Everything seems uninteresting. Life seems meaningless

Each of us can remember such a state soulsthat the whole world seems gray, and life is meaningless, when you do not want to do anything and talk to anyone. Usually at such moments in life, many people think that if they were beautiful, rich and successful, then everyone would love them and they would feel happy. However, good looks, fantastic bank accounts and popular fame do not bring a person a sense of life satisfaction.

Happy man can only be if he grows as a person, benefits other people and feels loved c. Despite their accomplishments, the rich also cry. They are more prone to stress and various diseases. Wealth, beauty and fame are not able to satisfy the spiritual needs of a person, they inevitably lead to feelings of envy, jealousy, rivalry and wrong behavior towards loved ones. Therefore, those who believe that no one and nothing can cheer him up, since he does not have a lot of money and the opportunity to look gorgeous, are deeply mistaken.

The most terriblewhat you can do in a bad mood is to break out on your loved ones, accuse them of ruining your life and making it meaningless. You should not feel sorry for yourself, cry over your bitter fate and look for the guilty. Thus, you will attract more attention to yourself, but you will not be able to improve the attitude of others towards yourself. This will not improve your mood, and those on whom you have taken your anger will have a very unpleasant opinion of you. There are always chances of winning in a fight with blues and loneliness, everyone has their own. If fate takes something from you, it will definitely open another door. You just need to know which door to enter so that everything around you shines with bright colors again. Learn to be strong and self-reliant so that you don't succumb to adversity and don't let a bad mood darken your life. If you are bored and lonely, tired of life, and it seems so meaningless to you, try to follow our tips:

1. Take a walk in the park or forest... When was the last time you were out of town or in the park? It doesn't matter what time of year it is. Try to postpone all business, surf the Internet and give yourself at least an hour to become one with nature. Move away from the noise of the city and go deeper into the grove. From time immemorial, people have known that trees can return vital energy to us. Find a tree that pleases the eye with strength and power. It can be oak, pine, linden or poplar. Move closer to him, hug him and close your eyes.

Within a few minutes you will feel the life force returning to you. When walking between trees, try to think only of the good moments of your life and thank fate for what you have now. In your imagination, draw a life in which you could be happy. Dream and mentally list your desires. Scientists have long proved that by sending impulses into the universe, a person can achieve the fulfillment of his desires. If a picture of the life you dream about constantly stands before your eyes, then with your energy you will certainly attract positive emotions and happiness to yourself.

2. Do something useful... Playing sports or interesting work helps to distract from a bad mood. All household chores - washing windows, cleaning, rearranging furniture - perfectly release the flow of positive energy and help you forget about what caused your mood loss. At the same time, it is very important to choose the type of activity, the result of which will surely please you. If you decide to go in for sports, do only those exercises that are enjoyable and do not lead to a breakdown. You can sign up for a gym or some courses that will give you new skills and knowledge. They will help you build up your self-esteem and drive away your dull mood.

3. Give yourself a gift... Bad mood is most often due to the monotony of life. A person works a lot, tries to provide a decent life for himself and his family, but the results of his labor do not please him. It seems to him that those close to him do not appreciate him and do not respond to him with gratitude. A vicious circle can unsettle even a successful and wealthy person. During such periods of life, you must definitely stop and please yourself with gifts. Go to a beauty salon and change your image. Go for a trendy hairstyle or visit the spa. Shopping will also help to cheer you up. Even if you don't buy yourself an extravagant dress, coming to the store and seeing beautiful things, you will at least be distracted from bad thoughts. You can also please yourself with a portion of your favorite dish. For example, ice cream with pieces of chocolate or exotic fruits.

4. Watch a movie or an interesting program... Laughing sincerely while watching a movie or TV program helps to release the "joy" hormones that instantly lift your mood. Of course, you need to watch interesting, not heartbreaking melodramas.

5. Learn to relax... The most common cause of a bad mood is lack of sleep and rest. Learn how to organize your day correctly, proper sleep relieves nervous tension and restores vitality. Taking a bath and going to a bath also helps to relieve the feeling of fatigue and relax.

Each person has their own meaning in life. His search is traditionally defined as a spiritual and philosophical problem, the essence of which tends to determine the purpose of the existence of each of us. If we think more globally, then to the destiny of all mankind. It is important. And if life has lost its meaning, then something worse is unlikely to happen.

About the problem

This usually happens during depression. Although most often it is the loss of the meaning of life that causes this condition. During which you do not want anything. A person is depressed, he does not feel joy, does not show interest in anything, constantly feels tired. His speeches are pessimistic, he does not want and cannot concentrate, sometimes he thinks about death or suicide, he constantly sleeps or does not do it at all. And most importantly, it is a sense of worthlessness, accompanied by a sense of fear, anxiety, and even guilt.

Life has lost its meaning ... How much pain there is in this phrase. And what is the problem with? With a lack of what a person needs the most. For some, this is a job and an opportunity to make a dizzying career. For others - a loved one, a joint pastime, tender feelings and passion. For the rest - a family with a bunch of children. For someone else, the meaning of life is immense wealth. For others, it is an opportunity to travel and develop. There can be countless examples. But it all comes down to one simple truth. Fortunately. Yes, this is the meaning of life - to be happy. Or, as they say, to be in a state of complete satisfaction with the conditions of one's existence and being. This is the meaning of life. This phenomenon, by the way, is being actively studied by occultism, theology, psychology and philosophy.

Eternal search

It's a paradox, but many people understand that life has lost its meaning during ... attempts to find it. Such cases are not uncommon. Indeed, people who constantly think about the meaning of life are the most unhappy. They are actively trying to know their desires, their own character and themselves. And many are not satisfied with the notorious answer to the eternal question, which assures that the meaning lies in happiness.

And then a person tries to find it in esoteric, philosophical and religious teachings, which, of course, do not give a clear answer to this question. Therefore, a person begins to look for it in music, literature, lyrics, and even natural sciences.

And in the vast majority of cases, disappointment comes to him. He seems to have everything that is needed for a fulfilling life - a job, close people, friends, a second half, a good salary. But it doesn't make sense anymore. Because the person was convinced: everything is ashes. And slowly but surely he loses interest in everything. He begins to experience headaches, fights insomnia, and experiences chronic fatigue. And it's very difficult to live like that. Attempts to distract themselves begin. In the best cases, a person is fond of computer games. At worst, he is drowning in alcohol and drugs. The worst consequence is suicide. In general, the most real depression.

What to do?

If life has lost its meaning, then do it For the first time, the turning point, so to speak, it is permissible. But then you need to act. Either yourself, or at the suggestion of someone close and not indifferent. Many turn to psychologists. Of course, there are effective tips. But there is no one-size-fits-all recommendation that helps everyone equally.

So what if you lost the meaning of life? Start looking for answers. First, it is important to determine what is going on. After all, the essence lies not just in a bad mood, parting with a loved one or accumulated fatigue. The loss of the meaning of life cannot be compared to any sadness.

And we also need to remember that all of us are ruled by desires. And they need to be satisfied. What could be worse than not wanting something? If you do not satisfy your own spiritual needs, you cannot avoid unhappiness. And the void that needs to be filled. To begin to gradually get rid of hatred for yourself and your body, others and the world in general, you need to remember what a person has always wanted. Let's say, as an example, this is a trip to the sunny Dominican Republic, to the gentle sea. Through force, you need to re-ignite this desire. Start planning a trip, collecting things, picking up a hotel. There is a saying: "Appetite comes with eating." And in this case, too. The person will be inspired in the process. And the result will be the satisfaction of his main desire, which entails a sense of realization, self-sufficiency and pleasure.


Everyone knows that this is a research method, in the process of which the studied object is divided into separate parts for better understanding. Analysis is not just about mathematics, programming, and medicine. But also to the topic under discussion. What to do if you have lost the meaning of life? Analyze the current situation.

You need to evaluate your actions and identify mistakes. Nothing just happens. And the reason a person is on the brink also has roots. But the most important thing is that you should never judge yourself. Everything has already happened. What happened is gone. And now you need to find out why everything happened so in order not to repeat your mistakes in the future.

It is very important not to feel regret. This is a bad feeling, once again depressing a person. He must accept the moment as it is. And even in the most terrible, wild situation, try to find the pros. At least in the fact that life goes on. And in the long term there is a chance to succeed.

And even if a person has an incredibly difficult life, the story of which can cause tears in the hardest person in the Universe, you do not need to feel sorry for yourself for a long time. Yes, everything collapsed. Already the bottom, there is nowhere to fall further. Therefore, you need to rise. With difficulty, through pain and suffering. It can help to realize that the perception of everything around is just a matter of adjustment. Yes, it is easier to reason than to worry about everything, but the person himself will come to this conclusion when he gets out of a deplorable state.

Burst of emotions

If a person is overcome with the question "Why do I live?", Then it's time to get a nice clean notebook with a pen and turn it into a diary. This is a very powerful technique. And you can't underestimate him.

"And what should I write in it?" - sluggishly, but with a grain of salt, a depressed person will ask. And the answer is simple - everything. Absolutely anything. Thoughts can begin with any phrases and expressions - you do not need to structure and order them, because this is not an essay. A diary is a way to express your emotions. As a rule, a person who constantly asks the question “Why do I live?” Does not want to come into contact with anyone. And emotions accumulate. So it's better to reflect them on paper. Over time, this will become a habit. And then a person will notice that in his head, as on paper, there is no longer such a confusion that was observed at the very beginning.

And then in the diary you can begin to note the results of your work on yourself. Is someone stopping you from sketching a small plan for the future?

By the way, when you feel better, you need to find something to your liking. It is not for nothing that they say that a person is alive while he is interested in living. You need to find a hobby that would not only bring pleasure, but also instill at least minimal optimism and joy. Maybe start raising parrots? This will be a great idea, because everyone knows that our smaller brothers give unlimited positive, joy and help to pass life's tests. After all, they infinitely love their master. And love gives us strength.

Who do you need to live for?

People, having fallen into powerlessness and tired of looking for the reasons why they were on the brink, begin to ask this question. Look for the cause from the outside, so to speak. Some forcefully begin to live for a loved one, parents, beloved pet or children. Maybe it helps. But the key phrase here is "through force." Because the problem that touched a person directly and in the most direct way remains unresolved.

You need to live for yourself. Selfish? Not at all. And even if it does, there is nothing wrong with healthy, productive selfishness. You need to stop thinking about what you can do for others. Finally, put yourself first.

By the way, this is often the reason. The fact that man has never lived for himself. He acted as is customary. Did what needed to be done. I tried to meet the expectations of my parents or my boss. I tried to comply with generally accepted standards, so that "everything is like people." Although deep down I wanted something completely different. And this realization usually comes at the moment when he stands on the edge. But there is no need to despair. We must remember that there is enough time for everything that you really want to do. This is true. Because desires always dominate time. And you don't need to wait - you need to start implementing them right away. And then questions about why life has lost its meaning will recede into the background.

Forget about everything

This is another effective method. He can help. Anyone - be it a man drowning in depression, or a woman who has lost the meaning of life. The psychologist's advice is this: you need to brush the past away from yourself. To forget him. Throw it out of memory forever. The past often pulls a person down, like a stone to the bottom of a river, tied to the leg of a drowned man.

All the bridges must be burned. Break contact with unpleasant people with whom the person was forced to communicate. Quit your hated job. Oppressed by the boss? So you can finally express to him in the eyes everything that has accumulated in the soul. Divorce a legitimate "soul mate", with whom there is no longer any chance of improving life. Move from a boring and hated city to another place. In general, we are talking about the beginning of a really new life. The one that everyone loves to talk about today.

And here's the most important thing: with the performance of each action, a person must pass through himself the realization that he is becoming a new personality. Not who he was. You can even reinforce this with visualization - change your appearance (haircut, hair color and contact lenses, image, tan, etc.). All of this may be taken lightly by some. But, again, it seems so only from the outside. After completing all of the above, the person will look around, look at himself in the mirror, and understand that he is already different. And he has no right to return to the old life.


When thoughts like, "What am I doing?" and “What am I doing with my life?” it's time to pause. Long-term desirable. In order not to completely get bogged down in despondency and not to fall into a real depression, it is necessary to urgently take a vacation, rent a house by the lake or in the forest and go there. A sharp change in the situation and unity with nature saved a considerable number of people.

What after? Then you will need to give yourself answers to the notorious questions "What am I doing?" and "What am I doing with my life?" Realize what exactly is causing the discomfort. Why exactly there is discontent and when did these questions actually arise? And then - to find a solution to the problems. Maybe find a new meaning in life. As a rule, people who took a break in time and dealt with the oppression that began to accumulate do not reach the edge and do not fall into a deep depression.

By the way, a break is not complete without planning for the near future and setting goals. They, like the meaning of life, should be in every normal person who wants to be an accomplished person. The goals do not have to be global (to buy a villa in Spain, change from Lada to Mercedes, engage in investment business, etc.). They must be feasible. And those for which I would like to wake up in the morning. It is desirable that the goals are long-term. Three is enough. Better to write them down in the notorious diary. It might look like this: “Goal # 1: Save a year for a vacation in Greece. # 2: Do a 5-minute exercise every morning. # 3: pull up english language to the conversational level. " Goals should motivate and set you up for positive life change. This is the main principle of their setting.

Help your neighbor

It is not easy for a person on the edge. But the depressive state that he is experiencing also affects people close to him, who begin to think: who has lost the meaning of life?

That's a very difficult question. There is no universal answer. It all depends on the individual psychological characteristics. What will help one, cannot bring another from depression.

One thing is certain. The chance to help a person is with someone who knows him well. A person who is perfectly familiar with the specific characteristics of his loved one can roughly guess what actions should be taken to make it easier for him. The main thing is to avoid standards that usually do not demonstrate anything but indifference, even if the person really wanted to help. These are phrases such as "Everything will be fine", "Don't worry, life will get better", "Just forget!" and so on. You need to forget about them. The man is faced with a problem: the meaning of life is lost, Not about any "Just forget!" out of the question.

So, you can quietly turn on his favorite music or TV series, bring his adored food and drinks, start talking about the topic that is most interesting to him. Little things? Perhaps, but at least a little, they will help return a person's taste of life.

Last day of life technique

This is the last thing I would like to talk about. When a person is depressed and no longer sees the meaning in his existence, it does not hurt him to think: what if this day of his life were the last? The thought of the imminent disappearance of all reality will cheer everyone up. Of course, when a person is alive and well, he has enough time for depression, sadness and discouragement. It sounds exaggerated, but it is. But as soon as he thinks about the fact that he has only 24 hours left, everything takes on a different meaning, not to mention that a rethinking of values \u200b\u200bis taking place.

And when there is no desire to exist, you should use this technique. Live the current day as the last. Perhaps after that, the desire to exist will flare up again.

Loss of meaning in life is the worst thing that can happen. And it would be better if no one went through this. But in any case, the most important thing is to hope for the best at heart. And to act. After all, as the great American writer Jack London said: "Man is given one life. So why not live it properly?"

Life seems empty and meaningless! What to do?

    It seems to me that it is necessary to make sense in life, to get married / get married, have children ... or if you are not ready for such a step, go to rest in another country, relax in body and soul, think about what you would like to get out of life, what you would like to do ... Get rid of depression. Good luck to you!

    I think this problem should be distracted from everyday life, from everyday problems ... If there is an opportunity to go somewhere to relax and try not to think about anything, but live today and enjoy life. Then, when you are ready, think carefully about everything, find solutions for the problems you are faced with and take everything easier. Remember: there are no hopeless situations - there are situations with unpleasant decisions, but there is always a way out!

    unfortunately, sports, travel, the birth of children and so on are just some distraction from the problem, the problem is inside, you can take a course from professional psychologists that will help you find the meaning of life and get rid of a depressive illness of the soul only a psychologist will help!

    And you can really get distracted by reading books, attending various courses, sports, women, children ...

    Try to spend more time not at home, but with friends or family. If possible, go and relax somewhere. Usually, after a change of scenery, a person begins to think differently. Go often to those places where you feel good and have fun. Whether it's a movie, a cafe, a nightclub. Meditation also helps with bad or negative thoughts. It is enough to completely relax once a day and listen to this or that meditation and you will begin to feel better, you will have inspiration. It is important to choose one or another meditation, so to speak, find your own .

    Boredom gives birth to death, and interest to life - says one of the leading business coaches in Russia Vlad Akishev. So, you need to interest yourself with something. If you are bored and do not see the point, it means that you have already tried everything that you have already done, you have become uninterested. Do something that you haven't tried - go on a trip, jump with a parachute, make love with a stranger, just buy sweets for kids in the garden or orphanage with your last money ... You can think of anything. The unknown will cause excitement, interest. You will be able to reconsider your worldview, principles, stereotypes, change your thinking and a spark will appear in you, which will make you go forward, live and enjoy life.

    i'll tell you one thing, let's stop letting such thoughts enter your head, it won't get you to the point, find a person with whom you are most pleasant to communicate, find a job that once attracted you and you abandoned it, develop physically it will definitely give you confidence))

    Each person is different. He must independently determine the meaning of his life, and not wait for someone else to tell him how and for what to live. Therefore, one can only advise: take your head in your hands and think, think, think. Since you exist in this Universe, it means that something is needed for something. No living creature is created for the meaningless expectation of its death. It should bring some benefit - this is the meaning of life. Imagine that several billion people are sitting on their sofas, doing nothing and just saying: we do not know what we live for. Would you like to get into their company? Others are also uncomfortable when you tell them: I don't know what I live for. The meaning of life is to benefit others, everyone can do this. The one who does not find his meaning in life, does not want to obey this objective law, he wants to live only for himself, but on this path there is no meaning in life.

    If there are children, then for them! And so love paints our life! you can go on a trip in a trailer or to some city you need to tell more interesting things in life!

    I understand you very well. I have such thoughts now. They tell me to do something, and I answer - what's the point? Then they answer me that the meaning is in the search for meaning or simply in living.

    And that's how you want to relax and lie down to the very bottom. When there is simply nowhere to fall further. And you start to pop up. It was so with me. But only each time the bottom turns out deeper and deeper. One may never emerge.

    It started after my faith in myself broke. I had such a belief that if you really really want to, everything can be achieved. And the very first obstacle that could not be broken broke me.

    But on the other hand, it must be said that this blues, more characteristic of a Russian person than others. This is from idleness and from the inner emptiness. We are Christians. We must believe in salvation and a future life. And then everything is not in vain. We must fight, save ourselves. So then ...

    I know that, but I'm just saying.

    It seems to me that I had a few happy years, and then it was taken away. And the world has changed. The feeling that we are rolling down somewhere. Protection and hope were taken away. It became cloudy and scary. Premonition of something. You close your eyes and don't want to open.

    You can go to a psychologist, but he is designed to heal the mind, not the soul. And the reason is in the soul. The neurologist will prescribe pills, but he will say that something needs to be changed in life. But there is no strength, no desire.

    I wish you good luck and that the dark streak ends and the white one comes.

    In the life of many of us, sooner or later, there are similar situations. What to do? One of the ways to overcome the period is active rest. Try joining a gym. Physical activity is the best way to relieve sad thoughts and make you think about the meaning of life. It is also worth trying hiking, mountaineering, etc. All sports, firstly, will raise your vitality, and secondly, they will give you a lot of new and interesting acquaintances.

    This is autumn and loneliness, there is no strength to look at the dull weather and no one shakes around. You can start something on your own when the race for survival begins. You can distribute all the property, leave the apartment in reserve and leave with a hundred rubles to a foreign city. Then, when there is nothing to eat, you will immediately find the meaning of life and what to live for.

    Or love someone. At least for the sake of variety in this life, try, and will there be enough intelligence, patience, cunning to captivate someone so that they could not live without you. And then maybe you yourself will get carried away. Treat life like a game. When it seems that at any moment you can stop and turn back. Play a little in life.

    I was somehow prompted such a way out of a similar situation. Just lie there and do nothing. Lie as long as your body requires. Don't rush him. It could be a day, a week ...

    Then the person gets tired of inaction and idleness. First thoughts, dreams, ideas arise. Then there is an irresistible urge to do what he has in mind.

    Re-read The Little Prince. Each person lives on their own planet. Everyone on their personal planet does what he likes or what he is used to or adapted to.

    Read how the Little Prince got up every morning ... Did he have huge goals? Or some special meaning in his ordinary life?

    He got up to put things in order on the planet, otherwise it could be in trouble ... In his case, the planet will be torn apart by baobabs. In our life, we just get bogged down in chaos and filth.

    What are the other inhabitants of the planets that Exupery describes?

    He describes us, people, each with his own world, that is, everyone on his planet.

    The most important thing for you now is not to despair. Pass this moment.

    Surely there are people who need you and who love you.

    Don't look for the meaning of life. The point is simply to have the strength to live. Live as possible, as it turns out. Better with pleasure and to the maximum.

    Only fill the void with what you like. So more enjoyment of life.

    To get started, do math. On one piece of paper write 1,2,3, etc., what bothers you and do not like in your life. On the 2nd sheet, what is there in your life that you like or just suit you. To say that everything is bad is emotion. If you concentrate, you will end up with a long list of both. On sheet 3, write down what needs to be done to reduce the negative points, i.e. a plan. Let it be unreal at first glance, write there everything from the smallest details to grandiose plans. This can be from calls of some kind, go through cosmetics and throw out unnecessary ones before the same dances, etc., that you are advised. Done - deleted from the list, remembered something new, sign. Put it on the table and refer to it more than once a day. You will be surprised how this works!

    This happens not only from boredom, but also from the absence of problems. When there is no one and nothing to worry about, a void arises that needs to be filled with something. It's good if there is a decent occupation that downloads brain and hands.

    By the way, it can appear on its own, practically out of nowhere.

    Mystically, immediately after boredom comes a lot of employment, when it's very bad - there is a light at the end of the tunnel, when it's great - some problems arise. In this way, nature restores balance. So wait, something will happen.))

    If you don't want surprises, it's best to start by yourself. Take a look around - maybe someone needs help, and physically.

    The best shake-up is to become a volunteer and go to nursing homes, orphanages, hospices. Your life will immediately become fulfilled and desired.

    It happens to every person. I would advise you to master new profession, or a skill, take some language courses. As for children, love for others - it's purely your business, but then where will you put them? Improve yourself, there is no limit to this. And you also need to take a course of good vitamins.

    Usually, this phenomenon comes from boredom and nothing to do. Keep yourself busy. With depressive conditions, playing sports helps. Particularly active sports: swimming, dancing, running. If this is not enough, then try to take all your free time. During the day work or study, in the evening doing sports. On weekends, you can do your favorite hobby, if you have one. You can go to some useful courses, there you will develop and communicate. Try so that you simply do not have time to be sad and reflect on the meaning of your life.

    It is necessary to communicate with those who are now worse than you. This is for a start.

    can give birth to a child? this is the main meaning in my life ... but you can fill your life with love for others and help those in need - when you help, you feel happy ..

    Well ... how, how ... you need to learn to fill it with meaning. And first, to understand the meaning of life in general. It only seems that the meaning of life is a completely incomprehensible thing. It is enough to observe not only human life and everything becomes clear. The meaning of life is to LIVE! It is joyful and comfortable to live. Search and find ways to live better and better. Everything that exists, no matter what it does, acts according to this meaning. And why is a person worse?

In my 20 years, I have not achieved anything in my life, did not set real goals, did not make important decisions. I played games, I especially liked one online game. At the age of 19, I got tired of it all As a memory bonus from this lifestyle, I got social anxiety. In the summer of 2011, just after I got tired of playing, life turned into hell. The fact is that when I was in the virtual world, I denied everything shitty that was in reality. It's like storing up trash in a closet. You don't see the garbage, but that doesn't mean it's not there. When I stopped playing, I had nowhere to hide from reality. I had to eat all this garbage (maybe not all), so life was hell. In the fall of 2011 he was taken to the army. It was cool in the army, even when it sucked, I remembered how I was at home in the summer, and it became much easier. I was hoping that the army would somehow help me to adapt or something, but hell there. You can't run away from yourself. I have no friends, no hobbies, no important goals. I'm just trying to learn, it seems to work, but I don't see the point in this. For a very long time I hoped for something that something would happen someday (which I never really imagined), and life would get better.
It is very important for a person that he means something in this world. I don't communicate with anyone, and this hunger for "significance" drives me crazy. I cannot look at everything without distortion. The future looks empty. So far, I see 2 options for an empty future: I study, get a diploma, get a job at good work, and I can support myself, or I give up the fuck and then everything is very very bad. But since I have no friends, no one to spend my free time with, it all seems unimportant. In general, all life seems unimportant, meaningless. I read articles about the meaning of life. Some say that life is a school, a means to achieve some goal at the time of death, something like a willingness to "move on." I would be glad to believe it, but blind faith gives nothing. All the same, everything will be the same. I feel stumped, I don't know what to do at all. I cannot contact people, I am afraid of social contacts. I've never had a girlfriend. I am even more afraid of them (and at the same time I hate them for ridicule (because from the outside I probably seem strange, because I'm nervous). And in general I consider myself unworthy of relationships with girls.
Everything would not be so bad, if only all the negative was not accumulated inside, as for example now, and I would not freak out, would not want to die.
Of course, I understand that all my "torments" are mental, but in reality nothing happens. But I have nothing to replace my thoughts with, nowhere to go from them, nothing to distract myself with. Such a perspective deprives all aspirations of meaning. Sometimes it happens that an idea comes to mind, but only in order to once again make sure that you will not run away from yourself
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unnamed, age: 03/20/2013


Your problem is that you have little information. Trust me, you live in your own world, from which everything looks like you wrote. I'll tell you rather darkly. If you think that a person who travels on a yacht on weekdays is writing to you, then you are greatly mistaken.
I just have information. When you go to the supermarket, you think you decide on your own what to buy? You choose from what was offered to you. If there isn’t something, you don’t even know it. And what you say about life is like a customer who has never been to a supermarket, but constantly goes to a small kiosk and buys bread, butter and a bottle of mineral water through the window. This is how you described life. Indeed, in such a situation, it is easy to believe that there are no cakes, ice cream and other goodies.
Do you want me to tell you my interests? I learned English, went to the USA, worked there, got to know the culture, I had very special DREAMS, I came back, learned to be a translator, went to a vocational school (!!!) and became an operator of numerically controlled machines. Now I make airplane parts on a huge CNC milling machine. At home, dreams haunt me. I want to fly light aircraft, I have supplied several professional programs related to CNC, as well as modeling volumetric models. I am fond of designing cars and modeling them on a computer (is it really boring?!?!), I play a small amount on the Eurodollar currency pair, study the economy for this, I am going to build a house for my grandmother myself, for which I have already bought land. I realize that I am still a small person on this earth, but I will never agree that life is boring. God created everything. You just let yourself be fooled.
I did not say about myself to brag, and there is nothing to brag about. I just told you how I see life.
And if I had money, I would travel, organize (or try) some business, keep people busy. Movement is the key. As soon as you stop, the picture changes ... everything fades. I wish you success!

Sympathy, age: 03/15/2013

Want some real advice? Will you do it? The fact of the matter is that we know how to be happy, successful, rich, but we do nothing, because we believe that we know everything, we consider ourselves so smart in general. And in order to learn something useful, you need to turn on a fool, such a fool who knows nothing, but is ready to learn. Are you ready to learn or are you looking for a way to prove to yourself that the world is shit? You already successfully prove it to yourself and suffer. In general, a person can prove anything. Boredom is actually a cover for fear.
My advice. Download akathists to MP3 and listen. Monitor your condition. Repeat each word as if passing through yourself. Just watch yourself. Just be extremely honest with yourself, don't lie to yourself. Just watch the body. Try it.

Elena, age: 40 / 03/15/2013

You can chat on gaming forums, you're good at this
Are you missing the importance?
a moderator or even an administrator of some
forum! And what? Experience you do not take, and there and friends
you will find.

From Flame and Light, age: 03/15/2013

It's a pity I didn't write my name. Guy you need;
follow the first path, that is, receive a diploma
and get a job. See you served in
army, and this is an advantage for working in
power structures. Everybody faces
communication problems, super-sociable
people are also a lot of problems.
Tell me it is easy for me to speak, but
no less, do not withdraw into yourself. In the Internet,
the sports section communicate with young
people with guys like you. And then
you will move on to chat with girls. You write
do they think you are weird? So look
adequate, which will understand you. All
Good luck to you from the bottom of your heart, don't hang your nose :-)

Family, child, big house dog, age: 03/15/2013

Hello, man)
Online RPG is our everything) I also played, about 5 years
back and played out ... dropped out of college
quarreled with her parents, the guy still left
me in an already difficult moment, closed in
yourself for a while. It was hard. Live in
the game was much easier and more interesting, I agree with
you. But I felt ashamed in front of my parents,
I abandoned this business ...
And again I agree with you about 2 options
the future. Only it is not empty, it is
future! You just have to wait! Can
it's wrong, of course, but I'm reassuring myself
the fact that we will always have time to quit everything ...
of course it's never too late) But be it
for example, a 40 year old freshman among 17
summer students, something does not appeal to me)
you? So let's learn)
And I already gave you great advice about communication
author with the nickname -From Flame and Light-. I support!)
Cheer up, boy! ;)

Cat, age: 22 / 16.03.2013

Hello! In fact, a lot has been done for twenty years. Overcome
computer addiction, made a choice in favor of real life. Not
surprisingly, everything did not work out brilliantly and magically at once. Yes
and in general it is hardly possible in life, the brilliance and lightness that
you see on the TV screen or in stories like "my story
success. "All good and good is always associated with work, effort,
hardships (a little later this is forgotten, but the results remain).
Then you served in the army. Paid debt, experienced difficulties, became
stronger than it was. Is it not enough?
Then you study and see yourself in the future at a good job (oh
how not immediately she will be found !! But there will definitely be !!) And again we need
will make an effort to do their job with high quality from day to day
day. Sometimes there is drive, sometimes boring.
No need to accumulate negative, that's for sure. There is nowhere to run from myself - this is
and there is. Your torment is "mental", not material,
sincere - clearly noted, I agree. You are a very intelligent person.
I just want to assure you to replace my negative thoughts
you can and should. Work on yourself, bring your soul into harmony
in oneself and the world, gradually changing views are not some things.
About the meaning of life. Life consists of concrete deeds and decisions. Can
to understand only the meaning of what has already happened. Can't be predicted
the meaning of what you haven't done yet. I studied at school - I realized that it is
gave (and if I had not unlearned, I would not have understood anything). Served in the army -
even if this did not solve all the problems, but there was a certain point in this
and there is, agree? So it is with everything else: institute, efforts at work,
helping others and so on, and so on
Here are the girls. Why, one wonders, is it somehow special with them
communicate ?! Doesn't pull you - and there's nothing to force yourself. Fall in love - then
you will definitely find a way to "contact". "Doesn't work", doesn't work -
it means not your lady, and your time has not come yet. Just
"making acquaintances" (for a set? for a tick?) is also not
ok i think. A person should like, attract, "sink"
into the soul, there must be a desire to communicate with him, otherwise really
no sense.
It looks like with friends. Do you really want to communicate ?! Who exactly
would you be interested, nice? Met such a person? Not? -
Wait for it to appear. Yes? - Go ahead, talk. You go to dinner - call with
yourself. You are looking for something in school - ask. You have something - offer it.
Share, help, help out. Worried about the future - find out what he thinks about
your future comrade. Strong friendships are not born overnight.
Years and years of attentive attitude, calls, sincere
congratulations on the holidays and much more. Do you have enough
desires? That is still unknown.
No one interesting for a long time? - so I didn't really want to,
Believe me, don't kid yourself. You don't have to communicate and be
sociable. Either like it or not. People are different. Sociable
a ratchet is no better than an introverted silent.
The hunger for "significance" is a banal vanity. I want you
noticed, appreciated, praised, singled out. Vain people are always not
calm, dissatisfied, annoyed, upset, etc.
But does a good person who does not stand out in any way stop
to be good?

Elena Ordinary, age: 37 / 03/16/2013

You know, I read your story and understood one thing. I am 21 years old, and I have not done anything in my life. No job, no family. There is nothing. All this makes you close in your little world, away from people. But reading your words, I thought that all my torment is a trifle compared to you. Why do you consider yourself unworthy. You will see you will have a girlfriend, there will be everything. Do not rush. Good luck to you.

A meaningless and empty life is when you don't know why you live. When life is not a bit of joy or pleasure. The worst part is that you don't understand what you really need. If you think about something that seems to be desired, then disappointment immediately sets in - you understand that the desire is false. This makes life completely bleak, despair appears - it seems that existence itself is meaningless. Why all this if there is neither joy nor desires?

Everything is constantly disappointing, and something is constantly missing. Why can't you live like everyone else: enjoy your family, friends, apartments, cars, career, music, films, books, self-development? Why is nothing interesting?

Carried away by the next training on success and self-development, you already know in advance that after the end of the course there will be another pit. The feeling that a meaningless and empty life is constantly returning.

Various psychologists say that this is normal, that you have to endure, accept yourself. But frustrations build up, and it seems that the sense of meaninglessness grows over the years. Is that how it should be?

Who is sick with the empty meaninglessness of life

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan reveals that people with a sound vector are most often susceptible to such conditions. These people have a large psyche, and any habitual pleasure in the material world often seems meaningless to them.

The sound vector unconsciously seeks to understand the meaning of life, to know who a person is and why he lives. With each new generation of people, these issues become more and more important and relevant, because the future of all mankind depends on their solution. That is why there is a growing number of people who are not satisfied with such simple universal human joys as family, children, work, love. This is why so many people suffer from terminal depression. Sound demands something more.

It seems that the sound vector is like a punishment, it's so difficult to manage it. But this is not the case. It is a gift to understand that intangible that we cannot touch with our hands - to present abstractions of new big meanings. Humanity can make new rounds of development only if it creates new ideas. It is impossible not to fulfill this requirement of evolution, just as it is impossible to cancel the loss of milk teeth in a child.

Therefore, the desire for knowledge of the meaning of life among sound people is growing. And the suffering from the lack of fulfillment of this desire is getting stronger. It is this unsatisfied desire to know oneself that makes life meaningless and empty.

What to do if you can't find the meaning

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan distinguishes eight vectors. Each of them is a pillar of the development of humanity as a species. Each vector has its own task. The sound vector is the largest in terms of volume. That is why for the owner of the sound properties of the psyche, the realization of sound desires is always dominant. This means that other desires will always come second. The lack of realization of the sound properties inherent in a person by nature will negatively affect everything: there will be no desire to work, communicate with family and friends, it may even happen that you do not want to wake up. If we realize the properties of the sound vector, then all spheres of life will improve.

True pleasure for a sound engineer is knowing yourself, the meaning of your life, knowing the hidden meanings of human existence. And also the transfer of such knowledge and ideas to others that contribute to the preservation and unification of humanity.

At Yuri Burlan's online training "System-Vector Psychology", people for whom life seems empty and meaningless begin to feel the value of their existence from the very first free lessons. People learn hidden things about themselves, other people and the world. And this makes life many times more joyful and happier.

«… I felt like a significant person on this planet. I realize that even if I don't see any results, I definitely somehow influence the lives of other people positively ...
… Opening an SVP is a very exciting experience. It's like climbing our Ural mountains: you see the top, you go to it, you think: here's another five minutes, and I will be standing on the top of the mountain! You crawl a hundred meters, and beyond this peak one more is shown, and then - the next, the next ... the end is not visible. Desperate, you crawl out of habit ... and after a while, suddenly! you discover that you have reached your goal ... you sit on the top, breathe incredibly clean air with a sweet rosemary flavor

Author Tamila Bulukova
Proofreader Valeria Starkova

The article was written using materials from Yuri Burlan's online trainings "System Vector Psychology"

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