Research on subjective control. Subjective control

Test questionnaire developed by EF Bazhin based on the scale of the locus of control by J. Rotter.

Locus of control -this is a characteristic of the volitional sphere of a person, which reflects his tendency to ascribe responsibility for the results of his activities to external forces, or own abilities and effort. Attribution of responsibility for the results of their activities to external forces is called external, or external,locus of control, and attributing responsibility to one's own abilities and efforts - internal, internal,locus of control.

The locus of control characteristic of a person is universal in relation to any type of events and situations that he has to face. The same type of control manifests itself in cases of failure and in cases of achievement, and this is observed in different spheres of the subject's life.

Instructions:The questionnaire offered to you contains 44

approval. Read them and answer whether you agree with this statement or not. If you agree, then in the form before

with the corresponding number put a sign if you do not agree - sign Remember that there are no "bad" or "good" answers in the test. Express your opinion freely and sincerely. The answer that comes to your mind first is preferable.

Questionnaire text:

    Career advancement depends more on a lucky coincidence than on a person's ability and effort.

    Most divorces are due to people unwilling to adjust to each other.

    Illness is a matter of chance, if you are destined to get sick, then nothing can be done.

    People find themselves lonely due to the fact that they themselves do not show interest and friendliness to others.

    The fulfillment of my desires often depends on luck.

    It is useless to make an effort to win the sympathy of others.

    External circumstances (parents, welfare) affect family happiness no less than the relationship between spouses.

    I often feel that I have little influence on what happens to me.

    As a rule, management is more effective when it fully controls the actions of subordinates, rather than relying on their independence.

    My grades in school often depended on random circumstances (for example, the mood of the teacher) rather than my own efforts.

    When I make plans, I generally believe that I can carry them out.

    What many people think is good or fortunate is actually the result of a long, focused effort.

    I think that the right lifestyle can help your health more than doctors and medicines.

    If people do not fit each other, then, no matter how hard they try, they will still not be able to establish family life.

    The good things I do are usually appreciated by others.

    Children grow up the way their parents bring them up.

    I think that chance or fate does not play an important role in my life.

    I try not to plan far ahead, because a lot depends on how the circumstances turn out.

    My grades in school depended most of all on my efforts and degree of preparedness.

    In family conflicts, I often feel more guilty about myself than the other side.

    Most people's lives depend on a combination of circumstances.

    I prefer a manual where you can decide what to do and how to do it yourself.

    I think that my lifestyle is in no way the cause of my illnesses.

    As a rule, it is an unfortunate combination of circumstances that prevents people from being successful in their business.

    After all, the people who work for the organization are responsible for the poor management of an organization.

    I often feel that I can not change anything in the existing family relationship.

    If I really want to, I can win over almost anyone.

    The younger generation is influenced by so many different circumstances that parents' efforts to educate them are often futile.

    What happens to me is the work of my own hands.

    It is difficult to understand why leaders do this and not otherwise.

    A person who has not been successful in their work is most likely not exerting enough effort.

    More often than not, I can get what I want from my family members.

    In the troubles and failures that have been in my life, more often other people were to blame than me.

    A child can always be protected from colds if you monitor him and dress him correctly.

    In difficult circumstances, I prefer to wait until the problem resolves itself.

    Success is the result of hard work and little depends on chance or luck.

    I feel that the happiness of my family depends on me more than on anyone else.

    I've always found it difficult to understand why some people like me and not like others.

    I always prefer to make a decision and act on my own, rather than relying on the help of other people or fate.

    Unfortunately, the merits of a person often remain unrecognized, despite all his efforts.

    In family life, there are situations that cannot be resolved even with the strongest desire.

    Talented people who have failed to realize their capabilities should only blame themselves for this.

    Many of my successes were only possible with the help of other people.

    Most of the failures in my life stemmed from inability, ignorance, or laziness and little depended on luck or bad luck.

Processing of the technique and interpretation of the result.

The purpose of processing the results is to obtain an indicator of the locus of subjective control, that is, an indicator of the general internality of "Io". It is the sum of coincidences of the subject's answers with the answers to the questions given in the key.

Table 3.13

Questionnaire Key "Subjective Control Research"

To determine the level of the locus of control, the following boundaries of the internality scale are used.

Table 3.14

Subjective control level

When low level of internalitypeople hardly trace the connection between their actions and the events of life that are significant for them. They do not consider themselves able to control the development of such events and believe that most of them are the result of an accident or the action of others. Therefore, “externalities” are emotionally unstable, prone to informal communication and behavior, are uncommunicative, they have poor self-control and high tension.

High level of internalitycorresponds high level subjective control over any significant situations. People who have such a locus of control believe that most of the important events in their lives were the result of their own actions, that they can control them and feel responsible for these events, and for the way their life in general develops. "Internals" with high levels of subjective control have emotional stability, perseverance, determination, are sociable, good self-control and restraint.

Average level of internalitytypical for most people. The peculiarities of their subjective control may vary somewhat depending on whether the situation is difficult or simple to a person, pleasant or unpleasant, etc. But although their behavior and the psychological sense of responsibility for it depend on specific social situations, it is still possible to establish the prevalence of one or another type of locus of control in them.

Thus, the subjective locus of control is associated with a person's sense of his strength, dignity, responsibility for what is happening, with self-esteem, social maturity and personality independence. Therefore, when making recommendations for self-improvement, you should take into account that:

conformal, compliant behavior is largely inherent in people with an external locus of control; interns are less inclined to obey the pressure (opinion, emotions, etc.) of other people;

a person with an internal locus of control works better alone;

internals are more actively seeking information and are usually more aware of the situation than external ones;

the internals have a more active position in relation to their health than externals.

Studies have shown that interns are more popular, occupy a favorable position in the system of interpersonal relations. They are more benevolent, more self-confident and more tolerant.

Individuals with an internal locus of control prefer non-directive methods of education and psychocorrection. And in working with externalities, it is important to take care of reducing the often observed anxiety and depression.

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1. Criteria for the formation of physical culture

2. Objective control

3. Subjective control


List of references


Physical education, regardless of the forms of its implementation, whether it be sports training or physical culture and health-improving work, in terms of content is, first of all, a specialized socio-pedagogical process. However, the object of this process is a very complex self-regulating biological system - the human body, which is in constant interaction with its natural and social environment. In this regard, it is obvious that the effectiveness of the educational and training process is determined by the optimal correspondence of the means and methods of physical education used to the state of health, functional capabilities, age-related individual characteristics of those who go in for physical culture and sports.

In modern socio-economic and environmental conditions, when the health of the population, and primarily of the younger generation, has significantly deteriorated and, unfortunately, continues to deteriorate rapidly, this kind of rational approach to the implementation of the process of physical education as an obligatory component of valeological policy, especially in the modern system of general secondary and higher education, acquires fundamental significance. Otherwise, the motivation of physical exercises decreases, the effectiveness of the training process and the level of sportsmanship decrease, sports longevity decreases, conditions are created for the development of a number of pathological conditions. Any mistake of a trainer, teacher in the case of improper organization and implementation of the physical education process has a very high price - the health of the students.

Numerous comprehensive studies have objectively proved that systematic physical exercises have significant complex and diverse effects on the human body, especially tangible in critical and sensitive periods of ontogenetic development. Only properly organized classes under the supervision of a doctor in compliance with the principles of sports training strengthen health, improve physical development, increase the physical fitness and performance of the body, contribute to the growth of sports skills. Irrational organization of training sessions, the performance of physical work, in terms of focus, volume, intensity, does not correspond to the individual morphological and functional and physical capabilities of the body of those involved in physical culture and sports, the lack of regular medical supervision, disregard for the methodological instructions of a trainer, teacher, doctor, can have a very high price - cause harm to health.

In the process of physical education, it is recommended to use various types of control, during which the functional state of various organs and physiological systems of the body is monitored. Operational or current subjective control reflects the daily reactions of the body of those involved in physical activity performed according to the most variable morphological and functional indicators (for example, body weight, heart rate, blood pressure, etc.).

The number of control indicators may be different, but it is important to learn how to methodologically correctly determine individual indicators, correctly formulate and evaluate them. Therefore, the main criteria for choosing indicators that are recommended to be systematically entered into an individual diary of subjective control are the degree of their information content (objective and / or subjective) about the current physical, morphological, functional, psychophysiological state of the body, as well as the availability of methods for their practical determination and assessment in natural conditions of implementation. educational and training process and recovery without the use of special equipment. A sports doctor, a coach must explain to the trainees how to keep a diary, how to evaluate this or that indicator, and most importantly, explain to them what effect each of the diagnosed indicators has on their health.

1. Criteria for the formation of physicaleculture

Objective and subjective indicators are the criteria by which one can judge the formation of a person's physical culture. Based on them, it is possible to identify the essential properties and measure of manifestation of physical culture in activity. These include:

The degree of formation of the need for physical culture and the ways of its satisfaction;

Intensity of participation in physical culture and sports activities (time spent, regularity);

The nature of the complexity and the creative level of this activity;

Expression of emotional-volitional and moral manifestations of a personality in physical culture and sports activity (independence, perseverance, purposefulness, self-control, collectivism, patriotism, diligence, responsibility, discipline);

Satisfaction and attitude to the performed activity;

The manifestation of amateur performance, self-organization, self-education, self-education and self-improvement in physical culture;

The level of physical perfection and attitude towards it;

Possession of the means, methods, abilities and skills necessary for physical improvement;

Consistency, depth and flexibility of assimilation of scientific and practical knowledge on physical culture for creative use in the practice of physical culture and sports activity;

The breadth of the range and the regularity of the use of knowledge, abilities, skills and experience of physical culture and sports activities in the organization of a healthy lifestyle, in educational and professional activity.

Thus, the formation of a person's physical culture can be judged by how and in what specific form personal attitudes towards physical culture and its values \u200b\u200bare manifested. A complex system of individual needs, her abilities appears here as a measure of mastering the physical culture of society and a measure of creative self-expression in it.

In accordance with the criteria, a number of levels of manifestation of a person's physical culture can be distinguished.

The pre-nominal level develops spontaneously. The reasons for this lie in the sphere of consciousness in relation to students and are associated with dissatisfaction with the program offered by teachers, the content of classes and extracurricular activities, its semantic and general cultural potential; complicated interpersonal relationships with the teacher. Students have no need for cognitive activity, and knowledge is manifested at the level of familiarity with the educational material. The connection between physical culture and the formation of the personality of a future specialist and the process of his professional training is denied. In the motivational sphere, a negative or indifferent attitude dominates. In the classroom, such students are passive, they reject the sphere of extracurricular activities. Their level of physical ability may vary.

The nominal level is characterized by an indifferent attitude of students to physical culture and the spontaneous use of its individual means and methods under the influence of classmates, leisure time, emotional impressions of a sports show, television or film information. Knowledge is limited, unsystematic; the meaning of classes is seen only in health promotion, partly in physical development. Practical skills are limited to the simplest elements - morning exercises (sporadically), certain types of hardening, active rest; orientation - personal. Sometimes students of this level can take part in some types of physical culture and sports activities of a reproductive nature at the request of the teacher. The level of health and physical fitness of such students has a wide range. In the postgraduate period, they do not show initiative in taking care of their health, physical condition.

The potential level is based on a positively conscious attitude of students to physical culture for the purpose of self-improvement and professional activity. They have the necessary knowledge, beliefs, practical abilities and skills that allow them to competently perform a variety of physical culture and sports activities under the supervision and with the advice of teachers and experienced comrades. Cognitive activity is manifested both in the field of sports performances and in the development of popular science literature.

Self-orientation. They attach great importance to emotional communication and self-expression in the course of classes. They use partial physical self-education, guided by personal motives. They are active in social physical culture only when prompted from outside (teachers, the public, the dean's office). After graduation from the university, they show physical culture and sports activity, only getting into a favorable environment.

The creative level is typical for students who are convinced of the value and the need to use physical culture for the development and realization of personality capabilities. These students have a thorough knowledge of physical culture, they possess the skills and abilities of physical self-improvement, the organization of a healthy lifestyle, the use of physical culture for rehabilitation with high neuro-emotional stress and after illness; they creatively introduce physical culture into professional activities, into family life. After graduation, they show initiative in many spheres of life.

The boundaries of the selected levels are movable. They indicate the presence of contradictions, the main of which is the discrepancy between the modern requirements for the professional and personal development of the future specialist and his real level. And this is the driving force behind the development of his physical culture.

2. Objective control

Exercise has an unusually strong, complex and varied effect on the human body. Only properly organized classes under the supervision of a doctor, in compliance with the principles of sports training, strengthen health, improve physical development, increase the physical fitness and performance of the body, contribute to the growth of sports skills. Improper organization of classes, neglect of methodological instructions, implementation of the volume and intensity of physical activity without taking into account the state of health and individual characteristics of the trainees, lack of regular medical supervision can harm health.

The mass involvement of older and elderly people in physical education and sports requires especially in-depth medical control over them. According to the state and physical fitness, gender and age, as well as other indicators, this group of trainees is divided into the following medical groups:

1st - practically healthy people who do not go to doctors with complaints, who have sufficient physical fitness for their age.

2nd - persons with age-related changes, accompanied by small deviations of a functional nature with sufficient compensation, or initial forms of diseases, often characteristic of the aging process, as well as practically healthy people with insufficient physical fitness.

3rd - persons with reduced functional adaptation, abnormalities in health of a permanent or temporary nature, with poor physical fitness.

Persons of older and elderly age with significant deviations and over 75 years old can be sent to the physiotherapy rooms of medical and preventive institutions for classes under the supervision of doctors.

In the absence of contraindications, the examinee is issued a certificate giving the right to engage in physical exercises in a fitness and health group. Depending on the dynamics of the state of health and physical fitness in the process of regular classes, the student can be transferred to one or another medical group.

An important part of medical examinations is medical and pedagogical observation and exercise control. In addition, sanitary and hygienic control over the places of employment is carried out, sanitary and educational work is carried out among the students.

The doctor takes part in methodological work, gives appropriate recommendations, and provides consultations. In this case, he must be guided by the table of restrictions and contraindications.

All students involved in physical education and sports on the curriculum or on their own must undergo medical examinations. Additional medical examinations are carried out before the competition, after illnesses, with unfavorable subjective sensations, in the direction of a physical education teacher.

If we evaluate the importance of control in the process of physical education from an objective point of view, then independent control over the physical and functional state of one's own body allows, firstly, to obtain data on the more dense dynamics of its current state, which is important objective information about the health status of those involved for a doctor. , a trainer, a teacher, the student himself, which, if necessary, can help a specialist correctly diagnose deviations in the health of students, identify and eliminate their possible causes (physiological and / or pathological), correctly plan and correct the training process in time; secondly, it allows trainees to gain practical experience in the correct independent use of methodological methods for determining and assessing the physical and morphofunctional state of their own body, which, unfortunately, very often trainers and teachers do not have; thirdly, it allows you to gain experience in self-assessment of the adequacy and effectiveness of physical activity, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body involved, which is very important for self-monitoring of their own physical health, training regimen; fourthly, it allows students to independently master the basic fundamental-applied modern valeological knowledge and on their basis to form conscious value orientations for physical self-improvement and maintaining health, for an active positive attitude to their health, and the organization of a healthy lifestyle.

3. Subjective control

A meaningful procedure of subjective control at the personal level helps those involved in physical culture and sports to better know their body, teaches them to monitor their own health.

In a broader, global, sense, subjective control can be considered as a factor in ensuring valeological safety of those involved in the process of physical education, which should be understood as the protection of their health when a teacher, trainer of the educational process, educational, scientific and methodological (research, experimental ) activities without prejudice to individual health and the full development of those involved in physical education and sports.

Of fundamental importance for the acquisition and improvement by practitioners of physical education and sports of practical experience of independent observation of the physical and morphofunctional state of their own organism is the thorough methodological and physiological justification of the above-mentioned basic indicators of subjective control.

Body weight, an important somatometric indicator of the morphofunctional state of the body, is recommended to be determined daily in the morning, on an empty stomach, on the same medical scales, in the same clothes. If you can't weigh yourself every day, you can limit yourself to one day a week at the same time. At the initial stage of the training process, body weight usually decreases, then it stabilizes and subsequently gradually increases due to an increase in muscle mass. In case of a sharp decrease or increase in weight, you should consult a doctor.

Pulse is an important physiometric indicator of the functional state of the body. A well-trained healthy person has a lower resting heart rate (40-55 beats / min) than an untrained person (60-80 beats / min). In the morning, the pulse is less frequent. Optimal limits of heart rate change under the influence of average physical loads in physical culture lessons are 130-150 beats / min, under the influence of significant training loads - 180-200 beats / min. After intense physiologically acceptable training loads, the pulse returns to normal in 40-50 minutes. Otherwise, we can talk about the state of overwork due to inadequate physical preparation or deviations in the state of health.

Blood pressure (BP) is one of the main characteristics of the functional state of the cardiovascular system, primarily, the system of regulation and the state of the arterial vascular bed. physical fitness wellness control

Systolic blood pressure (SBP or ADmax) is the maximum pressure level recorded in large arterial vessels during systole. GARDEN is a common characteristic of the cardiovascular system. The value of the SBP depends on the peripheral resistance at the level of arterial vessels and the magnitude of the systolic ejection of blood. At rest, SBP in healthy people is equal to 100-125 mm Hg. Art. With physical exertion, the value of SBP increases and in a healthy person can reach 160-220 mm RT. Art.

Diastolic blood pressure (DBP or BPmin) characterizes the pressure in large arterial vessels during total heart diastole. At rest, DBP is 60-80 mm Hg. Art. The value of DBP during exercise can decrease to 50-40 mm Hg. Art.

Pulse blood pressure (PAD \u003d SAD-DAD) at rest is 35-55 mm RT. Art. and after physical exertion can increase to 100 mm Hg Indirectly, this indicator characterizes the state of smaller peripheral vessels (arterioles, venules, capillaries), which provide microcirculation and metabolic processes at the level of cells and tissues.

One of the most important hemodynamic parameters is mean arterial pressure (MAP \u003d ((MAP + DBP) / 2). With physical fatigue, MAP rises by 10-30 mm Hg. The above changes in blood pressure are the most important adaptive reactions of the circulatory system in muscular activities.

The basis for assessing the type of reaction of the cardiovascular system to physical activity is an assessment of the direction and severity of the shifts of the basic hemodynamic parameters (heart rate, SBP, DBP, PAD) under the influence of standard physical load, as well as the speed of their recovery. There are five main types of reaction of the cardiovascular system to physical activity: normotonic, dystonic, hypertensive, hypotonic, stepwise.

The most rational type of reaction reflecting the body’s good adaptability to physical activity is the normotonic type, which is characterized by an increase in heart rate, an increase in SBP (by 15-30%) and PAD (the percentage of increase in PAD is within the same range as the intensity and duration of the physical work performed) and the percentage of increased heart rate when performing loads of varying intensities), a decrease in DBP (by 10-35%), a quick recovery of heart rate and blood pressure within the prescribed time intervals of rest (3-5 minutes) (after 20 squats - after 3 min., after 15 seconds of running at maximum pace - after 4 minutes, after 3 minutes of running at a pace of 180 steps per minute - after 5 minutes).

For objective subjective control of the state of fitness, it is recommended to use functional tests to assess the state of the cardiorespiratory system - the main functional life support system during muscular activity.

It is most expedient for the purpose of subjective control to use functional tests of Stange and Genchi with a maximum breath holding to assess the body's resistance to hypoxia;

orthostatic test to assess the state of the vegetative link of the nervous regulation of cardiac activity; six-step functional test to assess the level of fitness;

K. Cooper's 12-minute movement test to assess physical condition; stepergometric testing to determine the absolute and relative values \u200b\u200bof the PWC 170 indicator, characterizing the level of general physical performance;

maximum oxygen consumption (MIC), characterizing the aerobic performance of the body;

index of the Harvard step test (IHST), which characterizes the level of special physical performance (fitness), taking into account the state of the body during the recovery period;

the Rufier index characterizing reactivity, the level of fitness of the cardiovascular system.

Informative for the purposes of subjective control are also the actual and proper values \u200b\u200bof VC, which characterize the functional state of the external respiration system;

actual and proper indicators of basic metabolism, characterizing the reserve energy capabilities of the body;

vital index indicators;

the values \u200b\u200bof the Quetelet I mass-growth index, which characterizes the degree of fatness;

silt indicators (strength of the right and left hands, dead force, power indices); an indicator of the quality of the reaction (RCC) of the cardiovascular system during exercise;

the Robinson index (double product), which characterizes the functional capabilities of the heart muscle during exercise; the Skibinsky index characterizing the state of the cardiorespiratory system;

index of functional changes (IFI), Kerdo vegetative index (IR \u003d DBP / HR), which characterizes the functional state of the nervous regulation system of the circulatory system;

blood circulation economization coefficient (CEC \u003d (GARDEN-DBP) x heart rate), which characterizes the level of functional tension in the cardiovascular system.

It should be noted that in the process of subjective control, not only the numerical value of the determined functional indicator is important, but above all the dynamics of the values \u200b\u200bof the studied indicator under the influence of systematic physical exercises in the same student. For this purpose, it is recommended that the simplest (in terms of the arising physical and functional stress of the body, as well as instrumental equipment) functional tests be carried out weekly, and more complex (according to the same criteria) - monthly. The first experts include orthostatic and six-moment functional tests. It is necessary to clarify that functional testing requires a minimum of technically non-complicated equipment, namely: a metronome, a step test step, a tonometer, an air spirometer, and a stopwatch. A description of the methods of recommended functional tests is contained in the educational literature, which is quite accessible both for trainers and teachers, as well as for those engaged in physical education and sports in the system of general secondary and higher physical education and non-physical education.

Based on a large number of studies, it is recommended that the intensity of occupations for recreational purposes be at the level of 60-90% of the maximum heart rate, 50-85% of the BMD or maximum heart rate reserve (which is calculated as the difference between the maximum increase in heart rate during physical exertion ((220-age) x 0.82) and heart rate at rest) lasting 20-60 minutes 3-5 times a week.

The methodological basis of this concept is the concept of a living organism as an open thermodynamic self-regulating system, the stability of which, in accordance with the laws of thermodynamics, depends primarily on its energy potential, in particular, on the level of aerobic capabilities. In this regard, the IPC indicator is considered as the main quantitative and qualitative criterion for assessing the level of individual physical health of a person. The ratio of vital lung capacity to body weight (vital index) is also proposed as an important indicator of somatic health.

A number of authors have proposed formalized (in points) methods of rapid assessment of the physical condition of those who go in for physical culture and sports according to the simplest clinical and physiological indicators, which have sufficiently high correlations with the level of an individual's aerobic energy potential. For subjective control, a rapid assessment system according to G.L. is recommended. Apanasenko and R.G. Naumenko (1988), which includes such indicators as the Quetelet I mass-growth index, vital index, strength index according to the data of hand dynamometry, Robinson index, heart rate recovery time after 20 squats in 30 s, general assessment of the level of individual physical health in points. When comparing the listed indicators, five levels of health are distinguished: low, below average, average, above average, high.

R.M. Baevsky proposed to determine the index of functional changes (IFI) as a criterion for the adaptive capabilities of the organism, for the calculation of which only data on heart rate, SBP, DBP at rest, height, body weight and age are required. Pre-medical screening, based on the evaluation of IFI, with all its simplicity, provides a systematic approach to assessing the functional state of the circulatory system as an indicator of the adaptive capabilities of the body.

Under the influence of stressful factors (systematic intense physical exertion), the transition from donzological states (from physiological stress of adaptation mechanisms) to premorbid and pathological (unsatisfactory adaptation and failure of adaptation) occurs gradually and can be traced by the dynamics of IFI.

The duration and nature of the training load as indicators of subjective control make it possible to objectively explain the reasons for deviations in the functional state of the body of the trainees.

The level of development of motor abilities, determined by the results of motor tests, allows you to track the extent to which the functional capabilities and motor abilities of those who go in for physical culture and sports are actually realized.

The amount of energy consumption, determined by the tabular-calculation method, when exercising a training load, along with a subjective assessment of hunger during the day are indirect criteria for assessing the energy balance in the body. Physiologists say that for the normal development and functioning of the human body, it is necessary to spend 1200-1300 kcal per day for muscle activity. It is the lack of motor activity that is the cause of many diseases and deviations in physical development, especially among students.

The determination of individual chronobiological and biorhythmological characteristics of the body is necessary to obtain objective information about the periods of the most optimal physical and functional activity of the body involved in micro-, meso-, macrocycles of motor activity. Individual phase characteristics of biorhythms (positive, negative phases, critical days) can be considered as criteria for assessing long-term rhythmic fluctuations of physical, mental performance, emotional reactivity of the body.

Monitoring sports results is the most important stage of subjective control, which allows to fairly objectively assess the correctness of the use of physical education means and methods. If the results of competitive activity are improved or maintained at a stable level, the athlete’s health does not cause concern, since it is in the sports result that the degree of perfection of the functions of all body systems is recorded. The state of overtraining is characterized first by a cessation, and then by a sharp decrease in the growth of sports results.

Well-being is an important subjective assessment of the general condition of the body during physical exertion. It can be qualitatively assessed as good, satisfactory, or bad. If you feel unwell, the nature of the unusual sensations is indicated. Various deviations in the state of health are reflected in the appetite. Appetite can be described as good, bad, satisfactory, low.

Sleep is an important period of the functioning of the body, during which the restoration of its functional reserves, performance. The duration and depth of sleep, its disturbances (difficult falling asleep, restless sleep, insomnia, lack of sleep) are noted.

Violations of the sports regime for subjective reasons also make it possible to explain various deviations in the state of the body involved in physical education and sports.

Sweating is assessed as profuse, large, moderate, decreased. The intensity of sweating depends on the microclimatic conditions, the type of physical activity, and the amount of fluid consumed.

Pain in the muscles, in the right hypochondrium, in the region of the heart, headaches can be associated with general fatigue of the body as a result of violation of the daily regimen, forcing training loads, as well as with chronic diseases. Muscle pain in novice athletes, after breaks in training, is a natural phenomenon. In case of prolonged pain, see a doctor.

The desire to exercise is characteristic of healthy people. With deviations in the state of health, the desire to exercise decreases or disappears.

The need for a detailed methodological substantiation of the content and significance of the subjective control procedure in the process of systematic physical culture and sports is connected, first of all, with the fact that, as an anonymous survey of a significant number of people, including athletes, unfortunately, none of them has even elementary practical experience of subjective control, for example, a conscious habit of determining the pulse before and after physical activity. It turned out that teachers and trainers do not require subjective control from students to keep a diary. We hope that specialists in the field of physical education will treat this problem with due attention and practical interest, understanding the fundamental valueological importance of subjective control to optimize the process of physical education and preserve the health of those involved in physical education and sports.


In the context of the foregoing, it is recommended that specialists systematically subject to self-control the following objective and subjective indicators of individual health of students.


body mass;

mass and height Ketle index I;

the composition of body weight according to the muscle-fat component;

power indicators;

pulse before and immediately after the completion of the training sessions, as well as 40-50 minutes after the completion of classes;

due, maximum, reserve heart rate;

blood pressure indicators (systolic, diastolic, pulse, average);

actual and proper values \u200b\u200bof vital capacity of the lungs (VC), indicators of basal metabolism;

indicators of PWC 170 (level of general physical performance), VO2 max (maximum oxygen consumption), IHST (Harvard step test index), vital index (LI);

indicators of the quality of the reaction of the cardiovascular system to physical activity (RCC), the Ruffier index, the vegetative Kerdo index, the Robinson index (double product), the Skibinsky index, the index of functional changes, the blood circulation economization coefficient (CEC);

the type of reaction of the cardiovascular system to physical activity;

results of orthostatic tests, functional tests of Stange and Genchi;

fitness indicator according to the six-moment functional test (modified Martine's test);

assessment of physical performance according to the index of the modified Cooper test;

indicators of the development of motor abilities (according to the results of motor tests);

the duration and nature of the training loads, the time of their conduct;

energy consumption when performing physical activities of general and special orientation; results of competitive activity; chronotype;

phase characteristics of individual physical, emotional, intellectual biorhythms. Women should note in the diary the frequency and nature of the menstrual cycle.

Subjective indicators of subjective control: well-being, complaints, the nature of sleep, appetite, the degree of feeling of hunger during the day, violations of the sports regime (whether or not), pain, sweating, desire to exercise.


1. Alekseenko, T.I. Age indicators of the functional state of the cardiorespiratory system of modern adolescents / T.I. Alekseenko // Theory and Practice of Physical Culture.-2007.- No. 2.-S. 64-66.

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When selecting applicants for leadership positions, forming teams, there is often a need to determine how responsible a person is, to find out how much he “owns himself” in various professionally significant situations, to assess the degree of his activity and emotional maturity.

The level of subjective control is a generalized characteristic of a personality that manifests itself in a similar way in different situations. Psychologists believe that the level of subjective control is associated with a person's feeling of responsibility for what is happening “here and now,” as well as for long-term consequences, that is, with social maturity and individual independence. For the first time, diagnostic techniques for such a personality characteristic were tested in the 60s in the United States. The most famous among them is the locus of control scale ( locus of control scale), developed by J. Rotter ( J. B. Rotter) This scale is based on the position that all people are divided into two types - internals and externalities - depending on how they evaluate what causes various events in their lives and who is responsible for them. Each person can be assessed on the scale of “internality-externality”... Internals have an internal locus of control, externals have an external locus. The differences between the two types of control localization can be significant in terms of the success of professional activities (the internal locus of control significantly correlates with the index of professional success).

People of the internal type evaluate all significant events that happen to them as a result of their own activities. They work more productively alone and are more active in seeking information. In addition, internal personalities are better at work that requires initiative. They are more decisive, self-confident, principled in interpersonal relationships, not afraid to take risks. Research shows that internal leaders are capable of successfully providing directive leadership.

An external personality, on the contrary, interprets all events taking place in her life as not dependent on her, but on some external forces (God, other people, fate, etc.). Since the externalities do not feel able to somehow influence their life, to control the development of events, they relieve themselves of all responsibility for everything that happens to them. At the same time, they are more conformable, more compliant and sensitive to the opinions and evaluations of others. In general, external personalities turn out to be good performers, effectively working under the control of other people.

In domestic practice, it is used methodology for the study of the level of subjective control (USK)created by E. F. Bazhin, E. A. Golynkina and A. M. Etkind at the Leningrad Psychoneurological Institute. VM Bekhterev on the basis of the scale of J. Rotter. The authors of this technique proceed from the fact that the direction of subjective control in the same person can have variations in different areas of life. Therefore, USC includes a number of scales that measure not only internality-externality, but also manifestations of this characteristic in such areas as attitudes towards achievements, failures, health and illness, as well as in the field of family, industrial and interpersonal relations.

This experimental psychological technique makes it possible to relatively quickly and effectively assess the level of subjective control over various life situations formed in the subject.

to study the level of subjective control (USK)

Instructions: You are offered 44 statements that describe various ways a person interprets the most common social situations. Carefully read each statement, evaluate the degree of your consent or disagreement and put down in answer sheet the number corresponding to your choice:

3 - strongly agree
+2 - agree
+1 - rather agree than disagree
-1 - I disagree rather than agree
–2 - do not agree
–3 - strongly disagree

Try to use the full range of ratings.

Answer form
Full Name

p / p



Career promotion depends more on luck than on personal ability and effort.
Most divorces are due to people unwilling to adjust to each other.
Illness is a matter of chance; if you are destined to get sick, then nothing can be done
People find themselves lonely due to the fact that they themselves do not show interest and friendliness to others
Fulfillment of my desires often depends on luck
It's useless to make an effort to win the sympathy of others.
External circumstances, parents and well-being affect family happiness no less than the relationship of spouses
I often feel that I have little influence on what is happening to me
As a rule, management is more effective when it has complete control over the actions of subordinates, rather than relying on their independence.
My grades at school depended more on random circumstances (for example, on the mood of the teacher) than on my own efforts
When I make plans, I generally believe that I can
implement them
What seems like luck or luck to many people is actually the result of long, focused efforts
I think that the right lifestyle can help your health more than doctors and medicines
If people don’t fit each other, no matter how hard they try, they still can’t establish a family life
The good things I do are usually appreciated by others.
Children grow up the way their parents raise them
I think that chance or fate does not play an important role in my life
I try not to plan far ahead, because a lot depends on how circumstances turn out.
My grades at school depended most on my efforts and level of preparedness
In family conflicts, I often feel guilty for myself than for the opposite side
The life of people depends on a combination of circumstances
I prefer a guide in which you can independently determine what and how to do
I think that my lifestyle is in no way the cause of my illnesses
As a rule, it is an unfortunate combination of circumstances that prevents people from succeeding in their business.
In the end, the people who work in it are responsible for the poor management of the organization.
I often feel that I can not change anything in the existing relationship in the family.
If I really want, I can win anyone
The younger generation is influenced by so many different circumstances that parents' efforts to educate them are often futile.
What happens to me is my handiwork
It is difficult to understand why leaders do this and not otherwise.
A person who could not succeed in his work, most likely, did not show enough effort
More often than not, I can get what I want from my family members.
In troubles and failures that took place in my life, other people were more often to blame than myself
A child can always be protected from colds if you follow him and dress him correctly.
In difficult circumstances, I prefer to wait until the problems resolve themselves
Success is the result of hard work and does not depend much on chance or luck.
I feel that the happiness of my family depends on me more than on anyone else.
It was always difficult for me to understand why some people like me and others don't like me
I always prefer to make a decision and act
on your own, rather than relying on other people to help
or fate
Unfortunately, the merits of a person often remain unrecognized, despite all his efforts
In family life, there are situations that cannot be resolved even with the strongest desire
Capable people who fail to realize their potential should only blame themselves.
Many of my successes were only possible with the help of other people.
Most of the failures in my life came from ignorance or laziness and little depended on luck or bad luck

Processing results

Processing of test results is carried out in several stages. The number corresponding to the choice determines the number of points received for each answer. First, using the keys, points are scored on each scale (by simple summation). In this case, the scores for answering questions with a "+" sign are summed up with their own sign, and for questions with a "-" - with the opposite sign.

Keys to Scales

1. Scale of general internality (I about)

2. The scale of internality in the field of achievement (E)

3. Scale of internality in the area of \u200b\u200bfailure (I n)

5. The scale of internality in the field of industrial relations (I p)

7. Scale of internality in relation to health and disease (I h)

As a result of scoring on each of the scales, the so-called “raw” points are obtained, which must be converted to standard grades (walls). For this, use a special table.

Conversion table for raw scores to standard grades

Click image for a larger view

The resulting grades in the walls are entered into a table:

Summary table of results

The results expressed in the walls are compared with the norm (5.5 walls). An indicator above 5.5 walls indicates an internal type of control in this area, below 5.5 - an external one.

Results can also be presented as a graph or profile.

Example of USK graph

Example of a USK profile

Interpretation of the results obtained

Psychologically, a person with high subjective control possesses emotional stability, persistence, determination, sociability, high self-control and restraint. Man with low subjective control emotionally unstable, prone to informal behavior, uncommunicative, poor self-control and high tension.

The scale of general internality (I o). High rate on this scale corresponds to a high level of subjective control over any significant situations. Such people believe that most of the important events in their lives are the result of their own actions, that they can control them. They feel their own responsibility for these events and for the way their life is developing in general. Subjects with low level subjective control do not see the connection between their actions and significant events in their lives. They do not consider themselves able to control their development and believe that most events are the result of an accident or the actions of others.

The scale of internality in the field of achievements (And d). High rate on this scale corresponds to a high level of subjective control over emotionally positive events and situations. Such people believe that they themselves have achieved everything that was and is in their life, and that they are able to successfully achieve their future. Low rate on the scale indicates that a person attributes his successes and achievements to circumstances - luck, good fortune, or the help of other people.

The scale of internality in the area of \u200b\u200bfailure (I n). High rate on this scale reflects a developed sense of subjective control in relation to negative events and situations, which manifests itself in a tendency to blame oneself for various troubles and sufferings. Low rate indicates that the subject is inclined to attribute responsibility for such events to other people or to consider them the result of bad luck.

The scale of internality in the field of family relations (I s). High rate And c means that a person considers himself responsible for the events taking place in his family life. Low rate And c indicates that the subject considers its partners responsible for situations arising in his family.

The scale of internality in the field of industrial relations (I p). High rate on this scale suggests that in the organization of their production activities a person relies mainly on himself. He believes that he can influence his relations with colleagues, manage them and be responsible for them; He thinks that his professional career and career development depend more on himself than on other people or on external forces. Low rate indicates that a person has a tendency not to take responsibility for their professional successes and failures. Such a person believes that he is not himself, but someone else - superiors, colleagues, luck, etc. - determine everything that happens to him in this area.

The scale of internality in the field of interpersonal relations (I m). High rate And m testifies that a person considers himself in the power to control his formal and informal relations with other people, to arouse respect and sympathy for himself. Low rate , on the contrary, indicates that a person cannot actively form his circle of communication and is inclined to consider his interpersonal relations as the result of the activity of partners.

The scale of internality in relation to health and illness (I h). High rate indicate that the subject considers himself responsible for his health: if he is sick, he blames himself for this and believes that recovery depends on his actions. Man with low rate on this scale, he considers the disease the result of an accident and hopes that recovery will come as a result of the actions of others, especially doctors.

For professional diagnostics, the most informative are the results on the scale of internality in industrial relations (I p). Results on other scales make it possible to build a multidimensional profile. Since most people are characterized by a more or less wide variability of behavior depending on specific social situations, then the characteristics of subjective control can also change in a person, depending on whether the situation seems difficult or simple, pleasant or unpleasant, etc.

The level of subjective control rises as a result of psychological correction. It should be remembered that internals prefer non-directive methods of psychological correction; and externalities, as individuals with increased anxiety, prone to depression, are subjectively more satisfied with behavioral methods.

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E. Bazhin's technique (1984) developed on the basis of D. Rotter's locus of control scale. This experimental psychological methodology is a tool for identifying indicators of the level of subjective control as a quality that characterizes a person’s tendency to attribute responsibility for the results of his activity to external forces or his own abilities and efforts.

Method for researching the level of subjective control (USK) suitable for use in clinical psychodiagnostics, professional selection, family counseling, in schools for the examination of students (starting from the 9th grade), etc. Developed at the Leningrad Psychoneurological Institute. V. M. Bekhterev.
For the first time such methods were tested in the 60s in the USA. The most famous of these is the J. Rotter locus of control scale. This scale is based on two principles.
1. People differ among themselves in how and where they localize control over significant events for themselves. Two polar types of such localization are possible: external and internal. In the first case, a person believes that the events occurring with him are the result of the action of external forces - chance, other people, etc. In the second case, a person interprets significant events as a result of his own activity. Any person has a definite position on a continuum stretching from the external to the internal type.
2. The locus of control characteristic of an individual is universal in relation to any types of events and situations that he has to face. The same type of control characterizes the behavior of a given individual in the event of failure and in the sphere of achievements, and this, to varying degrees, applies to various areas of social life.
Experimental work has established a connection between various forms of behavior and personality parameters with externality – internality. Conformal and compliant behavior is more inherent in people with an external locus. Internals, unlike external ones, are less inclined to submit to the pressure of others, to resist when they feel that they are being manipulated; they react more strongly than externalities to the loss of personal freedom. People with internal loci of control work better alone than under surveillance or during video recording. The opposite is true for externalities.
Internals and externalities differ in the way they interpret different social situations, in particular, in the way they obtain information and in the mechanisms of their causal explanation. Internals are more actively seeking information and are usually more aware of the situation than external ones. In the same situation, internals attribute great responsibility to the individuals involved in the situation. Internals are more likely to avoid situational explanations of behavior than externals.
Studies linking internality-externality with interpersonal relationships have shown that internals are more popular, more supportive, more self-confident, and more tolerant. There is a connection of high internality with a positive self-esteem, with a greater consistency of images of the real and ideal “I”. The internals were found to have a more active position in relation to their health than the externals: they are better informed about their condition, take more care of their health, and more often seek preventive care.
Externality correlates with anxiety, depression, and mental illness.
Internals prefer non-directive methods of psychocorrection; externalities are subjectively more satisfied with behavioral methods.
The most important dynamic characteristic of a developing personality is the tendency to take responsibility. It has been established that many of the problems of teaching and educating students are associated with "trained helplessness." It develops in cases when a person is convinced of his inability to control and change the situation, and it becomes "obvious" to him that the reasons for what is happening lie outside the field of his activity. And this, in turn, leads to a decrease in self-esteem and refusal to take active actions.
The central psychological process of adolescence - the formation of self-identity - also correlates with the development of a person's ability to attribute responsibility for the results of his activities. High levels of self-identity indicate a person's ability to take responsibility for himself in difficult life situations. Low levels of self-identity, characterized by the presence of various psychological problems, are associated with a tendency to ascribe responsibility to external forces.
The USK questionnaire consists of 44 items. Unlike J. Rotter's school, it includes items that measure externality-internality in interpersonal and family relations; it also includes items measuring USC in relation to illness and health.
To increase the range of possible applications of the questionnaire, it was designed in two versions, differing in the format of the respondents' answers. Option A, intended for research purposes, requires a response on
6-point scale (–3, –2, –1, + 1, + 2, + 3), in which the answer "+3" means "completely agree", "–3" - "completely disagree" with this item ... Option B, intended for psychodiagnostics, requires answers on a binary scale “agree - disagree”.

Instruction.“We ask you to answer each of the 44 items of the questionnaire using the answer options ¾“ agree ”,“ disagree ”.

You answer by putting a "+" sign in the required column ¾ I agree,
"-" ¾ disagree.

Questionnaire text

1. Career advancement depends more on a lucky coincidence than on a person's abilities and efforts.
2. Most of the divorces occur because people did not want to adapt to each other.
3. Illness is a matter of chance; if you are destined to get sick, then nothing can be done.
4. People find themselves lonely because they themselves do not show interest and friendliness to others.
5. The fulfillment of my desires often depends on luck.
6. It is useless to make an effort to win the sympathy of others.
7. External circumstances - parents and well-being - affect family happiness no less than the relationship between spouses.
8. I often feel that I have little influence on what is happening to me.
9. As a rule, management is more effective when it fully controls the actions of subordinates, rather than relying on their independence.
10. My grades at school often depended on random circumstances (for example, on the mood of the teacher) than on my own efforts.
11. When I make plans, I generally believe that I can implement them.
12. What many people think is good or fortunate is actually the result of a long, focused effort.
13. I think that the correct lifestyle can help more health than doctors and medicines.
14. If people do not approach each other, no matter how hard they try, they still will not be able to establish a family life.
15. The good I do is usually appreciated by others.
16. Children grow up as their parents raise them.
17. I think that chance or fate does not play an important role in my life.
18. I try not to plan far ahead, because a lot depends on how the circumstances turn out.
19. My grades in school depended most of all on my efforts and degree of preparedness.
20. In family conflicts, I often feel guilty about myself than the other side.
21. The life of most people depends on a combination of circumstances.
22. I prefer a guidance in which you can independently determine what and how to do.
23. I think that my lifestyle is in no way the cause of my illnesses.
24. As a rule, it is the unfortunate combination of circumstances that prevents people from being successful in their business.
25. Ultimately, the people who work for the organization are responsible for the poor management of an organization.
26. I often feel that I can’t change anything in the existing relationships in the family.
27. If I really want to, I can win over almost anyone.
28. The rising generation is influenced by so many different circumstances that the efforts of parents to educate them are often futile.
29. What happens to me is the work of my own hands.
30. It is difficult to understand why leaders do this and not otherwise.
31. A person who was unable to achieve success in his work, most likely, did not show enough effort.
32. More often than not, I can get what I want from my family members.
33. In the troubles and failures that were in my life, other people were more often to blame than myself.
34. A child can always be saved from the common cold if you follow him and dress him properly.
35. In difficult circumstances, I prefer to wait until problems are resolved by themselves.
36. Success is the result of hard work and does not depend much on chance or luck.
37. I feel that the happiness of my family depends more on me than on anyone else.
38. It has always been difficult for me to understand why some people like me and others do not like me.
39. I always prefer to make a decision and act on my own, and not rely on the help of other people or on fate.
40. Unfortunately, the merits of a person often remain unrecognized, despite all his efforts.
41. In family life, there are situations that cannot be resolved even with the strongest desire.
42. Talented people who failed to realize their potential should only blame themselves for this.
43. Many of my successes were possible only thanks to the help of other people.
44. Most of the failures in my life came from inability, ignorance or laziness and little depended on luck or bad luck.

Processingcompleted answers should be carried out according to the keys below, summing the answers to the items in the "+" columns with their own sign and the answers to the items in the "-" columns with the opposite sign.


1. Io

As studies carried out on normal subjects have shown, the answers to all items of the questionnaire have a sufficient spread: none of the halves of the scale was chosen less often than in 15% of cases. The results of filling out the questionnaire by individual subjects are converted into a standard system of units - walls and can be visually presented in the form of a subjective control profile.
USK Questionnaire Indicators are organized in accordance with the principle of the hierarchical structure of the activity regulation system - in such a way that they include a generalized indicator of an individual USC, invariant to particular situations of activity, two indicators of the average level of community and a number of situational indicators.
1. Scale of general internality (Io). A high indicator on this scale corresponds to a high level of subjective control over any significant situations. Such people believe that most of the important events in their lives were the result of their own actions, that they can control them, and thus they feel their own responsibility for these events and for how their life develops as a whole. A low indicator on the Io scale corresponds to a low level of subjective control. Such subjects do not see the connection between their actions and the events of their life that are significant for them, do not consider themselves able to control their development, and believe that most of them are the result of the incident or action of other people.
2. Achievement Internality Scale (Eid)... High rates on this scale correspond to a high level of subjective control over emotionally positive events and situations. Such people believe that they themselves have achieved all the good that was and is in their life, that they are able to successfully pursue their goals in the future. Low indicators on the Id scale indicate that a person attributes his successes, achievements and joys to external circumstances - luck, good fortune, or the help of other people.
3. The scale of internality in the field of failures (In)... High indicators on this scale indicate a developed sense of subjective control in relation to negative events and situations, which manifests itself in a tendency to blame himself for a variety of troubles and sufferings. Low Yin scores indicate that the subject is inclined to attribute responsibility for similar events to other people or to consider them the result of bad luck.
4. The scale of internality in family relations (Is)... High indicators of Is means that a person considers himself responsible for the events in his family life. Low IS indicators indicate that the subject does not consider himself, but his partners, as the cause of significant situations that arise in his family.
5. The scale of internality in the field of industrial relations (IP). High PI indicators indicate that a person considers his actions to be an important factor in the organization of his own production activity, in developing relationships in a team, in his advancement, etc. Low PI indicators indicate that the subject is inclined to attribute more importance to external circumstances - leadership, workmates, luck, bad luck.
6. The scale of internality in the field of interpersonal relations (Im), degree of responsibility for relationships with other people.
7. The scale of internality in the relationship between health and illness (From)... High indicators of From indicate that the subject considers himself largely responsible for his health: if he is sick, he blames himself for this and believes that recovery largely depends on his actions. A person with low health considers health and illness to be the result of chance and hopes that recovery will come as a result of the actions of other people, primarily doctors.
The validity of the USC scales is demonstrated by their connections with other personality characteristics, measured, in particular, with the help. A person with low subjective control (who believes that he has little effect on what happens to him and who is inclined to consider his successes and failures as a consequence of external circumstances) is emotionally unstable (factor -C), is prone to informal behavior (factor -G), is uncommunicative (factor + Q), he has poor self-control (factor –Q3) and high tension (factor + Q4). A person with a high level of subjective control has emotional stability (factor + C), persistence, determination (factor + G), sociability (factor -Q2), good self-control (factor + Q3) and restraint (factor -Q4). It is significant that intelligence (factor B) and many factors associated with extroversion - introversion do not correlate either with Io or with the situational characteristics of subjective control.
Subjective control over positive events (achievements, successes) is more correlated with the strength of the Ego (factor + C), self-control (factor + Q3), social extraversion (factors + A; –Q2) than subjective control over negative events (troubles, failure). On the other hand, people who do not feel responsible for failures often turn out to be more practical and businesslike (factor –M) than people with strong control in this area, which is not typical for subjective control over positive events.

A person choosing a profession should be quite independent and able to answer for his choice. If, in your mind, independence lies in the ability to take care of yourself in everyday life, then you have captured only part of this phenomenon with your inner gaze. Being self-reliant is about setting your own goals, not waiting for older or powerful adults to do so, and being willing to admit that your faults are far more to blame for your troubles than unfortunate circumstances.

Some people tend to believe in luck and circumstances, and neither friends nor useful books will succeed in convincing them that everything depends on each of us. Everyone is free to make a choice for himself - whether to take responsibility for his life or rely on fate. In any case, you need to study how you tend to control your life or entrust it to circumstances, and based on these indicators, consider which profession is right for you.


We ask you to answer each of the 44 points of the questionnaire using the answer options - “agree”, “disagree”.
You answer by putting a "+" sign in the required column - I agree,
“-” - I do not agree.

Questionnaire text

  1. Career advancement depends more on a lucky coincidence than on a person's ability and effort.
  2. Most divorces stem from people not wanting to adjust to each other.
  3. Illness is a matter of chance; if you are destined to get sick, then nothing can be done.
  4. People find themselves lonely due to the fact that they themselves do not show interest and friendliness to others.
  5. The fulfillment of my desires often depends on luck.
  6. It is futile to make an effort to win the sympathy of others.
  7. External circumstances - parents and wealth - affect family happiness no less than the relationship of spouses.
  8. I often feel that I have little influence on what is happening to me.
  9. As a rule, leadership is more effective when it fully controls the actions of subordinates, rather than relying on their independence.
  10. My grades at school often depended on random circumstances (for example, on the mood of the teacher) than on my own efforts.
  11. When I make plans, I generally believe that I can carry them out.
  12. What many people think is good or fortunate is actually the result of a long, focused effort.
  13. I think that the right lifestyle can help your health more than doctors and medicines.
  14. If people do not fit together, then no matter how hard they try, they will still not be able to establish family life.
  15. The good things I do are usually appreciated by others.
  16. Children grow up the way their parents bring them up.
  17. I think that chance or fate does not play an important role in my life.
  18. I try not to plan far ahead, because a lot depends on how the circumstances turn out.
  19. My grades at school most depended on my efforts and degree of preparedness.
  20. In family conflicts, I often feel guilty for myself than for the opposite side.
  21. Most people's lives depend on a combination of circumstances.
  22. I prefer a manual where you can decide what to do and how to do it yourself.
  23. I think that my lifestyle is in no way the cause of my illnesses.
  24. As a rule, it is an unfortunate combination of circumstances that prevents people from succeeding in their business.
  25. In the end, the people themselves who work in it are responsible for the poor management of the organization.
  26. I often feel that I can’t change anything in the existing relationships in the family.
  27. If I really want, I can win over almost anyone.
  28. The growing generation is affected by so many different circumstances that the efforts of parents to educate them often turn out to be futile.
  29. What happens to me is the work of my own hands.
  30. It is difficult to understand why leaders do this and not otherwise.
  31. A person who could not succeed in his work most likely did not show enough effort.
  32. More often than not, I can get what I want from my family members.
  33. In troubles and failures that were in my life, other people were more often to blame than myself.
  34. You can always save a child from a cold if you follow him and dress him properly.
  35. In difficult circumstances, I prefer to wait for problems to resolve themselves.
  36. Success is the result of hard work and does not depend much on chance or luck.
  37. I feel that the happiness of my family depends on me more than on anyone else.
  38. I've always found it difficult to understand why some people like me and not like others.
  39. I always prefer to make a decision and act on my own, rather than relying on the help of other people or fate.
  40. Unfortunately, the merits of a person often remain unrecognized, despite all his efforts.
  41. In family life, there are situations that cannot be resolved even with the strongest desire.
  42. Talented people who have not been able to realize their capabilities should only blame themselves for this.
  43. Many of my successes were only possible with the help of other people.
  44. Most of the failures in my life stemmed from inability, ignorance, or laziness, and little depended on luck or bad luck.


1... And about

3. Ying

4. Is

5. Un

6. Them

2. Id

7. Of

The indicators of the USK questionnaire are organized in accordance with the principle of the hierarchical structure of the activity regulation system - in such a way that they include a generalized indicator of an individual USC, invariant to particular situations of activity, two indicators of the average level of community and a number of situational indicators.

1. Scale of general internality (Io). A high score on this scale corresponds to a high level of subjective control over any significant situations. Such people believe that most of the important events in their lives were the result of their own actions, that they can control them, and thus they feel their own responsibility for these events and for how their life develops as a whole. A low indicator on the Io scale corresponds to a low level of subjective control. Such subjects do not see the connection between their actions and the events of their lives that are significant for them, do not consider themselves able to control their development and believe that most of them are the result of an accident or the action of other people.

2. The scale of internality in the field of achievement (ID).
High rates on this scale correspond to a high level of subjective control over emotionally-positive events and situations. Such people believe that they themselves have achieved all the good that was and is in their life, that they are able to successfully pursue their goals in the future. Low indicators on the Eid scale indicate that a person ascribes his successes, achievements and joys to external circumstances - luck, a happy fate or the help of other people.

3. The scale of internality in the area of \u200b\u200bfailure (In).
High indicators on this scale indicate a developed sense of subjective control in relation to negative events and situations, which manifests itself in a tendency to blame oneself for various troubles and sufferings. Low Yin scores indicate that the subject is inclined to attribute responsibility for similar events to other people or to consider them the result of bad luck.

4. The scale of internality in family relations (Is). High IS indicators mean that a person considers himself responsible for the events occurring in his family life. Low IS indicators indicate that the subject does not consider himself, but his partners, as the cause of significant situations that arise in his family.

5. The scale of internality in the field of industrial relations (Ip). High IP indicators indicate that a person considers his actions an important factor in organizing his own production activities, in the developing relations in the team, in his progress, etc. Low IP indicators indicate that the subject is inclined to ascribe more important external circumstances - leadership, workmates, luck / bad luck.

6. The scale of internality in the field of interpersonal relations (Im) , the degree of responsibility for relationships with other people.

7. The scale of internality in the relationship between health and disease (From). High indicators of From indicate that the subject considers himself largely responsible for his health: if he is sick, he blames himself for this and believes that recovery largely depends on his actions. A person with low health considers health and illness to be the result of chance and hopes that recovery will come as a result of the actions of other people, primarily doctors.

A person with low subjective control (who believes that he has little effect on what happens to him, and is inclined to consider his successes and failures as a consequence of external circumstances) is emotionally unstable, prone to informal behavior, uncommunicative, he has poor self-control and high tension. A person with a high level of subjective control has emotional stability, tenacity, determination, sociability, good self-control and restraint. It is significant that intelligence and many factors associated with extroversion - introversion do not correlate with either Io or the situational characteristics of subjective control.
Subjective control over positive events (achievements, successes) is more correlated with the strength of the ego, self-control, social extraversion than subjective control over negative events (troubles, failures). On the other hand, people who do not feel responsible for failures are often more practical and business-like than people with strong control in this area, which is not typical for subjective control of positive events.

1. USK test form
No. _________________________________ Date __________________________
FULL NAME. ____________________________________________________________

I agree


I agree


Bazhin E. Encyclopedia of psychological tests. Personality, motivation, need. - M.: Publishing House AST, 1997.
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