Who can work in 30 years. It's never too late to change your profession

It is reasonable to choose or change a profession at the age of 30 in 2 hours. What profession is right for you, career guidance 30+.

There are quite a few people in the world who, by the age of 30, have not yet decided on a profession. They hang out in different areas of the restless. There are many who have chosen a profession, but made a serious mistake. The fact is that they did not choose the profession themselves, but went where their mother said or where the USE points allowed. At the age of 30, consciousness began to wake up and they asked the question: what profession suits me?

Choosing a profession at 30

It is not surprising that it is at the age of 30 that the first agonizing desire to change the field of activity appears. This is a time of personality crisis. New needs have grown, but it is impossible to satisfy them with old tools. This means we need new tools for a new profession.

New needs

New needs are, first of all, needs in sense, and then in working conditions, in greater or lesser risk, in comfort, in working with that, not this object, with these, and not those people, finally, in money. At the age of 30, when you are no longer in a kindergarten, not at school, not at an institute and have even tried professions - you have risen to a certain height from which you can survey your past and future. And now that you are 30 years old and stand on this summit, you can choose.

Which profession to choose?

You need to understand this thoroughly, to separate what you want from the generally accepted. Happiness at work never lies on the roads everyone walks. You have to look around you and inside yourself and find something special.

Career guidance: how to choose a profession at 30

You are a man or a woman, but all the same - at the age of 30 and change the profession, and choose it for the first time, and meaningfully - you can with great success. What should be done for this? First, of course, think over the options that suit you, think over the criteria by which you choose. The most difficult. But there are vocational guidance specialists: they know the profession and they are also psychologists.

In ProfGid, this work is done in 2 hours. How we do it -. As a result, together with a vocational guidance specialist, you will choose one profession that pleases you, with the help of it you will be able to earn decent money, you will have a clear picture of the future, a plan for several years, you will receive materials about your chosen profession and a list of good educational institutions (courses).

One life, be happy!

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Change of profession, I want to change profession, how to change profession at 30-40 years old for a woman, psychologist about how to change profession, how to change profession for a man at 30-40 years old. Psychologist's blog.

Many believe that changing jobs, professions, city or even country, life will sparkle with new colors, and old problems will evaporate, as if they did not exist. This is an illusion, and it shatters to smithereens pretty quickly, because you can't run away from yourself, no matter how hard you try. People who tend to use the zeroing strategy often exhibit avoidant behavior, are reluctant to solve problems, or are looking for easy ways to overcome existing difficulties.


Of course, there are situations when it is really useful to find a more suitable place of work or another profession where you can maximize your self-realization. However, if you notice that you are stepping on the same rake, situations are repeated, you should listen to yourself: what is your role in creating these problems? What do you want to run away from once again?

It must be remembered that a career change is not a cure for all problems. If you are unhappy with your relationship with your partner, your income level, if your life seems insipid to you, and the world is seen in black and white, you should tackle these issues first of all, determine how you can change the situation for the better, what to add or remove from your life, how to color it and make it bring more satisfaction and joy.


Below I consider several typical situations and I give recommendations:

1) " I got bored, I studied my profession up and down, and it no longer inspires me". This perception is explained by two reasons: either your interests and priorities have changed, and this activity has lost its former meaning for you, or you do not see further development in your profession, and it seems to you that you have reached the ceiling. In the first case, you should think about changing your profession, and in the second, take a closer look at successful colleagues, explore the real prospects in your work.

Let's say you work as a makeup artist, you have clients, a stable income, but the passion for this occupation is gone. Will you be inspired by the goal of becoming the best makeup artist in your city? And in the region? It is possible that the love for the profession will return if you become a star in your business, set a goal to go beyond the boundaries that you have created for yourself, see new horizons and get real recognition in the profession.

2) " I like my profession, but it is low-paid "or" it is easier to make money in another profession". It is worth checking to see if your assumptions are correct. Our vision is often limited by our own experiences and the beliefs of our environment. Research relevant vacancies on job search sites, what is the real maximum income in your profession. Perhaps you just need to change jobs? In addition, it is worth remembering that if it was easier for your friend to increase his income in his chosen profession, which you are now looking at, this does not mean that everything will be the same for you.

3) " My profession is not prestigious, I want something more status". Of course, you can change your occupation to a more popular one in society, but does this guarantee success in this business, satisfaction with what you will be doing? More than once I have heard from clients that both the profession is prestigious and wage wonderful, but does not bring joy, because the interests lie in another area, the activity does not correspond to personal values, so it turns out that outwardly self-realization is there, but the person is unhappy.

4) " I never liked my profession". If you made a choice in favor of this type of activity in order to please your loved ones, or because it was easier to enter this specialty at the university, or because this profession seemed prestigious and highly paid to you, then it is time to seriously think about finding a new occupation, and finally choice in favor of yourself.


For the reasons listed, it is worth changing the profession, if your interests and values \u200b\u200bhave changed, you really have reached the ceiling in your activity, and it has lost its special meaning for you, you have been trained or tried yourself in another profession, and you liked it, or you realized that the choice of your current profession was wrong and does not allow you to fulfill your potential.

It is very important that a new occupation for you is not only interesting, but gives you the opportunity to reveal your talents and abilities, so that your uniqueness, what makes you different from others, is reflected in this profession.


Another problem that you often have to face when changing your profession is resistance from loved ones, their rejection of your plans, and sometimes open obstacle. Parents who at one time paid for tuition or consider your profession prestigious and reliable in terms of employment, a spouse who does not want to endure time constraints in finances or is sure that nothing will work out for you, friends who do not understand why you are leaving well paid work, or maybe relatives who are used to borrowing money from you and are worried that they will not have this opportunity anymore.

In any case, it is important to convey to loved ones the reasons for your choice, give good reasoning, let them know that you value their contribution and care for you, and ask them to give you a chance to make your own decision. After all, you have the right to make mistakes, this is a valuable experience that will help you in life. You should not immediately quit your current job and go nowhere, make sure, find a new job, get an education, and, if possible, work experience (part-time employment). Prepare for the change thoroughly - this will strengthen your position in conversation with loved ones and increase the chances of their acceptance of your choice.

It can be helpful to raise the issue of the quality of life, that unloved work is unlikely to make you happy, it will affect your mood and your relationships with others. And do not forget that you are an adult, a free person and have the right to make independent decisions.


Finally, the main question that clients most often come with is how to decide on a change? How do you find the courage and jump into the unknown? As mentioned above, the more you prepare for a career change, the less stressful the transition will be. In this matter, I would like to pay special attention to its psychological aspect.

What's the hardest part about changing your profession?
Most often, this is not knowing what activity will find the greatest response in your heart and will correspond to your values, as well as the normal human need to maintain constancy, the usual way of life. Ignorance of one's interests and abilities, low self-esteem, lack of faith in oneself, as well as the obligatory loss of stability and the need to leave the comfort zone stops a good portion of people and forces them to continue working at their unloved work.


1. Identify what scares you the most about the upcoming change of activity. Check to see if these fears are justified, are you exaggerating the scale of the tragedy if you fail, are you trying to create a long list of excuses, in other words, are there signs of avoidance behavior?

2. What resources can you use, what to rely on on the way to the desired change? What skills, abilities and knowledge of yours can be useful in a new profession, what experience can you use for an easier start? Who can I contact for help and support? Do you have a financial safety net for the first time?

3. What do you need to change your profession? Can you yourself identify your interests, inclinations and abilities or is it worth contacting a specialist? What kind of education do you need to get and where is it better to do it? What experience is important to gain and how long will it take to become a profession? How realistic are your expectations of yourself and your new activity?

4. Think of situations when you took a step into the unknown despite fear, doubt and uncertainty. Write down these valuable experiences, including the benefits you gained by making the decision to change. It will serve you as a good support and a reminder that we always feel fear and uncertainty when we do something new, this is normal, but at the same time you are able to act and achieve goals.

Anyone can have a desire to change their profession. A person makes this decision if he is not satisfied with his job. Neither age nor lack of experience in the chosen field of activity will interfere with the implementation of the plan. The main thing is that the person has motivation. You need to properly prepare for a profession change.

The main desire to change the field of activity

Reasons for changing jobs

It happens that a person has been working in the same company for more than five years and suddenly realizes that he has chosen the wrong profession. His duties annoy him. He hates everything he does and feels tired.

Team relationships can be one of the reasons.

Such a person does not have time to do anything: it is difficult to combine work with family. He still remains in his position, but is already beginning to actively seek a better option.

Reasons why people want to change career guidance:

  1. Bad microclimate in the team. Respect, mutual understanding, and friendly relations are lacking. Often these are women's groups. There are conflicts between two employees or a group conspiracy. A struggle of several working groups is possible.
  2. Difficult relationships with superiors. A quarrel arises from the unsuitability of an employee or a failure to fulfill duties. It happens that conflicts arise out of personal hostility. Then the boss cannot fire the employee, but he does everything so that he leaves of his own free will.
  3. Failure to realize your full potential. This feeling arises when a person works in one place for a long time. It seems that the employee is not developing. There is no career growth, there is not enough knowledge and opportunities to improve their financial situation. Then it is better to look for an option that will suit the employee.
  4. Low salary. A person's standard of living depends on how much he receives. Therefore, everyone wants to have a high-paying job. Some manage to move up the career ladder and receive a decent salary. Others change their profession to a higher paying one. It is not so important whether the work is interesting or not. The main thing is decent wages.
  5. Emotional burnout. Interest in work disappears. A person is not happy about anything. He feels bad: headaches appear, he becomes irritable, passive. If you notice signs of burnout syndrome in yourself, you need to urgently change your job. The condition may worsen - depression develops.
  6. Lack of career opportunities. This is what happens with students. They work as bartenders, waiters, salespeople and understand that they cannot develop their skills. I want to be an employee of a prestigious company, and not live on a tip.
  7. Physical trauma. The man was a successful athlete with a good career. After an injury, he cannot stay in big sports. Therefore, you will either have to work as a coach, or change your field of activity.
  8. Parents force their children to get a profession they don't like. As a result, the child feels that he wasted 4-6 years on education. Subsequently, he will receive additional education and find a job to his liking.

Job change based on age

Anyone can change career guidance at 18, 30, and 55. The main thing is that there is desire and strength.

Age from 18 to 30 years old

It is easy for young people to change their profession. The easiest way is to get an internship at a company. But you need to be ready to work hard and learn.

Best age to find your favorite job

You can limit yourself to an internship in a domestic or international company. More ambitious young people with excellent knowledge of a foreign language take risks and go to another country. The risk is small: university graduates do not yet have a family - it is easier for one to find a job in a foreign country, parents will always help.

Psychologists say that it is useful for people from 25 to 30 to get a new job. This will give strength and inspire achievement. Finding a profession that is enjoyable involves working on yourself. Who I am, what I want, where I am going - the answers to these questions will help determine the job.

Age from 30 to 45 years old

After thirty, changing profession is harder. People are stopped by the lack of experience and knowledge in a new field. It will be difficult, but master new profession is quite real.

Getting a new job without experience is harder, but possible

Most employers refuse young mothers. They believe that women will not be able to fully work - they will often go on sick leave or ask for leave.

  1. Be positive about your job search and be energetic. It is necessary to convince the recruiter that experience is not the main criterion for recruiting. The desire to learn, develop and become a professional plays an important role. This is a characteristic of a motivated job seeker.
  2. Pass the vocational training... Most often, these are retraining or advanced training courses, which last about three months. It is even better if it is part-time or part-time training. Change after him professional activity it won't be difficult. Training can be combined with the main job.
  3. Prepare for your interview. Trends are changing, and the questions asked when they were hired five years ago will no longer be relevant. You need to prepare answers to various questions. The main one is what is the reason for the change of profession? No need to lie, it's better to tell the truth. Most recruiters take this as a sign that a person is ready to change and is internally motivated.
  4. Don't count on high salaries right away. Start small. Active development and progress are the key to a successful career.


There are retirees who do not want to rest. They want to master new professions and develop. They will not be hired to a prestigious company or a high position, but it is not necessary to go to work in an office.

Works not related to loads are suitable

Often retirees start to be creative. They conduct excursions, paint pictures to order. Women embroider or knit warm clothes. Men repair cars or work as taxi drivers. It is important that the profession is not associated with manual labor.

Change of office job to freelance

It happens that the work in the office is bored. Wake-up calls at 7 am, not always pleasant people in the team and a strict boss - all this causes stress.

Some people continue to live like this and complain. But there are those who are not afraid to take risks and experiment. With the development of information technology, there are more opportunities to earn money. One of them - remote work, or freelance. This is work from home at a certain time. The task of freelancers is to do work with high quality, deliver it on time and be in touch. The employer does not care if the employee has small children, how old he is and where he lives.

Among the most popular professions are copywriters, rewriters, SMM-specialists, web designers, website developers, administrators of social media pages. A freelancer must be self-organized.

This activity is suitable for young mothers on maternity leave and students. Mastering the profession is not difficult. The main advantages: no need to leave the house, free schedule, payment immediately after order execution, etc.

  1. You need to keep a "diary of dissatisfaction." Every day, write down what and who does not suit you. It is advisable to do this in detail. This will help to understand why the employee does not like the profession and what should not be in the new place of work.
  2. You need to evaluate your skills, abilities, knowledge. It is better to write them down: what a person manages to do efficiently and without much effort, and what is not easy to do.
  3. Brainstorm. Before sending your resume to another company, you need to consider your own prospects. Will the employee be able to develop, change their activities, travel, etc.
  4. Narrowing the circle. There are those who know exactly what field they want to work in. I would like to try my hand at different directions. Such searches new job can drag on for a long time and become ineffective. Therefore, recruiters advise to narrow the range of desired professions to 3-5. It is desirable that they be contiguous.
  5. Study of information. A good solution is to chat with people who are desired position... They will tell you about the nuances that will help you make the final decision and start working in a new place. You can read interviews with representatives of the professions in question.
  6. Volunteer work. When a person decides on a work area or company, you can send a request for an internship. It is important to clarify that the person agrees for two weeks - a month to work for free as a volunteer. Practice is the best indicator of whether a choice is right.

Experts advise to actively engage in self-development. There are beginners with no work experience, but with good theoretical knowledge. It is important to be competent in your chosen industry. One method is to take courses. Getting higher education is a long process, and courses last no longer than 6 months.

It is worth attending seminars for specialists who have achieved significant success in their activities. You can read tutorials. Listen to webinars online or recorded. They often provide presentations with the most significant ideas for a speech or topic discussed.

Changing your job is easy. You need to decide on this step. Pass retraining or start training from scratch. The main thing is the presence of motivation, strength and desire.

People of any age can change vocational guidance - from 18 to 65 years old. You don't need to do things that are annoying and stressful. You need to love your job, and it will bring a good income!

Sometimes life looks well-arranged - there are children, a usual job, a loving husband, but there is no feeling of happiness. In this case, it is worth considering whether this profession has been chosen as the work of a lifetime. Such reflections lead to the emergence of natural questions, for example, where to go to study in 30 years for a woman? And at first glance, it is difficult to answer immediately.

Reasons for changing jobs after 30 years

Even after 35 years, you can start your professional career from scratch. However, women are afraid of the opinions of others, they believe that they will be condemned. It is important to remember that the reasons for changing jobs are different and are not subject to discussion by outsiders.

Young girls often start working just to earn money. In this case, there is no need to talk about the work of a lifetime. By the age of 30, a decision is made to change the place of work, because it often does not bring moral satisfaction, although there are happy exceptions.

When choosing a profession in high school, it is difficult to decide what you want to do all your life. Then the parents make the practical choice for the child. So at the age of 30 comes the understanding that you are not living your life.

Some professions may become obsolete because technologies are developing. It is difficult in adulthood to realize that mechanisms can do better work, the study of which has been devoted so much time and effort. Along with this reason, there is a decree, leaving which the young mother realizes that she no longer has a place in the company.

Changing priorities is often the reason for a change in the once favorite job. After 35 years, a person can understand that, due to a busy schedule, little time was devoted to children who are in a hurry to grow up, relationships with a soulmate are bursting at the seams and their own health is neglected. In this case, career and high salary recede into the background.

30 years is a milestone at which priorities are being revised. A change in direction of activity is an informed decision that is difficult to make and is discussed at family council... At 20, we easily choose a profession, start a relationship, go to study in a foreign city, because whole life ahead. But how to change profession at 30?

Is it true that the field of activity is bored - the first thing to find out. This may be fatigue, unwillingness to work for low wages, underestimation by the management. Such problems are solved by changing jobs, extraordinary leave or advanced training.

If the job still does not suit you, you cannot blame yourself for the wrong choice in the past. Self-flagellation only hinders movement along the steps of self-development.

The next stage is the selection of a new sphere. It is important to study everything to the smallest detail so as not to make mistakes again. To do this, it is useful to read feature articles, forums and communicate with representatives of the profession. Having made the final decision, you cannot cut off the ends with the old work in an instant. It is important to maintain friendships with colleagues and superiors, because connections are an essential resource. They can also help with new employment.

Employers are rarely enthusiastic about newcomers in their field. Do not worry, it only interferes, you need to be confident and remember that behind your back is the baggage of life experience and knowledge, even if not on the wrong topic. In addition, there is an opinion that it is easier to educate a beginner than to retrain a professional. There are employers who adhere to this theory.

Where can you go to study?

Depending on the goals pursued, there are several options for acquiring a new education:

  • online courses;
  • offline courses;
  • distance learning at a university or college;
  • distance learning at a university or college;
  • independent study.

All methods, except for the last one, imply the possibility of obtaining an official document on education. This is an argument for the future employer, because without experience, a document is the only proof of qualifications.

It is advisable to study at the age of 35 in courses. They often last less than a year, which is convenient compared to lengthy university studies. But in the absence of higher education at this time, it is worth thinking about getting it, because its very presence is highly valued when hiring.

When choosing courses, you need to be guided by the reputation of the organization that conducts them. How employers react to the certificate depends on it. The same aspect affects the quality of the acquired knowledge, on which a woman's career depends. For example, many leading universities provide such services both online and offline.

You can independently study activities that do not need to be certified. For example, you can learn to quickly work on a computer, do handicrafts, cut, sew, etc.

The most promising areas for women to change their profession

When choosing whom to go to study, you should not neglect popular professions. Having learned on them, you can get a job in a short time, because there is a demand for specialists.

The most promising areas for women:

  • confectioner;
  • manicurist;
  • the hairdresser;
  • barista;
  • specialist in electronic warehouse accounting;
  • logistician;
  • florist;
  • accountant;
  • landscape designer;
  • interior designer, etc.

When considering how to change profession, it is useful to build on existing experience. For example, it is easier for an accountant to retrain as a logistician or storekeeper, because he knows how to structure information and work with numbers. Representatives of creative professions (architect, artist) can easily master such specialties as interior designer, florist, pastry chef, etc. They require a non-standard approach and the ability to fantasize.

The transition from a hobby to a profession

Often women reveal their talents during pregnancy and on maternity leave. Knitting, embroidery, cooking are little things that mom masters during this period.

Needlework can be beautiful and unusual, and the process can be enjoyable. In this case, the hobby can be transferred to the category of permanent earnings. Quality and personal style are the key to the success of this venture. It is important to constantly improve your skills through video tutorials, the help of familiar needlewomen, books. Materials must be of high quality, because the source of popularity is word of mouth.

A hobby is not necessarily handicraft. Knowledge of languages, travel, skiing and the ability to get on the bridge can also be a means of earning money. All this can be taught to others, or you can translate texts and write exciting articles about other countries. After 30 years, it is especially clear that knowledge has accumulated in areas other than the main job.

How to find a job that matches your hobbies? You need to interest those around you with your products or knowledge, friends and relatives often become the first clients who advise the service to their colleagues and acquaintances. In this case, organizational skills are important to start a business.

Change of office job to freelance

Every office worker wanted to change his job to freelance at least once in his life. This activity has a number of obvious advantages:

  • irregular working hours;
  • you can set the desired wages;
  • the scope of work is chosen by the contractor independently;
  • you can work from home;
  • the employee decides with whom to cooperate.

At first glance, the picture is rosy. But for the time being it is better to postpone the statement about leaving office work, freelancing has negative aspects as well:

  • time must pass from the start of work to a stable high income;
  • working from home relaxes and reduces productivity;
  • you need to be able to find a job on your own;
  • there are unscrupulous customers;
  • it is necessary to constantly improve in the profession.

For the transition to freelancing, it is important to have a cash cushion that will help keep you afloat in the beginning. Throughout the activity, it is necessary to adhere to a financial plan, which clearly allocates costs and takes into account the circumstances in which income instability will manifest. For example, health insurance will save you from financial ruin when you are sick.

At home, it distracts everything from relatives to dust on the table, so you need an office and a working atmosphere in it. In the absence of a separate room, a fenced-off work desk will do. Productivity directly depends on discipline, and, accordingly, earnings.

It is possible to safely change your job to freelance only if you have a business plan and a responsible approach. A significant advantage of this activity is the absence of age requirements.

Many women consider 30 years to be a kind of finishing line. You need to reach him with certain victories, and by this age you have to have a husband, a child and a stable, highly paid, as well as favorite job. What if it didn't work out with the latter either by 30 or even after? the site tells whether something needs to be changed and how to decide on radical changes in the profession.

Why is it worth changing your profession at the age of 30?

Only employers, relatives and often ourselves are wary of changing professions after 30. All the rest - psychologists, employment specialists - say that this is the best age to find a job to your liking and realize your potential.

Yes, it would have been easier at a different age. There is less risk and danger, we have no obligations and it seems that the whole life is ahead. However, from the position of an adult, it will be easier for you not to rush to extremes and not rely on emotions, but to make an informed decision about what you want to do and how to properly conquer a new sphere.

By this age, you have life experience, acquaintances. If you came running to the finish line with victory in the form of a loving husband, then you have protection and support. This is all that you could only dream of before. Therefore, after 30, it is high time to change your profession. You are less likely to make a mistake and more likely that now you will find something that you will be doing for a long time, fulfilling your needs.

30 is not a milestone

Who said that 30 years is a milestone? Many have made this number almost magical, as if everyone who passes it is being criticized from the outside. As if there is nothing good after that, so at 30 you can't change anything. Indeed, they say so, but not all and only sometimes.

Our life is cyclical and, according to experts, is divided into periods of 7 years. Therefore, from 28 to 40 years old, on the border of periods, most often there are moments when you need to make important life decisions. And this is not a sign of failure or failure in life, but a natural process of growing up and developing. Changing values \u200b\u200band outlooks inevitably leads to the fact that at this age we change partners or profession. Did you know that 34 is the most common second marriage age for women?

Therefore, take what is happening as a natural need of your mind, heart and soul. You grow out of old dresses and buy new ones. The same is happening now. Only on a different level.

Do I need to change profession?

Change of profession after 30 years

It's one thing to leave one place of work for another and there to trump your experience and work skills gained over the years. And it is quite another to go nowhere and look for a job from scratch, like a twenty-year-old university graduate. This is definitely a serious decision.

The most important thing is to separate the wheat from the chaff and not confuse the real need with something else. For example, with elementary fatigue from the old job, with undervalued in the current workplace, with low earnings. All this can be solved by other methods: rest, change of workplace, professional development, reorientation within the same sphere.

To determine if you should change your field of activity and profession, answer either “Yes” or “No” to the following 10 questions:

  1. At your current job, you have reached the “ceiling”: there is nowhere to strive for higher with your knowledge, skills and education.
  2. Every working day is torture for you. Even an interesting job seems monotonous, gray and boring to you.
  3. You are often in a bad mood because of your work.
  4. This is your first serious job after graduating from college or college.
  5. You have a dream to do something else.
  6. Your education was chosen unconsciously. You followed the decision of your parents, fashion, or at that age you had no other wishes.
  7. You do not feel fulfilled in your work, but you do not see prospects in your current place and in the current field.
  8. Your industry has an age limit and you are approaching the border.
  9. Your area of \u200b\u200bwork involves a lot of workload, and you feel that your employment does not allow other important areas for you to develop: family, children, hobbies.
  10. The sphere of your work is beginning to decline due to many factors, it becomes more and more difficult to earn money there.

If you answered “Yes” to 5 questions or less, then you should consider changing something in your current job. It can be a place or a form of activity. You can change your job for someone else, for example.

Answering “Yes” to 5 or more questions means that you need to change your profession now. The way out of the working impasse now exists only on a different level, in a different work. Better to find another, real door than trying unsuccessfully to paint it on the wall of a dead end.

How to change profession after 30 with minimal losses for yourself?

Stop self-flagellation
Stop berating yourself for the past “mistake” - the wrong job choice. You didn't have any mistakes, it was your experience. You don't know how much happiness may await you in the near future. So let go, otherwise it will weigh on you all the time until you find a new field of activity.

Don't leave work one day
Sometimes you really want to quit everything, sign up for courses, start a new life. But you could have done this when you were 20, and now is the time to make informed decisions. Your old connections at work will still be useful to you, so leave work smoothly, while maintaining good relations with everyone to the maximum. It is not known when these people will be useful to you.

Learn new

Change of profession after 30 years

To make sure that your decision is correct, they say, you need to sleep with him overnight. But a decision of such a global nature is better to bear longer. Take your time to sign up for courses or get an education, investing all your savings in it. Find out, get interested, communicate on the forums. If the sphere permits, do some exercises yourself, complete tasks. In other words, go as far as you can without getting a new college education. You yourself will understand when the time comes to leave your old job and start studying at an institute or courses.

It is always difficult for beginners to break into the experienced worker market. This applies to all areas of activity. Employers do not always like to hire those who pass in the status of a beginner in adulthood. Your trump card now is a fresh look at things and skills acquired earlier. If the employer is looking for a person to join the team, and not just a performer of a certain function, he will definitely pay attention to you. After all, labor market specialists have long been saying that it is easier to teach an adequate beginner than to re-educate a professional.

What is important to remember

Everything old remains with you
You do not forget your skills, your education remains with you, and if you wish, you can always return! A person who develops and was once not afraid to leave and learn something radically new will be respected by many employers.

There are no voids in nature
It only seems to us that we are going nowhere. But then new people, new opportunities, new tasks are attracted to us. There is no emptiness in nature, everything is necessarily filled. Therefore, the more you understand a new area, the more you will strengthen here.

Once you try, you get a chance
We change something only because of discomfort. And the process of change is rarely fearless and smooth. Therefore, by trying now, you get the chance to get rid of the discomfort and finally get the desired job satisfaction. And if you don't decide, you don't get it.

If you nevertheless decide to change your profession, then remember that it only now seems scary to you. Assess everything from a 3 or 5 year perspective. After all, somehow it will still be. You will not allow what you do not want. Do not forget that you also studied the current job, started from scratch and made mistakes. It's just that her time has passed, and now it's time to open new doors for yourself.


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