Словарь предпринимателя: business development. Кто такой Business Development Manager? Знания и навыки

    Business Development Manager - Business Development ist die Weiterentwicklung einer wirtschaftlich ausgerichteten Organisation. Die im Business Development angewandten Techniken umfassen u. a. die Bewertung von Marketing Chancen und Absatzmärkten, die Geschäftsanalyse von… … Deutsch Wikipedia

    Ohio Business Development Coalition - The Ohio Business Development Coalition (OBDC) is a nonprofit trade association that encourages businesses to move to or stay in Ohio, United States. It is funded with a combination of public and private sector funds. The stated primary objective … Wikipedia

    manager - noun 1 controls an organization/part of an organization ADJECTIVE ▪ assistant, deputy ▪ junior (esp. BrE), middle, mid level (AmE) ▪ senior, top … Collocations dictionary

    Business to Arts - is the leading body in Ireland concerned with developing creative partnerships between the arts and business communities. Established in 1988 under the name Cothu, the organisation is currently celebrating its twentieth anniversary.Charitable… … Wikipedia

    Business process improvement - (BPI) is a systematic approach to help an organization optimize its underlying processes to achieve more efficient results. The methodology was first documented in H. James Harrington’s 1991 book Business Process Improvement. It is the… … Wikipedia

    Business acumen - is a concept pertaining to a person s knowledge and ability to make profitable business decisions. Originating within corporate learning and development circles, Charan, Ram. }

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