How a person lives on earth. Why does a person live, or what is the meaning of life? Why does man live? Spiritual search

Reflections and disputes about the meaning of life are endless - everyone has the right to decide for himself how to dispose of his destiny. If life is a road, you want to know where it leads and what are the rules of the road. Only a few are destined to leave a mark in history, so is it worth the rest to seek the truth?

“Apriori life has no meaning. We create meaning for it. " These words belong to the French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre. People are born, live, die, one generation succeeds another, but the question of what is the meaning of life remains open. Philosophers think about it, ordinary people ask themselves, but there is no simple answer, like if 2 multiplied by 2 - there will be 4.

Everyone will answer it differently. Some see the meaning of life in love, others - in children, others strive to get as much pleasure from life as possible, for the fourth, its meaning lies in harmony with the world around them, the fifth are chasing success, while others do not think about anything at all and live for today - there would be food and a roof over your head. Tatiana Tolstaya wrote about such people: “They leave life after understanding little, often not receiving something important, and when they leave, they wonder like children: the holiday is over, but where are the gifts? And life itself was a gift, and they themselves were a gift ... ".

Why do people look for the meaning of life at all, why don't they just live like all kinds of animals and birds? Or, as in a fairy tale: "here they live in the house, they sing songs." Why do they not want to be just free, but are looking for an excuse for their existence, want to be needed, to make their life meaningful?

Jean-Paul Sartre wrote: “Everything that exists is born without a reason ... It is meaningless that we are born, meaningless that we die”, “Before we live life, it is nothing, but it depends on us whether we give it meaning ". And as a result of his reflections, he concludes: "The meaning of life does not exist, so you need to create it yourself!"

Understand your purpose

Christian theologian, preacher and philosopher Augustine Aurelius was sure that every person was born for a reason - he was sent into the world to do some of his work. But he himself does not know his purpose. Defining it, albeit by trial and error, and fulfilling your mission - this is the meaning of human life. How can you lie in bed, waste time, or go about your own business when you have to do so much?

Finding your own business, loving it, maximizing the potential inherent in oneself - this was seen by many famous people who managed to realize themselves. And we are guided by their opinion, because they deserve the right to be teachers and mentors.

The writer Boris Akunin says that only a few live life meaningfully, setting goals and achieving them. According to him, most people live to death, doing not their own business and never realizing their purpose.

They live as if death is somewhere far away in the future and generally happens to someone else, but not to them. Otherwise, it is unclear why people are so wasteful with time.

And suddenly one day they notice how difficult it has become to climb the stairs, how the fans have disappeared somewhere, how girls or boys, at whom they still glance with interest, give way on the bus, and in the courtyard suddenly someone called them grandmother or grandfather. And then they wake up and run after the last car of the departing train, hoping to catch up and do in a short time what they refused or ignored for years.

But alas ... We have a lot to return, just not time. The Wise One, the author of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Prince and the Pauper, and others, appealed to people: “Move away from the quiet pier, feel the wind in your sails, move forward, dream, open up! After all, in 20 years, you will regret more those things that you did NOT do than those that you did! "

But many people are unwilling or unable to leave their comfort zone. They seem to live, and at the same time they do not live, but vegetate. And they complain of apathy, depression, lack of interest in life. Someone rightly remarked that doing nothing is one of the most tedious activities in the world. And doctors say that a long stay in the comfort zone leads to personality degradation.

American psychologist Abraham Maslow said that the person who is consciously going to be less than he could be will be unhappy. But we don't want to be unhappy, so we must act! "Self-knowledge consists in action, but not in contemplation," he wrote.

The meaning of human life is “to give life to ourselves, to become who we are potentially ... The most important fruit of human efforts is his own personality,” - such a conclusion was made by the German philosopher and psychoanalyst Erich Fromm.

The meaning of life as seen by Steve Jobs

Addressing the graduates of Stanford University, the founder, professing Buddhism, gave them life instructions so that they would not wander in the fog in search of their destiny, but would see a light indicating the direction.

Once upon a time he came across a phrase that greatly impressed him and influenced further decisions, and for the rest of his life. Its meaning was that if you live every day as if it were your last, then someday it will happen. "Yes, he hasn't come yet, but on your last day would you like to do what you have to do today?" Steve Jobs asked. And if the answer is "no", then you need to urgently change your life, while there is still time and opportunities.

Listen to your heart, he said, rely on your intuition, even if you suddenly decide that you have turned off the right path. Your heart and intuition will tell you what to do. Be brave, follow the call of your heart, look for something you love and love what you do, do not stop in your search and do not stop believing what you will find.

Human life is limited by time. However, people do not want to die - and even those who expect to be in paradise. But death is inevitable. Natural death has a noble mission, Jobs said, because in order for the new to sprout, the old must die. Someday you will grow old too, he turned to the students, and in the same way life will get rid of you.

Therefore, while you are alive and young, do not waste time, look for your purpose, listen only to your inner voice, do not let it be drowned out by other voices, do not live someone else's life. “Stay hungry and reckless!” - this is how Steve Jobs ended his speech.

What for?

Let's imagine ourselves. What do we see? Every person living on Earth is a multidimensional body, including the very last physical level, into which the Spiritual Essence, which came (incarnated) on planet Earth, is "placed". We come first of all for the development and growth of consciousness, through awareness, as well as for gaining certain skills and, in fact, in order to reveal our inner potential, but not only here, in this material world, but also the potential of our Soul, originally laid in it Creator. The development of every person living on Earth takes place simultaneously in two worlds - the subtle and the material world. The task of a person living on Earth at the present time (previously such tasks were not set before humanity, since they were set before separately taken developed Entities leading humanity to the Light) to make this development occur harmoniously, without distortions in one or the other side. In this regard, now you should not dwell on your life only on material development, just as giving up life in a social environment, "locking" yourself in a monastery or skete, does not make sense. Neither path will lead to evolution and growth of consciousness. The task of modern people who live in an amazing time of planetary transition is to find a balance within themselves - a balance of feminine and masculine, dark and light, that is, to get away from duality in anything. Planet Earth, its energies, the rules of life on it change daily, and a person who wants to keep up with evolution should also constantly change, move ...

Movement is the key to success in everything. Movement and cognition. Energy, true knowledge and time - this is what is now valuable for people living on Earth in the Light. If these three components are used correctly, a person's life on Earth will be happy, and he himself will move up the evolutionary ladder in step with all the changes, and also help those around him to go along this path.

When it is said that a person will be happy on Earth, we are not talking about the fact that his life will be ideal from the point of view of everyday consciousness. This means that a person has the opportunity to spend in joy every day of his life on Earth, the ability to clearly see the cause-and-effect relationship between certain events, to build harmonious relationships with others, to pass all life lessons with dignity and ease. An entity comes to this Earth in order to undergo training, to receive education by actively making itself. In each of the periods of the development of the Earth, the planet itself and life on it, the training and education program, in the form of lessons, was completely different. Civilizations, geography, etc. changed, at the same time, the program changed, and hence the lessons of each Soul incarnating in a physical body. Now there is no point in talking about the past - it does not exist. There is only the present. And each person should study in the present, in the moment here and now, to receive joy from living every minute - this in itself guarantees harmony in everything.

What lessons should each person start with?

The first is thought and putting it in order.
Thought is an instrument of Creation of every person living on Earth, whether he realizes it or not. Anyone who moves in step with evolution should learn to be aware of their thoughts. Every day, many thoughts appear in the head of every person, and there are few of those who are really aware of them in themselves. For most people, thoughts flow, in the form of an uninterrupted stream and most often mud ... In this regard, there is a need for practical action in asking oneself questions: “ What am I thinking now? In what way do my thoughts flow? Is it constructive or destructive? " A person who has begun to do this at least once will be surprised at the realization that most of his thoughts are denial and negativity. The next step of conscious thinking leads to the discovery that a person begins to clearly realize the influence of his own thoughts on his life, i.e. the ability to build mental relationships of the way of their actions is manifested. An example of awareness of a course of action is when a person asks himself: “What am I thinking? How does this thought affect my life? Have such thoughts appeared in my head before and what did they lead to? " These two steps, in seeming simplicity, are very effective and capable of turning a person's life in the direction necessary for evolution. It is important to DO, move, try, and work on yourself every day, revolve around your spine.

The second is relationships with other people.
This is the invaluable experience for which every Soul comes to Earth. This is the ability to create harmonious relationships and build them on the basis of unconditional love, which the Creator himself radiates to each person. In order to build a harmonious relationship with another person, you should start with yourself. It should be understood that i myself am the Creator of my life and a particle of the Source energy, His energy, lives in me. Perhaps this is the only way a person is able to see this spark in another person. Understand and accept that, building relationships with other people, a person through himself builds at the same time a relationship with himself and with the Creator. The energy of Creation, therefore, the Creator Himself is in every person. Having realized all this, having felt it, having experienced it in the course of individual practical experience, a person finally comes closer to understanding life in the energies of unconditional love. In another way, he simply cannot. Such people are the joy of the Universe..

The third important lesson that all Souls are learning now is the ability to balance their Spirit and Matter within themselves.
That is, to develop in two worlds at the same time. This is something that has already been mentioned more than once in previous articles "DAO - THE WAY OF LIFE" and "What is October 2016 preparing us for?" ". The energies that we talked about, and which are now descending to the Earth, and which will only descend, starting from February 2017, are focused on the harmonization of space, both the Earth itself and the inner content of every living Essence of the planet.

What does the ability to balance Spirit and Matter within oneself mean?

This is self-control and management of your thoughts, the ability to direct them in a creative direction, the ability to build relationships with other people from the paradigm of unconditionality, not benefits, the ability to invest your energy in Creativity and Creation, and not in the mechanical build-up of material wealth, the ability to find joy in every day, in any activity, the ability to be happy "here and now", and not to equate one's happiness and material wealth.

And at the end, about how it all began - a word. What is the Word?

The word is thought in motion. The word is also a tool for the exchange of thoughts, for the transfer of knowledge. This is another creative tool for humans. Having learned to control and direct his thoughts in the right direction, a person will learn to use the word correctly, use it for Co-Creation, and not for destruction, as is happening now. But you have to start with a thought.

Probably, the person did not immediately think about the meaning of life. For representatives of a primitive society, who lived in harsh conditions and were forced to confront dangers, overcome difficulties and hardships every hour, the meaning of life was biological survival. For this it was necessary to provide themselves and their relatives with food, a comfortable home and warm clothing.

The daily life of the ancestors of modern man took place in works and worries. But how much has changed since then? Humanity has received at its disposal technology with its impressive capabilities. Today there is no need to spend days in the forests looking for game. And yet the majority of people are now engaged only in obtaining their daily bread. Work for remuneration, household chores, household chores take up almost all the time. Where is there to think about the meaning of life.

But from time to time, some people still have a question about the purpose of their existence. Was life really given only in order to achieve a high social status, to provide for oneself financially and to continue one's family? Or are there other goals that are invisible in the daily rush? A person especially acutely feels the need to seek answers to such questions at the turning points and critical moments of his life.

In search of meaning: it's too early to end

As a result, everyone finds their own questions about their purpose. Some in search of the vital meaning and purpose of earthly existence come to God. The thought that there is a higher thing beyond the material world, which loves you, appreciates and guarantees the salvation of the soul, brings peace to a person's life.

Immersion in religion helps to maintain a life orientation in the face of incessant stress and pressure from circumstances. But can achieving oneness with God be the true goal of life?

There are other ways for self-realization. Indeed, why seek the Creator outside oneself, when one can become one himself? And then people plunge into creativity. Behind this is often a vague desire to realize your inner potential, to reveal your abilities and talents, to declare your individuality to the world. Creativity as a goal in life enhances physical and mental longevity, brings joy to everyday life and fills life with real meaning. At the same time, it often does not matter in what area and at what level a person creates.

At some point, a creative person begins to realize that her destiny is inextricably linked with the future of humanity. And then all daily chores, everyday worries and material interests recede into the background.

A person begins to purposefully look for that area of \u200b\u200bapplication of his talents, which will make it possible to find himself and become as useful as possible for future generations.

Heinrich Saulovich Altshuller, one of the founders of the scientific theory of creativity, was sincerely convinced that only a worthy goal can give a person's life true meaning. It must meet several requirements: be new, concrete, significant and have social utility ("How to become a genius. The life strategy of a creative personality", GS Altshuller, IM Vertkin, 1994).

Human life on earth would be one-sided and flawed if there was no room for friendship, love, exciting adventure and social success. Of course, the orientation towards a creative life in no way cancels out the simple joys of earthly life. And yet, creativity is one of the most powerful ways to find your purpose and put an end to the question of why a person lives on earth. A point that may well turn into an ellipsis that goes into eternity.

Why do people live on earth? From time immemorial, both great philosophers and ordinary people have been looking for the answer to this question. But none of them has come to the final conclusion yet, because this task has no single solution. There are as many schools of thought, as many opinions, and maybe even more.

And yet, some were able to find logical answers that could explain human existence.

How often do we think about why a person is born and lives?

The most carefree time is childhood. During this period, we all run like crazy in our homes, pretending to be pirates, superheroes, robots. Thousands of amazing ideas may swarm in our head, but there is not a single question about the meaning of life. And why?

And only after crossing the threshold of youth, a person begins to look for an answer to it. “Why does a person live? What is his purpose? What is the meaning of my life? " - all these questions troubled the heart of each of us. But some quickly threw them away, switching to more pressing problems, while others, on the contrary, spent their whole lives in search of undeniable truth.

Ancient philosophers and the meaning of life

Once Aristotle said: “Cognition of the soul is the main task of a philosopher, since it can give answers to many questions ...” Moreover, he believed that any thinker should look for meaning in everything, since this search is an integral part of ourselves. He taught that it is not enough to accept things as they are, you also need to understand why they are needed in this world.

German philosopher Georg Hegel was also puzzled by the question of why a person lives in this world. He believed that such a craving for knowing oneself is inherent in us by nature and is our true I. Moreover, he argued: if we understand what role is assigned to a person, then it will be possible to unravel the purpose of other phenomena in the universe.

Also, do not forget about Plato and his reflections on why a person lives on earth. He was sure that the search for one's destiny is the highest good for a person. In part, it was in this search that his meaning of life was hidden.

God's plan, or why do people live on the plan?

You cannot talk about the meaning of life and not touch on the topic of religion. After all, all existing beliefs have their own opinion on this issue. In their sacred texts there are clear instructions on how to spend your life and what is the highest good for a person.

So, let's consider the most common denominations.

  • Christianity. According to the New Testament, all people are born to live a righteous life, which will give them a place in paradise. Therefore, their purpose in life is to serve the Lord as well as to be merciful to others.
  • Islam. Muslims have not strayed too far from Christians, their faith is also based on serving God, only this time to Allah. In addition, every true Muslim must spread his faith and fight the "infidels" with all his might.
  • Buddhism. If you ask a Buddhist: "Why does a person live?", He will most likely answer like this: "To become enlightened." This is the goal that all followers of the Buddha pursue: to clear their minds and go to nirvana.
  • Hinduism. Each has a divine spark - Atman, thanks to which a person after death is reborn in a new body. And if in this life he behaved well, then at the next rebirth he will become happier or richer. The highest goal of being is to break the circle of rebirth and indulge in oblivion, which gives pleasure and peace.

Scientific point of view on the purpose of man

Darwin's theory of evolution challenged the headship of the church. This was due to the fact that humanity received another version explaining the appearance of life on Earth. And if at first only a few were in agreement with this theory, then as science developed, its adherents became more and more.

But how does science look at the issue we are discussing? Why does man live on earth? In general, everything is pretty simple. Since man is descended from an animal, then their goals are similar. And what is most important for every living organism? Right, procreation.

That is, from a scientific point of view, the meaning of life is to find a reliable partner, reproduce offspring and take care of them in the future. After all, this is the only way to save the species from extinction and ensure a bright future for yourself.

Cons of previous theories

Now we should talk about what the disadvantages are in these concepts. After all, both scientific and religious hypotheses are not able to give an exhaustive answer to the question: "Why do people live on earth?"

The downside to scientific theory is that it highlights a common goal that is ideal for the entire species. But if we consider the problem on the scale of one individual, then the hypothesis loses its universality. After all, it turns out that those who are not able to have children are completely devoid of any meaning in life. And a healthy person is unlikely to like to exist with the idea that his only purpose is to transfer his genes to offspring.

The position of religious communities is also imperfect. After all, most religions put the afterlife above the earthly. Moreover, if a person is an atheist or an agnostic, then his existence is devoid of any meaning. Many do not like this dogma, so over the years the church foundations begin to weaken. As a result, a person is again left alone with the question "why do people live on earth."

How can you find the truth?

Now what? What if the scientific point of view does not fit, and the church is too conservative? Where can you find the answer to such an important question?

In fact, there is simply no universal solution to the problem. Each person is a person, therefore, his inner world is unique. Everyone must find their own path, their own meaning and their values. This is the only way to find harmony within yourself.

It is not necessary to always follow the same path. The beauty of life is that there are no set rules and boundaries. Everyone has the right to choose specific ideals for himself, and if they seem false from time to time, they can always be replaced with new ones. For example, many people work half their lives to make a fortune. And when they achieve this, they understand that money is far from the main thing. Then they again take up the search for the meaning of being that can make their life brighter and more beautiful.

The main thing is not to be afraid to think: "Why do I exist and what is my purpose?" After all, if there is a question, then the answer to it is sure to be found.

Philosophical question: "Why does a person live" - haunted for many centuries, not only to the extraordinary minds of mankind - scientists, thinkers and philosophers, but also to ordinary people, ordinary people who want to know the truth of life, just for their little happiness.

On the topic of: What does a person live for - they write essays at school, ponder at the table in the kitchen ..., talk in intoxication, but thoughts about the meaning of a person's life are especially clearly manifested during periods of mood decline, with symptoms of depression, in despair ..., during a psychological crisis.

And sometimes in such a depressed state, not finding the purpose and meaning of a person's life, some people think about suicide.

In such situations, emergency psychological assistance and psychotherapeutic intervention are often needed.

Why do people live, what is the meaning of human life

We will not be highly philosophical about: what do people live for and what is the meaning of human life - many have already done this and continue to do so - we will approach this issue in a more down-to-earth, more "everyday" way, and at the same time, more rationally and psychologically understandable.

Let us draw your attention once again to the fact that almost any person thinks little about the meaning of life and about what he lives for, provided that he is happy and everything is fine with him.

But, as soon as a "black streak" sets in, and everyday problems are superimposed on one another, as soon as plans and expectations collapse, and depression and depression come, many people immediately want to think about the meaning of their life (or rather, about its absence), and ask yourself questions: What am I living for, what is the meaning of my life, thereby aggravating their situation.

And if you imagine that in some miraculous way this person was able to sharply adjust his affairs and again feel happy, then he, most likely, at one moment will forget about his "high reflections" about the goals and meaning of life ...

And if you still fantasize and imagine that your life is just a happy "white line", and that all your plans, expectations, dreams and hopes come true, then you can forget about the meaning of life ...

From the above it follows that the meaning of human life for two purposes: in maintaining life itself and in getting pleasure from this life ... it turns out that this is what a person lives for ... and those who deprive themselves of pleasure become philosophers (including "domestic" ones), martyrs, true priests ... and other great people ...

Those who do not dream of becoming great, but want earthly, human happiness, should not strain their psyche and look for answers to these questions:

How to find the meaning of life or what am I living for?

So to understand what I live for and find the meaning of life - you need to learn two things:
1) protect and maintain your life, mental and physical health;
2) enjoy life.

But, since the real life of a person is not a fairy tale, and, by definition, there cannot be a permanent "white line", then before fulfilling these two points, it is worth learning how to correctly, adequately evaluate, interpret and respond to various negative situations and problems ...

In a word, learn to think rationally and manage your emotions.
Then, you can just live and enjoy your life, and not ask questions: how to find the meaning of life or what i live for

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