Possibility to participate in the tender. What you need to fully participate in tenders: rules, conditions, documentation

Tender is a method of competitive selection of lucrative offers for the purchase of goods, the provision of services, performed in accordance with the terms and conditions. As a rule, all conditions and terms are prescribed in the documentation and agreed in advance.

The contract is concluded with the winner of the tender, whose proposal follows the paragraphs of the documentation and offers the most favorable conditions.

The word “tender” itself may coincide with the meaning of words such as “auction”, “tender” or “bargaining”, as well as other competitive procedures, for example, “request for proposals”.

Why participate?

State auctions are organized by the state authorities or self-governing administrative-territorial units in accordance with the law. The main task of such an auction is search for a manufacturer who will provide the most favorable conditions for its implementation... The main method of government procurement is state tender.

The basic principles of bargaining are the ability to outperform competitors, equal conditions for all involved.

Tenders are divided into open and closed. Depending on the type, the tender takes 1-2 stages.

What is the difference between open and closed tenders?

Open tenders are organized for the supply of various types of equipment and services, and eligible suppliers can participate in them.

Only those suppliers who have been invited by customers who have anything to do with state secrets take part in closed auctions.

In one step Bargaining takes place in the event that it is possible to purchase a product or service from a single supplier or if the purchase volume is small.

In two steps auctions are held for government purchases of equipment, etc., for example, for exploitation for research purposes.

The terms of participation

There are generally accepted provisions for bidding. For example, both Russian and foreign organizations created and registered in accordance with the procedure established by law have the right to participate in the competition. All participants are required to provide all the agreed documentation, which, as a rule, is drawn up in accordance with the buyer's requests.

Official papers for organizing the tender are drawn up both in the language of the country that organized the competition, and in the language of another country participating in the competition.

Required documents

As already mentioned, in order to participate in the auction, you must provide all the official papers that are required by the consumer. It is worth noting that there is a generally accepted package of official papers that is required in almost all cases.

Often, in order to participate in the competition, you need to provide:

  • list of provided papers, certified by the supplier's representative;
  • a written offer for participation in the auction, signed by the body carrying out direct operational activities for the management of the economic company;
  • a list of persons who have the right to act on the supplier's appointment without a document giving these powers, signed photocopies of official papers on the appointment of such persons;
  • a copy of the document signed by the superiors, which contains the appointment of the chief accountant;
  • an extract from the Unified State Register of an organization created and registered in accordance with the procedure established by law, which was issued by the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation two weeks before the submission;
  • signed by the executive body that exercises control and supervision functions over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, photocopies of the charter and constituent official papers of the person supplying products or services;
  • photocopies of the certificate of state registration, created and registered in accordance with the procedure established by law, organization and registration with the tax office, signed by a notary;
  • application with the specified length of service as a supplier;
  • a certificate from the tax office certifying that there are no debts in the payment of binding taxes;
  • photocopies of the accounts for the final three issued dates marked by the tax authorities;
  • statements of income and expenses for the final three issued dates, as noted by the tax authorities.

Also, the buyer may require additional packages of official papers.

How to participate in the tender?

In a step-by-step process, you can define the following steps:

  1. The first step is to select a competition that matches the specific activities of the organization.
  2. Second step: get acquainted with the selection criteria and conditions.
  3. Third step: collect all official papers.
  4. Fourth step: provide a statement.

Securing the application is a significant step, since without it, the participants do not have the right to participate in the competition. Collateral amount - up to 5% of the contract amountthis is usually a significant amount. Here will help you bank guarantee or tender credit.

Construction tenders

The first step towards signing a profitable contract can be considered the search for the right bargaining. A well-organized search for auctions with a specific topic helps the supplier company learn about the deals of competitive organizations.

The construction sector is one of the most dynamically gaining momentum in development in Russia and the CIS. The fourth part of all tenders is construction tenders.

Where can I find construction tenders?

At the moment, the largest number of contests can be found on the World Wide Web, that is, on the Internet. There are special virtual platforms where both state and private enterprises have their proposals. There are 5 federal platforms for filing government orders and many private ones.

Construction tenders are also usually located on the official websites of state, municipal or private organizations that organized the tender.

Choosing such a strategy for their search, you will be forced to browse a huge number of sites with similar topics.

Some part of construction tenders can also be found in print media.

How is the competition

The process can be described as follows:

  1. Information on the consideration of competitive applications is not disclosed to those participating in the auction.
  2. After all the applications are delivered, the initial meeting of the tender committee is called, where envelopes with official papers are opened and checked, and resolutions are prepared.
  3. The second step is to discuss the competitive applications of the participants.
  4. The final step - the winner is chosen by voting.

Requirements for participation in the auction are predetermined by the buyer.

Is it worth participating?

Auctions have been organized for a long time, so you can get a lot of practical experience about taking part in such events. After learning some of the characteristics and subtleties of the process, you will certainly get away from repeating other people's mistakes.

In the field of marketing, as well as in all industries where competitions have been organized for more than a decade, the requirements and conditions are constantly changing, modernizing and supplementing with new ones.

And serious enterprises that have already earned an impeccable reputation, as a rule, do not participate in the "auction", unless they wish to take on some light work that is done in the shortest possible time.

Let's trace the logical chain - organizations that fulfill orders with high quality already have a base of regular customers and will not fly at the first call to take part in every auction. After all, they can spend the time spent on participating in the competition with greater benefit for themselves, working in the office or at home.

Therefore, the tenders, by and large, involve companies either unknown or with an insufficient contingent of regular customers and an average reputation that produce products, the quality and reliability of which is not confirmed and is not in great demand.

And since companies with an impeccable reputation refuse tenders, their holding often becomes simply unprofitable. Of course, buyers had to come up with a way out of this situation in order to attract reliable and popular manufacturers to participate in competitions. Thus formed paid auctions, where, in addition to the winner, all participants will receive a small cash payment.

It goes without saying that the buyer is not interested in paying for the participation of all comers who "passed by" - he himself manages the list of participants whom he would like to see. And according to this list, invitations are sent out. But still, most of the competitions that are drawn up are not paid.

As for the advantages of taking part in the auction, they are as follows:

  • The acquisition of experience and a significant addition to the portfolio, which will serve as an excellent foundation for the future.
  • Replenishment of the client base.

A story about fictitious problems of participation in tenders

The video describes how to bid and what newcomer companies shouldn't be afraid of:

Very often in the newly created tendering department of the company, employees cannot immediately decide how to take part in tenders, where to start searching. Participation in tender projects is a rather specific activity and will require careful consideration of every nuance.

First steps

Participation in tenders begins with the selection of projects that are proposed by different customers. Information about these projects is contained in several sources:

  • customer sites;
  • thematic Internet portals;
  • tender sites.

One of the specialists of the department can collect and filter information about tenders. In the process, it is recommended to create your own database of order sources and companies in order to further speed up the search process. To simplify the task, experts advise using those sites where orders are collected that relate to a certain field of activity.

Before choosing a specific order, you should study in detail all the information that is attached to it. So, the following points should be indicated in the application:

  • contact details of the company;
  • essence of the project;
  • price;
  • term.

In addition to these data, the order must contain an additional document, which contains a detailed description of all requirements, conditions, as well. A specialist who has a legal education and knows the laws related to this type of activity should be engaged in the study of projects. With at least basic knowledge, such an employee will be able to easily determine how high the order level is and whether the customer is not a fraud.

If this order is correctly executed and suitable for execution, you should contact the customer through one of the proposed channels. If an employee of the department does not know where to start tenders, it is recommended to call the customer and find out by telephone what the competition for the selected tender is, how serious the company is this enterprise, and resolve other issues.


When establishing contacts, it is recommended not only to make a call to the customer, but also to hold a series of meetings. As a result, representatives of the company holding the tender will recognize such candidates, and the chance of choosing this particular contractor will increase. However, you need to be not too intrusive and not constantly clarify the details of the transaction.

In addition, such communication will provide additional information about the customer. This is especially important if the enterprise is commercial. It is also recommended to pre-study the requests of other tender organizers. Such information can be obtained from the media, official websites of companies or other sources.

Drawing up an application

As soon as the specialists of the tender have selected a specific project, you should start filling out the application. For this they select required documents and draw up accordingly. Anyone who does not know where to start a tender should first submit a written application. Registration should be carried out very carefully, since the candidate may be refused to participate in the tender due to the smallest errors and inaccuracies.

If the department does not have enough competent employees, you can contact the specialists of those firms that are engaged in the preparation of all the papers required to participate in the tender. At the same time, experts advise existing employees tender department monitor the work of this specialist, as well as consult with him in order to further independently perform such work. The constant appeal to outside lawyers significantly increases financial costs.

Everything should be in moderation

There is no unequivocal answer to the question of how to start participating in tenders. However, the main rule is to be very careful when registering even the smallest details in technical documentation.

Customers often pay attention not only to the characteristics of the contractor who is submitting an application, but also to how he formalized it. This even applies to such trifles as:

  • handwriting,
  • ink color,
  • the quality of the binding and the paper on which the application is made.

A ready-made package of documents should not be sent to the customer by mail, but a courier or a representative of his company should be allocated for this - this will also bring together trust.

If the conditions of the competition allow it, it is recommended to submit all the technical information accompanied by graphic materials. You can also add a list of past customers to the document package. Having studied the activities of the candidates for the executors of the tender project, the customer will know what benefits he can get by contacting a particular company.

How to start participating in tenders: Video

You've probably heard a lot about tender sales - tenders and auctions in which customers select sellers of goods and service providers for their needs. The essence of the tender boils down to the fact that the customer company announces the selection of performers for its order, and then considers the applications of the applicants and selects the one that offered the best conditions ...

Many entrepreneurs successfully participate in tenders, expanding the scope of their activities and increasing profitability. How do they do it? The answer is simple: they have mastered electronic trading - the most convenient and efficient type of tender purchases.

The main advantage of electronic trading is equal conditions for all participants. This principle ensures fair competition between large enterprises and small businesses. This gives aspiring entrepreneurs more opportunities to develop sales.

Working on electronic platforms is not difficult, and in this article we will show you how to learn it.

Following our step-by-step instructions, you can:

  • Choose the right venues for participation;
  • Pass accreditation on your own;
  • Find purchases of interest;
  • Take part and win your first tender.


Selection of electronic sites

There are 2 main types of electronic trading platforms (ETP) where purchases take place:

  • State - for tenders of federal, regional and municipal customers, budgetary organizations;
  • Commercial - for the procurement of business structures.
Scroll state sites determined by the government - only 5 ETPs, and all of them comply with the requirements of Law 44-FZ. There are much more commercial systems, over 150 - the state does not regulate their work, and purchases here are made according to internal rules.

In addition, there are ETPs for the procurement of state-owned companies (business with state participation), where the rules established by law 223-FZ apply. More about electronic platforms: Complete list of ETP for tender purchases As you can see, a large number of different sites operate on the market, and it is impractical to get acquainted with each of them. At the first stage, it is more important to determine the type of suitable ETP and select those of them where the tenders you are interested in are most often found.

Cheatcode 1: You can simplify search for tenders (Review article on the search for tenders)using one of the popular search engines. For example, get a one-day test access to the tender search system "Factory of purchases" ... This time will be enough to scan all sites and select 8-10 most suitable ones.

Cheatcode 2: Look at the ETP of completed trades on your topic. This will allow you to identify potential competitors and an approximate purchase price that you should count on. Many customers annually place the same orders in a certain month or quarter, therefore, by examining last year's purchases, you will compose a picture for the current year.


Obtaining an electronic digital signature (EDS)

To get started on any trading platform, you will need an EDS - an electronic digital signature. This is a means of authentication and secure transmission of data in the network; it is a mandatory requirement for every bidder, both on state and commercial ETPs.

Please note: for access to state auctions (according to 44-FZ), purchases of state-owned companies (223-FZ) and commercial structures, the corresponding types of EDS are issued. In addition, there is a universal digital signature for all types of ETP.

Your task is to get an electronic signature suitable for the 8-10 sites you have selected.

The cost of an EDS in different issuing centers ranges from 6,900 to 10,000 rubles, depending on the list of sites. You can order from us EDS with free shipping .

Cheatcode: Before receiving electronic signature check with the organization with which you conclude an agreement for an FSB license. The procedure for issuing an EDS requires the provision of scans of documents, including a passport, and the presence of an FSB license is a guarantee against unlawful use of your data. Example of an FSB license

Registration on electronic platforms

Using EDS, you can register on the trading platforms of interest. Registration is quite simple, but before starting the procedure, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rules for working on the selected ETP and its tariffs.

Registration and work at public procurement sites is completely free. More details: Algorithm for registration on the ETP of the state order

Please note: registration and participation in trading on commercial sites, as a rule, is carried out on a paid basis. Before starting work, look at the terms of connection and participation in tenders. The fee can be charged for participation in a purchase, for a victory, or as a subscription service. In some cases, the opportunity to submit your proposal costs up to 100,000 rubles.

Search for tenders

When you have registered and got used to the site, you should set up the distribution of new tenders in your personal account. Select the topics of interest, and the system will automatically notify you about placing orders that may be interesting. To receive ETP letters, we recommend setting up a separate e-mail folder.

Cheatcode 1. To save time, you can use the tender search system. Its application pays off, as a rule, after the first won tender. Attention! When ordering an EDS in our organization, you are provided with free access to the search engine "Factory of purchases" within 1 month.

Chitcode 2 At the initial stage of participation in tenders, we recommend choosing purchases worth not more than 1,000,000 rubles. The larger the contract amount, the higher the likelihood of corruption in the tender. On the contrary, the lower the amount, the lower the competition from experienced participants.

Participation in tenders

Participation in tenders is a voluminous and complex topic that cannot be covered in a short instruction. You can learn how to participate in tenders only on your own experience (after going a long way of trial and error) or under the leadership of an experienced mentor.

Before starting to work with tenders, we strongly recommend that you undergo at least minimal training. See details: Methods of teaching tender sales

If there is no time to study or to understand procurement issues, you can order escort services in the auction or call a tender specialist for a day

Start today to win tomorrow!

Entrepreneurs can and should master tender purchases... Participation in auctions is a powerful impetus to business development, expansion of the sales market, and increased profits.

Work on electronic platforms is becoming more and more important every year, as the number of tenders and auctions placed is growing every year. And this trend will continue for several more years.

At the same time, according to the statistics of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, in 2014 more than 40% of public procurement did not take place due to the lack of applications from suppliers. This means that you have the opportunity to occupy a large and promising niche that will provide a growing income for years to come.

All that remains is to gain experience of successful work with tenders, and in this we are ready to help you.

We are glad to offer the following services:

  • Obtaining EDS for electronic trading

  • Installation and configuration of the tender search system

  • Tender specialist services

If you have any questions related to participation in purchases, obtaining an EDS and searching for tenders, we will definitely answer them and provide comprehensive advice. You can ask questions in the comments or by contacting us in any convenient way.

Participation in a tender seems to the average citizen to be something overly complicated and incomprehensible.
As the practice of the last decade shows, an increasing number of manufacturers of goods and services prefer to participate in the auction.

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What is a tender (tendering)?

A competitive bidding organized by a customer to find a profitable, effective and high-quality proposal is called a tender. The customer is the state purchasing products for state, municipal needs or private companies. Products, works or services become the object of bargaining.

It is carried out according to specific rules, the violation of which entails problems with the law. The winner is the company with the best offer. It includes high quality, low price, minimum terms of execution. To win a government order or a commercial tender, you need to develop a high-quality application, taking into account all the wishes of the customer.

Definition of concepts and types

Tender is a word of English origin, means bargaining, competition. According to the current legislation, the word competition is used, although in the business world they use the terms: "tender application", "tender commission", "tender documentation".

State auctions are carried out in accordance with the provisions of the normative document 94-F3. They take place according to three procurement schemes for budget funds: requests for quotations, tenders and auctions. In commercial, the rules for holding auctions are established, conditions are set and implemented using their own or borrowed funds.

Tender classification:

  • Open. Any company can take part in it, it is distinguished by healthy competition, which promotes transparency in the conduct. Information about the upcoming tender is published by the customer in specific media sources and the Internet. Companies submit an application for participation to the commission. It is carried out to supply institutions with large, long-term supplies of products or construction work at a public facility;
  • Closed. According to the rules, it limits the number of participants who deliver specific goods or provide special services. For example, it is used in government procurement for defense needs. Sometimes this status arises when the customer wants to work with companies that have a certain status, license.
  • Two-stage. It is used in the purchase of complex products, in the performance of research, development and technological work, it is used in construction production... The method helps to evaluate the existing methods and technologies, means and conditions of the supplier and to formulate their wishes.

At the first stage, the customer accepts offers without specifying a price. He studies proposals, makes amendments and additions to documents. At the second stage, participants submit revised documents. They take into account the amendments and indicate the prices of products or services, works.

  • Price quotation requests. They are used for small volumes of purchases up to 250 thousand rubles. Procurement is carried out without intermediaries, the number of suppliers must be at least three;
  • Purchase from a single source. Performed when only one supplier is able to fulfill the order, for example, a work of art or copyright.

Any legal entity can protect its own copyright. In this case, the procedure will be called

The most profitable business in Russia continues to be mining. What else can you do to make a good profit. See this


Any natural or legal person who is an authorized representative of the company or just a legal entity can participate in the tender. They must confirm their desire to participate in the tender and submit an application to the tender commission. The application is drawn up in accordance with the terms of the tender documentation.

Executors of orders in rare cases avoid participating in tenders, since almost all types of products on the market and services are bought on its basis.

Rules of the game

Free orientation on the market in its segment allows companies to fill out the correct application, but each customer has their own rules of the game, so the question of how to participate in tenders for the successful promotion of offers depends on them.

When participating in the auction, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Careful study of tender documents, the content of which indicates the level of bargaining. If they have a number of shortcomings, technical errors, then the customer does not have special training. In addition to the customer's prices, the terms of delivery and payment, warranty obligations are of interest. Consequently, when considering proposals by the customer, the emphasis is on an interesting proposal for the terms of delivery.
  2. The price of the product should include the costs of preparation, costs of outsourced companies, support, qualified specialists, paperwork. Detailed information about the price is a guarantor providing a decent payment, indicating to the customer the features of the proposal in question.
  3. Study of tender documents will reveal shortcomings and inaccuracies, missing information in the preparation of proposals. Therefore, the supplier should clarify in advance how to develop them correctly.
  4. Compliance with the order, the norms indicated by the customer, is one of the successful steps taken by the supplier company. In no case should the deadline for submitting the application be disrupted. The customer's instructions on the order of filing applications must absolutely be followed, and the documents are drawn up strictly according to the submitted forms without clarification.
  5. The customer makes a mark when accepting an application from the company, entering data about the company into the register. In the absence of a register, confirmation is drawn up by an act of acceptance and transfer.
  6. The supplier asks the customer about the terms of consideration of the application, the procedure for making clarifications, the timing and procedure for announcing the results of the tender. In the absence of information, filing an application may be difficult or impossible to complete.
  7. It is worth periodically asking about the results. If the customer makes a request for additional information, then send it to expand and supplement the information.

Compliance with the above rules increases the chance of winning.

Tender for beginners

The newly adopted Law No. 44-FZ allows start-up companies to win the tender, as the procedure for holding becomes more transparent. The customer forms a procurement commission before the day of the official publication of information in the media and the Internet, identifying the supplier and the contractor. The commission consists of specialists who have received professional retraining and have information about the subject of the procurement.

The commission team is formed separately for each type of bargaining.

Despite the law, many companies are baffled by the question: how to start preparing for the tender? In this situation, measures must be taken to:

  • development of demanded industries with social significance of products;
  • studying the laws on tenders;
  • improving technical training for getting started in electronic trading and auctions;
  • financial solvency to participate in public procurement;
  • correct preparation of the package of tender documents.

In addition, the company must have all other documentation in order, and tax payments must be made on time.

The firm must know about the activities of competitors, their strengths and weaknesses. She must be prepared for the most powerful pressure from bureaucrats. Be firm, confident, calculate the possible development of the situation, ready for anything.

It is difficult for an individual to go all the way, but it is quite possible, because the main thing in the tender is profit, which just does not come.

Preparation of documents

The customer prepares a package of tender documents, approves and submits to the bidders to prepare tender proposals for the procurement object or a separate part of it.

The package of documents for participation in the tender is filled in according to the established forms and consists of:

  1. applications;
  2. questionnaires containing information about the company;
  3. commercial proposal;
  4. justification of the proposal by calculations, items of costs and expenditures of resources on the separation sheet. The absence of an explanatory note may result in refusal to consider proposals;
  5. a list of involved subcontractors with attached information about subcontractors;
  6. additional documents provided by the customer.

Mandatory conditions

The tender commission determines the basic conditions, procedure, terms and place of the tender. In the media and on the Internet, the procedure for processing documents by tender participants is published in a month.

Issuance of tender documents is completed 5 days before the implementation of the tender.

Applications are registered in a special journal, numbered and laced by the commission, which it accepts. The tenderer pays for the services for the production of a package of documents at the actual cost. Acceptance of bids ends the day before the implementation of the tender.

The commission, after considering the applications, notifies the company in writing of the results that it makes on this application. Tender proposals are drawn up in triplicate and sealed in an envelope. The commission opens the envelope, announces the proposals in the presence of the companies that participate in the auction. The results are published in print.

The difference in the procedure for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities

There is no fundamental value for an individual entrepreneur and a legal entity to participate in the tender. The form of ownership does not affect the results of the tender, the difference is the form of taxation.

When submitting documents, the legal entity submits an application, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, certified by a notary, and the individual entrepreneur submits a notarized extract from the USRIP, a passport.

Watch a video on the benefits of bidding for small businesses

Successful trading can be learned

Bidding requires knowledge to be successful. Announcements on the organization of courses and seminars teaching the basics of participation in tenders are found on the Internet and in the media. The courses are taught according to a program that explains the provisions of the current legislation on the territory of Russia, the technique of working on electronic trading platforms is covered.

What is needed for this?

The knowledge gained is not always a guarantee that ensures successful competition in the market.

To make bidding effective, you need to:

  • study the monitoring of tenders for products or services that exist in the company;
  • find and set up auctions of interest to the company;
  • be able to recognize the signs of contractual tenders, master the procedure for submitting applications; learn to competently, draw up a package of tender documents;
  • appoint a person responsible for participation in tenders, train staff on courses, conduct seminars.

Selecting a venue and theme

According to a special system of interaction, the customer and the supplier carry out electronic trading using the global Internet. The Government of the Russian Federation has determined electronic trading platforms on the Internet, where wide functionalities with placed orders are exhibited, allowing an effective selection of performers.

The applicant participating in the auction must choose one of the five presented trading platforms:

  1. JSC "United Electronic trading floor»;
  2. Sberbank-AST CJSC;
  3. RTS OJSC;
  4. CJSC Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange;
  5. State Unitary Enterprise "Agency for the State Order of the Republic of Tatarstan".

Any electronic document is assigned a legal status, which is based on an electronic digital signature within the selected site. EDS is issued within five working days by a certification center, the list of which can be found on the site's website. Any company has the right to register as a customer or executor.


The electronic trading platform allows you to make purchases much faster, saving time without spending money on advertising.

To carry out an online operation on a website, standard software is used that can secure digital certificates, private EDS keys, and ciphers. Software users, using Russian identifiers, protect the database from unauthorized use of information.

Increased security is provided for federal databases. Read what is

Need to draw up a commercial proposal for the supply of goods? See sample

The standard tax deductions in 2019 have changed slightly. Find out how much they amount,

Earnings on tenders: is it profitable?

Participation in tenders has become a daily reality, so many companies regularly participate in them and receive substantial profits from tenders. But it should be borne in mind that not all tenders meet expectations. The ability to distinguish an honest tender from a false one, a profitable government tender from a losing one, which simply takes time and effort, ensures the company's success in advance.

The result of a successful operation is a profitable contract, the creation of a certain image of the company. Otherwise, experience is gained, so you need to take part, being well prepared, calculating the likely benefits.


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