Download the vocational guidance stand. Career guidance corner

Only the combination of "I want", "I can", with an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat needs to be done to master the profession, will help to get on the right path.
However, beware of common mistakes: Focus only on the prestige of a particular profession. You should not be guided by a prestigious profession, forgetting about your own desires and capabilities. This is fraught with getting a fashionable but unloved job. Treating the choice of profession as unchanging. We all have the right to make mistakes, and, having received a profession, we can understand that this is not what we need. But this should not stop you from looking for exactly that profession, to which your heart lies. Because friends went there. By blindly following your friends, you run the risk of choosing the wrong profession: after all, you forget about your own "want" and "can". The transfer of attitudes towards a person, a representative of a particular profession, to the profession itself. If you like a person - a representative of the profession, then this is a good opportunity to learn about his activities from different angles. However, you should not choose a profession only out of sympathy for a person, since the work itself may not suit you. There are many sides to the profession. Often we see only the positive aspects of the profession, forgetting about the "dark side of the coin". It is worth learning as much about the profession as possible in order to consider both the pros and cons. Identification of a school subject with a profession or poor distinction between these concepts. Very rarely, a profession coincides with the subject that interests you. In addition, favorite subjects are rarely associated with only one profession, and may be needed in different fields of activity. Outdated ideas about the nature of labor in the sphere of material production. Do not forget that interesting, complex technology, as well as computers are now used in all spheres of work. Inability or unwillingness to understand their personal qualities (inclinations, abilities). Not knowing your abilities, you run the risk of choosing an inappropriate profession, which will not work for you, will not bring pleasure. Do not be afraid to ask a professional consultant for help. They will help you, they will tell you in which direction it is better to move, but the choice is up to you. Ignorance or underestimation of their physical characteristics, shortcomings that are significant when choosing a profession. There may be professions that are physically contraindicated for you. It is worth deleting them, because working on the verge of abilities to the detriment of health does not lead to success. Lack of knowledge of the basic actions, operations and their order when solving, thinking about the problem when choosing a profession. When you solve a math problem, you perform certain actions in a certain sequence. It would be wise to do the same when choosing a profession.

List of educational institutions Higher educational establishments: 1. Vyatka State Humanitarian University 2. Komi State Pedagogical Institute 3. Syktyvkar Forestry Institute Secondary specialized and vocational educational institutions: 1. Syktyvkar Trade and Economic College 2. Syktyvkar Medical College named after IP Morozov 3. Syktyvkar College of Service and Communication

Psychology. Full-time form of study Qualification: bachelor Duration of study: 4 years Entrance tests: Russian (USE or testing), biology (USE or testing), profile, mathematics (USE or testing).

History. Full-time study Profiles: Historical study of local lore, History of international relations Qualification: bachelor Duration of study: 4 years Entrance tests: Russian (USE or testing), history (USE or testing), profile, social studies (USE or testing).

Jurisprudence. Full-time education Qualification: bachelor. Duration of study: 4 years Entrance tests: Russian (USE or testing), social studies (USE or testing), profile, history (USE or testing).

Advertising and public relations. Full-time course of study Profiles: Advertising and public relations in the commercial sphere Qualification: Bachelor Degree of study: 4 years Entrance tests: Russian (USE or testing), social studies (USE or testing), profile, history (USE or testing).

Mathematics and Computer Science. Full-time study Profiles: Algebra, number theory and discrete analysis Qualification: Bachelor Course of study: 4 years Entrance tests: Russian (USE or testing), mathematics (USE or testing), profile, physics (USE or testing).

Design. Full-time study Profiles: Environment Design, Graphic Design Qualification: Bachelor Study period: 4 years Entrance tests: Russian (USE or testing), literature (USE or testing), profile, creative exam (interview, viewing independent creative works, composition) ...

Teacher Education. Full-time education Profile: Life safety Qualification: Bachelor Course duration: 4 years Entrance tests: Russian (USE or testing), social studies (USE or testing), profile, mathematics (USE or testing).

Profile: Fine arts Qualification: Bachelor Duration of study: 4 years Entrance tests: Russian (USE or testing), social studies (USE or testing), profile, creative exam (interview, viewing independent creative works, composition).

Profile: Physical Education Qualification: Bachelor Duration of study: 4 years Entrance tests: Russian (USE or testing), social studies (USE or testing), profile, general physical fitness (running 100 m; standing long jump; pull-up on the bar - boys, raising and lowering the body - girls).

Profile: Preschool education with an additional profile additional education Qualification: Bachelor Duration of study: 5 years Entrance tests: Russian language (USE or testing), social studies (USE or testing), profile, mathematics (USE or testing).

Profile: Primary education with an additional profile additional education Qualification: bachelor Course of study: 5 years Entrance tests: Russian (USE or testing), social studies (USE or testing), profile, mathematics (USE or testing).

Representative office in Syktyvkar: Sysolskoe highway, 64, Phone: (8212) Address:, Kirov, st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 26. Tel. admissions office: (8332) www. vshu. Representative office in Syktyvkar: Sysolskoe shosse, 64, Phone: (8212) Address: Kirov, st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 26. Tel. admissions office: (8332) www. vshu.

Address:, Syktyvkar, st. Kommunisticheskaya, 25. Tel. admissions office: 8 (8212) www. kgpi. ru / priem www. kgpiwww. kgpi

Agroengineering. Full-time course of study Profile: Electrical equipment and electrotechnology Qualification: bachelor Duration of study: 4 years Entrance tests: Russian language (USE), physics (USE) mathematics (USE, profile).

Forestry. Full-time course of study Profile: Forestry Qualification: Bachelor Duration of study: 4 years Entrance tests: Russian language (USE), biology (USE) mathematics (USE, profile).

Management. Full-time course of study Profile: Production management Qualification: Bachelor Duration of study: 4 years Entrance tests: Russian language (USE), social studies (USE) mathematics (USE, profile).

Chemical Technology. Full-time course of study Profile: Technology and equipment for chemical processing of wood Qualification: Bachelor Duration of study: 4 years Entrance tests: Russian language (USE), physics (USE), mathematics (USE, profile).

Address:, Syktyvkar, st. Lenin, 39. Tel. reception com .: 8 (8212) website: www.

Address: Syktyvkar, st. Kataeva, 37. Tel. reception com .: 8 (8212) website: www.

Specialty: General Medicine. Full-time training Qualification: medical assistant Training period: 3 years 10 months. Entrance tests: Russian language (USE), biology (USE).

Specialty: Obstetrics Full-time training Qualification: midwife Duration of training: 2 years 10 months. Entrance tests: Russian language (USE), biology (USE).

Specialty: Nursing Full-time education Qualification: nurse Training period: 2 years 10 months. Entrance tests: Russian language (USE), biology (USE).

Specialty: Laboratory diagnostics Full-time training Qualification: medical laboratory technician Training period: 2 years 10 months. Entrance tests: Russian language (USE), biology (USE).

Specialty: Hairdressing Full-time training Qualification: fashion designer-artist Training period: 2 years 10 months (11th grade) 3 years 10 months (Grade 9) Entrance tests: according to the results of the exam, the Russian language, the history of Russia according to the results of the GIA, the Russian language, mathematics

  • The size: 1,38x1
  • Vendor code: ShK-0255
  • Number of pockets: 8 pockets A4
  • Material: PVC-plastic 3mm, film with 720 dpi photo printing. Pockets PET 0.5 mm, fastening with double-sided tape.
  • Material:

Product description:

Such a multifunctional stand as a "career guidance corner" is necessary in every school. He will help students get acquainted with each profession, find out what its advantages are and what benefits it will have for society. On the stand there is a text about choosing a profession and how important it is to do what you love in the future. For any other additional information there are 8 A4 pockets on the stand so that the school administration can supplement the stand with the necessary material about professions and future work. This model of the stand has a lot of colorful and rich drawings that preserve the image quality for a long time.

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  • The client must first pay 30% of the order value in order to confirm purchase intentions.

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