "Open space", "Bright day of Easter", "Merry ABC", "Children are flowers of life".

Remote intellectual contests - prizes - 11:international contest-game in Russian "Hedgehog"; I All-Russian Tournament of preschoolers; All-Russian quiz: "Hurray, cartoon!", "Favorite Walt Disney Characters", "My Favorite Poems"; Snail All-Russian Remote Summer Camp.

All-Russian distance family competition"Pope's Day"– 52 participant, 1 - Laureate competition.

In just two years the winners competitions became 32% of participants... In the future, it is planned to continue work in this direction and take participation in new festivals and contests.

The skills acquired by pupils in process and preparation for participation in competitions, will allow you to show initiative and independence in various activities, feel confident in your abilities, be open to the outside world, have a positive attitude towards yourself and others, actively interact with peers and adults. Conditions are also created for the development of a child's fantasy, imaginations, creativity.

We consider the accomplished work significant and relevant, since all of the above guidelines are reflected in the Federal State educational standard of preschool education.


on the All-Russian competition "Information and communication technologies (ICT) in kindergarten"

1. Goals and objectives of the Competition

1.1. Identification and support of preschool educational institutions using information and communication technologies.

1.2. Identification and support of talented teachers who use information and communication technologies in their work with children.

1.3. Advocacy and popularization of modern computer technologies.

1.4. Development and publication of software and teaching aids using the materials received. Development of methodological tools for the use of ICT in preschool educational institutions.

1.5. Creation of an innovative information space on the pages of the journal “Modern preschool education. Theory and Practice ”and on the website of the LMS for the exchange of pedagogical experience, uniting teachers and specialists of preschool education.

2. Nominations of the Competition

The competition is held in the following nominations:

  • ICT in working with children (by educational area);
  • ICT in work with parents;
  • ICT in the work of a preschool educational institution.

3. Terms of the Competition

3.1. The preschool educational institution and preschool educational institution specialists (organization, group of authors or individual applicant) have the right to participate in the Competition.

3.2. The age of the participants is not limited.

3.3. Each participant can submit no more than one work to the Competition. / P\u003e

3.4. The form of participation in the Competition is in absentia.

3.5. Participation in the Contest is free.

3.6. Competitive materials are submitted in in electronic format in Russian in any version of Microsoft Word. Photos of the author (s), illustrations, tables and graphs should be submitted as separate files in .jpg, .tif, .xls formats.

3.7. The presence of a video recording of the lesson (in video formats .avi, .mpg, .mov, etc.)

3.8. Works submitted in violation of the above requirements may be rejected. Will not be considered: handwritten materials, materials on diskettes, works without signatures and under pseudonyms.

4. Organization and conduct of the Competition

4.1. The Organizing Committee is the executive body and is responsible for the organization and conduct of the Competition, its paperwork and archive.

4.2. Organizing committee:

  1. Appoints the timing of the Competition.
  2. Determines the stages and categories of participants in the Competition.
  3. Accepts applications for participation in the Competition.
  4. Maintains a database of the competition, draws up diplomas of winners, etc.
  5. Prepares and edits competition materials for the website on the Internet.
  6. Provides participants with organizational and methodological materials.
  7. Creates a commission for the examination of materials (Competition Commission).
  8. Conducts rewarding of the winners of the Competition.

4.3. The competition committee consists of representatives of the Russian Academy of Education, the psychological and philosophical faculties of the Moscow State University named after M. Lomonosov, Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University, members of the editorial board of the journal, specialists of the World Bank.

4.4. Works sent to the Contest are not reviewed and will not be returned.

4.5. The organizing committee has the right to use the materials of the competition works when publishing printed and electronic products.

5. Terms and stages of the Competition

5.1. Competition stages:

1st stage. Submission of applications and works is possible from the date of publication of the regulations on the Competition until June 30, 2011 to the email address [email protected]

2nd stage. Jury work: July - September 2011

3rd stage. Summing up and awarding the winners: October 2011

6. Rewarding

6.1. The awarding ceremony for the winners and laureates of the Competition will be held at the First Annual International Scientific and Practical Conference "Education and Training of Young Children" in Moscow.

6.2. The winners and laureates of the Competition will be awarded with diplomas, valuable prizes and a free annual subscription to the magazine "Modern Preschool Education. Theory and practice".

6.3. Participants of the Contest who are subscribers of the magazine “Modern preschool education. Theory and Practice ”, will receive electronic certificates of the participants of the competition. To obtain a certificate, you must send an application in free form and a copy of the coupon (receipt) for a subscription to the magazine "Modern Preschool Education. Theory and practice".

6.5. The decision is taken by the competition commission collegially and is not subject to revision.

Application form

1. Title of work ______________________________________________________________


3. Educational institution (full official name) _______________________



4. Head of the preschool educational institution _____________________________________________________________


5. Address of the institution (in full) __________________________________________________


6. Website of the preschool educational institution _________________________________________________________________



8. Brief summary of the work ______________________________________________________




10. What program does your kindergarten work with ____________________________________


11. Are you a subscriber of the magazine (indicate the date of subscription and the number of the receipt)?


12. Where did you learn about the Contest? __________________________________________



Participation in the competition IS FREE

Applications are being accepted CONTINUOUSLY

resultsduring 1-3 days, from the moment of application!

Payment of awards materials after summing up competition!

Participation rules

1. Teachers and parents can take part in the competition. (teachers, educators, teachers of additional education, methodologists, class teachers, etc.)

2. One creative work is accepted from each participant. Collective work is not allowed.

3. The competition is held in absentia on the basis of submitted author's creative works (in electronic form).

4. The subject of the competition works is free.


Teachers can take part in the Competition educational institutions of all types and types, educators and specialists of various types of preschool education institutions, teachers of primary, secondary and higher institutions vocational education, teachers of institutions of additional education.

Goals and objectives of the Competition

1. The purpose of the Competition: the development of the creative activity of teachers, the growth of professional skills of the participants of the competition, the dissemination of work experience, support for the use of information and communication technologies in professional activity, increasing the desire to achieve high results in teaching, identifying the best and original personalities and establishing the priorities of education in society.

2. Objectives: to contribute to the formation of information culture of pedagogical workers, to improve their professional level and pedagogical skills; actualize the need for the introduction of computer information technologies; contribute to improving the efficiency of the educational process by combining traditional and computer teaching methods.

Online application for participation in the competition (Participation is FREE).

Rules for applying and issuing awards

1. Fill out the application on the page (Participation is FREE): / zayavka

2. Within 1-3 days, your data will be entered into the results form. RESULTS

3. After you have found your results in the form, fill out an application for award materials (paid service).

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Agreement is an official offer (public offer) of individual entrepreneur Alexey Andreevich Maksimenkov (OGRNIP 315420200006514, TIN 420206996759), hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", and, in accordance with Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is a public offer of the Contractor addressed to individuals, on providing the opportunity to participate in the Contests on the terms of the Agreement.

1.2. The agreement is considered concluded without signing in each specific case, since the acceptance of the offer is equivalent to the conclusion of the agreement on the conditions specified below.

1.3. The current version of the Agreement is permanently posted on the Contractor's website at the address: "site / oferta", and is mandatory for the Participant to familiarize himself with it before the acceptance is made.

1.4. These conditions of the offer can be changed and / or supplemented by the Contractor unilaterally without any special notice. Changes to the content of the Agreement come into force from the moment of their publication at the address of permanent placement of the Agreement in the form of an updated text of the Agreement.

2. Terms and definitions used in the Agreement.

2.1. For the purposes of this Offer, the following terms are used in the following meaning:

  • "Contractor" - Individual entrepreneur Maksimenkov Alexey Andreevich, acting on the basis of the Charter;
  • "Offer" - this Offer Agreement on the provision of consulting and information services;
  • "Offer Acceptance" - full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of the Offer by performing the actions specified in clause 3 of this Offer.
  • "Customer" - a person who carried out the Offer Acceptance, and is thus the Customer of the Contractor's services under the concluded offer agreement and can take part in the activities of this site;
  • "Competition" - an event to identify the best of the submitted works, which is held monthly, as a result of which, the Participants receive award documents;
  • "Testing" - an online event aimed at identifying the Participants' knowledge in a certain area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activity;
  • "Award document" - a document confirming participation in the event, which contains information about the place that took this Member, about the nomination, the document also contains information about the participant, the signature and seal of the chairman of the commission.

3. Subject of the Agreement

3.1. According to the Offer Agreement, the Contractor provides the Customer with services for providing the necessary information related to events, which are understood as various Contests and Testing conducted remotely (hereinafter referred to as Services).

3.2. The Contractor provides Services to the Customer only if the Customer submits an application for the Services on the website "http: // site" in accordance with the approved rules, as well as payment for the Services, according to the current tariffs.

3.3. The acceptance of the offer agreement is the fact of payment by the Customer for the selected Service.

3.4. The following services are available for the customer:

3.4.1. Contest. The timing of the Contest is determined by the Contractor and lasts from the first to the last day of each month, unless otherwise indicated on the Site "http: // site". Each competition work is reviewed and evaluated by the jury. After 10 working days from the date of accepting applications for the Competition, Award documents are published on the website in the section "http: //site/rezultatyi.html", where they are stored for 2 years from the date of their publication.

3.4.2. Testing. Testing is carried out daily and around the clock online. Each Participant, after making a payment, receives an email with a link to pass the test. After passing the test, the Participant receives an electronic version of the Award Document.

3.4. At the request of the Customer, it is possible to send the Award Document by registered mail by Russian Post. The cost of this service is indicated on the website. In this case, the Contractor sends registered letter to the address educational institution Customer. If the Customer wants the letter to arrive at another address, this must be reported to the mail " [email protected]».

3.4.5. Postal correspondence is sent weekly on Saturdays.

3.5. Contest works are not edited, not reviewed by the Organizer of the competition and the commission.

3.6. Informing participants about all events related to the competition is carried out on the Site "http: // site". Each participant is considered properly informed from the moment information is published on the Site "http: // site" ..

  • violation of the rules for participation in the Contests set forth in the Agreement;
  • showing disrespect to the Organizers of the Competition and the Competition Commission;
  • failure to submit a competitive work in the manner and terms specified in the Agreement and on the Site;

4. Rights and obligations of the parties.

4.1. The Contractor undertakes:

4.1.2. Provide Services to the Customer for the selected event held remotely, subject to payment for the Services by the Customer in full and following all the rules for holding this event.

4.1.3. Promptly and promptly inform the Customer about the list of provided Services, about the conditions and cost of conducting remote events by posting this information on the Site "http: // site", as well as using e-mail.

4.1.4. In order to provide the Service, deliver information to the Customer at e-mail or "Russian Post" at the addresses indicated by the Customer when applying for the provision of the Services.

4.2. The contractor has the right:

4.2.1. Refuse the Customer to provide the Service

  • in case of non-payment (incomplete payment) for the Services on time;
  • in case of late submission of an application for the provision of the Service;
  • in case of violation of the rules for participation in the event.

4.2.3. Change the terms of this Agreement unilaterally.

4.3. The customer undertakes:

4.3.1. Independently and in a timely manner on the site "http: // site" with the established Services, prices for Services, the procedure and terms of their provision.

4.3.2. Timely pay for the selected Contractor's Services in accordance with the prices set at the time of payment.

4.3.4. When submitting an application, provide competitive works and indicate reliable and complete data.

4.4. The customer has the right:

4.4.1. Receive paid Services from the Contractor in accordance with the terms of this Offer Agreement.

4.4.2. Receive from the Contractor complete and reliable information related to the terms and conditions of remote events on the site "http: // site"

4.5. The customer agrees:

4.5.1. For the processing of personal data in accordance with the federal law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ "On personal data"

5. Cost of Services.

5.1. The cost of the Services provided is determined by the Contractor unilaterally in Russian rubles and posted on the site "http: // site".

5.2. The Contractor has the right to unilaterally change the prices for the Services provided.

6. Procedure and timing of settlements.

6.1. Payment for the Contractor's Services by the Customer is made in cash by bank transfer to the settlement account of the Contractor or in another way specified on the site "http: // site".

6.2. Services are provided to the Customer on the basis of 100% prepayment of the cost of the selected Service.

6.4. The registration fee paid by the Participant, in case of termination of the Agreement, is not refundable.

7. Responsibility of the Parties.

7.1. The parties are responsible for the improper performance of their duties in accordance with the law Russian Federation and the terms of this Agreement.

7.2. The Contractor is not responsible for:

7.2.1. for failures in the work of mail, the Internet, communication networks that arose for reasons beyond the control of the Contractor and entailed the untimely receipt or non-receipt of the Contractor's notifications by the Participant;
7.2.2. in case of technical failures (disconnection / damage to power supply and communication networks, failures software processing center and technical failures in payment systems), resulting in the Contractor's failure to comply with the terms of the Agreement;

7.2.5. for the temporary lack of the Participant's access to the means of communication that ensure interaction with the Contractor under the Agreement, as well as the associated losses of the Participant;

7.2.7. for incomplete or incorrect information provided by the Customer.

7.3. The Parties are released from property liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement, if such a violation is caused by force majeure circumstances (force majeure), including: actions of state authorities, fire, flood, earthquake, other acts of God, lack of electricity, strikes, civil unrest, riots, any other circumstances, not limited to the above, that may affect the performance of the Offer agreement by the Contractor.

7.4. This public offer agreement has the force of an act on the provision of services. Acceptance is carried out without signing the corresponding act. The services are considered to be rendered properly and in full, if the Customer has not made a claim within three days from the date of rendering the service.

8. Procedure for information interaction between the Parties.

8.1. When concluding the Agreement, the Participant is obliged to provide the Contractor with reliable information to contact the Participant and send him notifications about the progress of the Competition. The participant is responsible for ensuring that the specified data is always valid.
8.2. By default, the proper way to inform the Participant about the operation with his application and competition work is to send a notification to the email address specified by the Participant.

8.3..html "no later than 10 working days from the date of the deadline for accepting applications for a specific competition.

8.4. In the event the Participant refuses all the methods of sending the Participant notifications about operations with the application and the competition work, proposed by the Contractor, the Participant is recognized as having not properly provided information for communication with the Participant in accordance with clause 8.1., And the Contractor is considered to have fulfilled its obligations to inform the Participant about the completed operations with the application and competition work. In this case, the Participant does not have the right to present to the Contractor claims related to improper informing of the Participant about operations.

8.5. The notification is considered to be received by the Participant within three hours from the moment of sending.

8.6. The Contractor is not responsible for the Participant's lack of access to the means by which the Participant can receive a notification, or untimely receipt of a notification, including for disruptions in the operation of the Internet, communication networks that have arisen due to reasons beyond the Contractor's control and have resulted in delayed receipt or non-receipt by the Participant of the Contractor's notifications.

8.7. The Customer's claims for the Services provided are accepted by the Contractor for consideration by e-mail, on an individual basis within five days from the date of the dispute.

8.8. The customer, in case of any questions, can contact the Contractor using the contact information indicated on the link "http: // site / kontakty".

9. Technical support of the Contest Participants and Personal Data Processing.

9.1. The organizer is ready to conduct technical support Participants of the Contests as long as the Contest is held. The completion date of the Contest is the date of publication of the Contest results on the Site.
9.2. User support is carried out via electronic communication channels (e-mail) and / or by posting certain information on the Site.

9.4. By concluding the Agreement and entering personal data in the application form, the Customer agrees to provide his personal data and their processing by the Contractor.

10. Conclusion, amendment, termination of the contract.

10.1. The moment of conclusion of this Agreement is the moment of crediting the payment to the account of the Contractor for the Services selected by the Customer, subject to receiving an application from him for the Service in the form posted on the website "http: // site".

10.2. The Customer has the right to unilaterally refuse the Contractor's Services at any time. In case of unilateral refusal of the Customer from the services of the Contractor, the payment made is not refundable.

10.3. The Contractor reserves the right to change or supplement any of the terms of this Offer Agreement at any time by publishing all changes on the website. If the published changes are unacceptable for the Customer, he must notify the Contractor within seven days from the date of publication of the changes. If no notification has been received, then it is considered that the Customer continues to participate in the contractual relationship.

10.4. On all issues not regulated by this Agreement, the parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


Executor: IE Maksimenkov Alexey Andreevich
INN: 420206996759
ORGNIP 315420200006514
Bank name: Siberian Branch of Regional Credit Bank OJSC
BIK: 045003734
Gearbox: 540243002
k / s No. 30101810300000000734 in the RCC Soviet
account 40802810221410000027

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